Thursday, February 24, 2011

Birthday Cake Storage

29 Barcelona Salón del Manga! Tests

Hi everyone!

long time since I updated the blog, forgive me for it.

Today, I reported on the Salon del Manga in Barcelona this year.

will occur between 14 and 17 April (month of my birthday ^ ^, at Fira de Barcelona. PALACIO NUMBER 8.
Access will be by Avenida Reina Maria Cristina. The site of event will feature approximately 19,000 m2.

Thursday, 14 April: 10:00 to 20:00 h.
Friday, April 15: 10:00 to 21:00 h.
Saturday 16 April: 10:00 to 21:00 h.
Sunday 17 April: 10:00 to 20:00 h.


- General admission: 6 €
The entry will be available at the box office Comic.
Advance sales will be announced. The ticket will be valid only for one person and one day.

- Discount Admission: 4 €
card holders of any of the public libraries of Catalonia, the Carnet Carnet Jove and TR3SC may purchase tickets at the price of 4 €.

- Entry School Groups: 2 €
For sale only in the Comic lockers.
The school must file at the box office a letter from the school specifying the number of attendees.
Entry is valid only for one person and one day. ^ ^

If you give your ticket at the booth of FICOMIC will give you a free comic. Offer valid until stocks are exhausted ^ ^

Line 1 - Stop " Espanya "

Line 3 - Stop" Spain "
09 (Pl. Catalonia - Pg. Zone)
13 (San Antonio Market - Can Clos)
23 (Zona Franca Logistics Park - Pl. Spain)
27 (Roquetas - Pl. Spain)
30 (Sarrià - Pl. Spain)
37 (Hospital - Zone)
46 (Airport - Pl. Spain)
50 (New Trinity - Parc de Montjuic)
55 (Pl. Catalan - Parc de Montjuïc)
56 (Verneda Besos - Collblanc)
57 (Pg. Marítim - Cornella)
61 (Poble Sec - Parc de Montjuïc)
65 (El Prat - Pl. Spain)
79 (Bellvitge - Pl. Spain) 91
( La Rambla - Bordeta)
109 (Sants Station - Pol. Zone)
141 (Barri Besos - Av. Mistral)
157 (Pg. Marítim - Sant Joan Despi)
165 (The Prat - Pl. Spain) Pratexpres

Ok, the whole information about the lounge is on this page: 29 International Comic de Barcelona

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Symptoms Of Too Little Acid In Stomach

Belinda Washington:" The space is very magical Microteatro "

Angel Caballero / Look at the camera
One of the most exciting things of being an actor is to work with people in you life watching television. During all these years I have witnessed their work in theater and on such shows as "Lex", "Commissioner," "Brothers & Detectives" and more recently in "Valiant." Now I have the good fortune to debut in Microteatro money with her, in a feature entitled "The life you deserve." After a month of rehearsals, once past the nerves of the premiere and many tips to keep with all my love, I have the pleasure to interview my colleague, Belinda Washington.

camera Look: What most of Microteatro seduced you to want to join? Belinda
Washington: When a project I like, I throw head. The proposal made me Jaime Palacios to make "The life they deserve," I liked from the start and I did not think twice. I'm planting in a project that I absolutely and I am working with colleagues with whom I want to be. Do not think this will affect us much economically. I do not do it for money, I do it for love of my work. When you like something you have to put all the wood on the fire to things that are born there.
Mac: We had already agreed on several courses of interpretation before this work. After many years of office, why do you keep taking courses?
BW: Because you never stop learning. I think that when you think you know everything is when, somehow, you start to die. This is a wonderful profession where we are always learning from work, observing others, to know oneself to know the things you have to continue to refine ...
Mac: "You've come to think you knew everything?
BW: No. I always thought I have a lot to learn.
Mac: I always giving you tips and tricks to teach me drama. I suppose they are things that you know works, because the have lived. Do you still follow ocurriéndote new things on stage?.
BW: course. And I hope to remain so for many years, so I'm in the Microteatro, by the experience ... It is important to be good companion and generous to the person before you. Think that if the other is brilliant, the product is going to look and you too. I try to be generous in my private life and at work too.
Mac: In "The life they deserve," we have the audience practically integrated into the scene. Do you like or bothers you that feeling?
BW: I like being in what I have to be. Listening and receiving all that you give me. Having the audience so close makes you think a more intimate setting. I've always been in large theaters and had never done anything like that, but I'm not afraid. Microteatro space is very magical and this function has many messages. It's almost like making movies in theater, because we have to be more aware of the gaze and line of thinking which make greater corporal expression.
Mac: Six-day passes are a lot of passes ...
BW: 'm a pretty strong and I'm not afraid. It is important between function and function have a moment for us, breathe, drink some water and have a little peace to invigorate.
Mac: To me one of the things that scared me the beginning was the risk of doing mechanical. Did you this happened to you?
BW: No, because you have to rely on being in the moment by moment to do so from the truth, whatever happens. If we listen to each other and let ourselves be affected by what happens to us, there will be no problem. Although there are marks made by the director, we must also be on stage with everything going on and integrate, incorporate.
Mac: When did you know you wanted to be an actress?
BW: Since childhood I said I wanted to be an actress. I remember I liked dressing up and pretend to be another. That was my intention, not being famous, even if get to be very good, there are cases in which it is attached. We must also be lucky enough to be in the moment and in the right place. Everything is usually in the same package. But that was my ultimate ambition, but then life took me down the paths of television and before that my parents forced me to study law.
Mac: The other day a guy told me: "Is that Belinda has been a presenter, but it's still very good actress." I replied that I knew, because I have before every day. Does the slab continues to weigh anchor?
BW: has not disappeared, although I have many years without presenting and developing a program. Is a weight that hinders you for many things, sometimes. But, thank God, I think every time I go looking more actress to host. It's kind of emasculating usual we have, to think that a person can not present a program and be able to play other characters. Why someone can not do both? When you are presenting a program, in a certain way, act and give you an image that may not have anything to do with you. I have not been lucky as I happen to Bethlehem (Rueda) and that Luis San Narciso me the opportunity to work on a film with a great director as Amenábar. Even I have the hope it happens and who knows if it is through this character that has given me Jaime (Parker) in "The life you deserve."
Mac: Do you think that you need someone with a weight in the industry to trust you?
BW: I will trust. What is required is that you leave a good project and it works.
Mac: What if the projects fail?
BW: Well will be sought. I believe very strongly in the power and the desire for something to happen, but you also have to do your part and do not stay with their arms crossed waiting for the phone to ring. It should be clear that none are essential for anyone and that behind of us there are some forty thousand and better.
Mac: What if tomorrow one of your daughters will say, "Mom, I want to be an actress"?
BW: is something that I ever thought because as a mother you are thinking of a thousand things. I guess I just try to transmit you the good things about this profession, and also the bad, and I would advise them believe in their vocation. If you are clear, I'll try to help them as much as you can, but it's also good to plow a path for themselves. What you are working with persistence and dedication, has more value than if the door is wide open. It is important valuing things.
Mac: In "The life they deserve," plays another mother. What the public will find when you come to us?
BW: Something very different from anything I've done before. Milagros, my character is a woman whom life has left badly burned and destroyed. Load is very different from other dramatic roles I've played. The closest may be the character did in "The Commissioner", but theater is the first time I do something. Are usually set far in my warmth and I would ever call me to make a bad or dictatorial woman who was herself.
Mac: Do interviews you've done to people like Madonna or Ricky Martin have helped to unfold best when you touched be interviewed?
BW: of everything you learn. It's very exciting to be in front of the big, and realize they are human beings like you, though its scale is very large media. Do not be afraid of improvisation and vacuum means that anything can happen. When you direct Curtes you very much, because, as in life, there is always something that surprises you.
Mac: you still have dreams to fulfill?
BW: lot of them. I have not yet begun. In that, I I feel like I was eighteen. Hope to get to the age of Maria Luisa Merlo , with which I was doing theater recently, and be equally active mind and body as she is. I look forward to enjoying, as we are, in Microteatro for money with this feature, and you know it's still a luxury to have you as a fellow traveler. Since I had wanted ...

Cube Field Green Level

recommend:" THE LIFE YOU DESERVE "

Title: "The Life You Deserve"
Author: Jaime Palacios
Director: Jaime Palacios
Actors: Belinda Washington Angel Knight

Synopsis: Two strangers . Mother and son. Barely known. Or understood. Or want. But in the end, both have much in common: the life they deserve ...
Genre: Drama

Dates and Times:
10 to February 27
From Thursday to Saturday:
20:30 to 20:55 - 21:20 to 21:45 - 22:10 to 22:35 Sunday
19:30 to 19:55 - 20:20 to 20:45 - 21:10 -

21:35 Where?
Microteatro For money
C / Loreto y Chicote, 9
Gran Via or Callao

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Most Powerfull Dekstop

Alicia Rubio:" Work is the greatest reward "Alberto Ammann

Angel Caballero / Look
Some clever camera remember it "After." This Friday will release the film "Cousins." Have a small character, but I'm sure that will not go unnoticed and soon we will see in many other jobs. Alicia Rubio is a clear example of perseverance and courage. These days are preparing to return to the tables next to Leisure and Maday Pepe Méndez, in a function that will be "Small piece psychopathic."

Look at the camera: imagine waiting until we have a character in a movie like "Cousins" has been long. "As you have lived? Alicia Rubio
: Well, because I've been doing other things that if not ... would have been much harder. My years studying drama not overwhelmed me the idea to work, because my priority at that time was formed. Once you finish the school and that's when you ask "Now what?". There are many times when you can not live this profession and that to me has been the most difficult. Nor do I consider this opportunity as a before and after in my career, because it is a small character.
Mac: What do you expect from this film?
AR: That will go smoothly. Hopefully see much ... I hope you like my work and that make me want to do more testing for other projects, because I do a few auditions.
Mac: What has meaning for you Daniel Sánchez Arévalo ?
AR: I've done two tests with him, one was for the short "Traumalogía" and I always left very happy. I love the way you do the tests. With him improvise a lot, it gives you enough freedom, you take the time and really see how you work. After he laces or not, to the character, is another story. I remember when I auditioned for "Cousins" were like a couple of hours working. It is fortunate to meet a director who cares so much about meeting the actors.
Mac: Many managers did not like the actors improvise the texts they have written themselves. So tell me, it seems that this is not the case.
AR: not know how I have done in his other films, but it greatly changed the script after the rehearsal process. There is even a sequence that was rewritten following the improvisations that were made. Dani always puts what might be better for story of the movie to your ego as a writer. Always open to listen to proposals that make the actors and test them to see if they work.
Mac: Do you think the players have a language that only a few managers can understand?
AR: do not know. For example, Dani is able to say one word and all that you brought modificarte prepared, because he knows what he wants. Sometimes it gives you guidelines on the thinking of the character and other things
more specific, but most things end up working very well.
Mac: have shaped the short Raúl Arévalo as director. How was the experience of being directed by another actor?
AR: Well were two short very small and we were among friends. "One love", for example, we shot in one day with a very small team, so everything was easy.
Mac: few years ago you recorded a series, "The couple", which was never issued and was kept in a drawer. What happens to an actor when something happens?
AR: Well imagine ... at that time I experienced it as a great opportunity, because it was making a main character in a series. Also I met Alejandro Cano , a great friend of mine, I had the experience of going to record every day and learned a lot. Gave me great assurance as an actress and the money I won I could go one time to Argentina. I would have loved to have written that would have worked, because then you have the opportunity for further work after you leave.
Mac: are now teaching fencing. Are you learning to do some character?
AR: No, it was by a friend who told me he was going to point and I decided to go myself. I also do kickboxing, but the fencing is totally different.
Mac: Is not scares you a bad blow to the face desfigurarte?
AR: is that I care a lot. I'm one of the few girls who are in class and take care. It's a brutal workout and helps me download a lot of adrenaline.
Mac: "Everything you learn adds to the career of an actor?
AR: I think so. I imagine there will be cases in which I teach fencing, or whatever, so you can make a character, but if you know the better.
Mac: Do we have to have a good physical preparation for work?
AR: I think that no matter physique you have, but it must be taken in the best conditions possible. The shooting can be very hard and have to be a hundred percent. When we were shooting "Cousins" in Santander in the rain and cold it was, it was very easy to get sick. I was eleven or twelve sessions, but he saw how hard it was for my classmates who had to be there longer, and he spent fatal.
Mac: Have you had nightmares where you are at the premiere of "Cousins"?
AR: No. It happens worse before shooting began. After it is all done and you can not do anything. Dani gave us a screening of the film at home for all actors, so I've seen it and I'm quiet.
Mac: How is your character in this movie?
AR: Tona and is called the Bride of Adrian, one of the cousins. I find it hard to define, because it is complicated and not judge me the same thing happened when we shot the film, but ultimately defended death. It is very difficult not to judge, because it is the bad guy. It's a very manipulative woman who has a very obsessive relationship with her boyfriend and complicated.
Mac: I get the impression that you like characters with a strong personality.
AR: Yes It's funny because in school they used me very dramatic characters and fragile, and when I started working was the opposite. Also say that I am a person of character.
Mac: I gather then that it is easier to work on characters who are closest to you.
AR: depends. Sometimes I have gone the opposite, because when a character is very far from you, you can play more. When you have more intimate and personal things at stake, it costs more to teach them, because, somehow, you're showing your weaknesses. I think when it comes to the generosity of the actors has a lot to do with it. With the ability to share with the public feelings that are very close.
Mac: Would you rather work on something else before making a film that does not convince you finished?
AR: I will not say who would do anything, because it is not true, but I want to work as an actress and live in this office, so before you put glasses rather do a project that fills me. All you learn ... Although you are not doing the characters that have led you to become an actor, you learn many other things and meet people who can be very interesting.
Mac: just won an award for best actress Cortogenia. How does it feel when they say your name?
AR: Much happiness. It's a very nice recognition to help you trust and believe in you. When I got the prize, "said the director:" We are going to project the short film and it really scared me because I thought: "All these people will say:" "And this is the best interpretation?" (Laughter )
Mac: Do you aspire to continue to reap rewards or great a Goya?
AR: not something that I have raised many times. I know people for whom it is his dream, but that's not my case. I wanted to be an actress since I was seven years, but the gala I see Goya relatively recently. I grew up not watching the awards on TV or meet friends for comment. Now I see and I like, but for me the most important thing is to work and live always in this profession. I know it sounds cliché, but true. Work is the greatest reward.
Mac: How do you prepare your characters?
AR: depends on the character. I'm very disorganized, chaotic and when I'm acting I am driven by my impulses. I am intuitive, which helps me a lot, but then I need to focus my energy and do some work for that table. Analyze each scene, I see where the conflict, often read the script and, especially, I like to ask: Where did I come? And why have I come?.
Mac: When was the first time you put in front of a camera?
AR: doing a chapter on "Table for five." The scene was short but very fun to Oriol Vila. I called directly without testing me, because I had seen one of these castings that make file.
Mac: Do you feel more comfortable in a set or on stage?
AR: I'm sure if I feel comfortable with the work that I, regardless of where you are going to develop.
Mac: Now go back to the theater.
AR: We assays with a function that is called "Little piece psychopathic" the Uruguayan author Federico Roca . I am accompanied by
Leisure and Pepe Méndez Maday, and the director is Hernán Grinstein.