Sunday, November 7, 2010

Avery Print Table Tents

Carmen Ruiz:" Do not be afraid to be wrong "

Angel Caballero / Look at the camera
If this were a cocktail factory and we had to prepare one to be a mix of talent, charm, charisma and risk, we could baptize with the name of Carmen Ruiz. He became known to Yo soy Bea and has gone through other series as interesting as Women or sex question . film is rolling out of play in and day November 17 Tis the room will work with Stupid.

camera Look: What do you think the first thing that would make someone who wants to be an actor or actress?
Carmen Ruiz: I think should be the training, because intuition and talent are not enough if you have no tools from which to shoot. Although there are great players that have been made in the tables and others that have begun to work without training and it has them or have sought after. But I am of the view that an actor has to be prepared at all levels whatever comes.
Mac: When you decide you wanted to be an actress?
CR: is something I've always known, but when I really lie the blanket to the head and left it all to finish my drama was while working at Telefonica, a company in which it took seven years. As I had to combine work and training was very difficult to incompatible schedules, so when I was in third grade I decided to quit and devote myself to finish school, and the rest would come later. It is one of the most important decisions I've made my living.
Mac: Did you go to any school of interpretation?
CR: Si. I studied four years at Cristina Rota's school and then I continued my training with other masters such as José Carlos Plaza , Fernando Legs and Roberto Cerda, among others.
Mac: Do you have a specific work method or renew with every project that comes to you?
CR: depends. Is not the same work process in trials of a play that the preparation of a character and a plot on television or film. Being different means, the method of work is too. Although it is true that for any of the jobs that I face I always carry my proposal because it gives me confidence, knowing that I would always be open to change it completely and be "malleable " to do what I ask from here.
Mac: Have you learned more of the partners or directors you've worked?
CR: I believe very strongly in teamwork and I will tell you that I always learn a lot colleagues because it is with them that the character I play is meaningful. On the other hand there are some directors who are able to get you the same things or thought you could do.
Mac: Your first character on television was in the series Women . Was it hard to see how all that work was left in a drawer for almost a year?
CR: At first it was very hard for everyone because we are never going to deliver, but he has been very rewarding, despite little publicity he had, as everyone saw, which have been few speak of Women as a cult series. For me it's an honor to have been part of this series.
Mac: popularity you came through Yo soy Bea. What were the benefits of that reputation got?
CR: Because I'm Bea Women and were issued at a time, the delay of the second as we spoke, there was a time when my two jobs were different and that was very positive because it gave me more to know not only the public but to the profession.
Mac: abandoned Yo soy Bea to enter question of sex. Are they like the risk?
CR: Absolutely . I'd rather regret what I have done, rather than what I have done. And I think that we should not be afraid to make mistakes, otherwise we would not do anything in life for fear of failure.
Mac: Ever you regret having made that decision?
CR: No. I learned a lot at all levels with the experience.
Mac: Have you ever thought you did a scene that you were giving it all as an actress and then seeing him on screen, you did not like the result?
Mac: Total. Sometimes players forget that you must feel and believe it is the viewer that feeling a lot more on stage is when we transmit. We are in favor of what we have and do it with the greater likelihood that the viewer can empathize.
Mac: The Pinos Puente blonde has brought you much joy. Did you ever imagine when you were filming, so this short would mean for your career?
CR: I had no idea. In fact we had no idea any of this would happen. A few days ago, the Festival of short Wolf's mouth, we talked about Vicente Villanueva, García Font and I in our interview where we asked this myself. We did it without any claim and we had so well that everything that is happening with the film is still amazing. I am very grateful to Vicente Villanueva for this wonderful character and his world.
Mac: What are your plans now on the table?
CR: Well, I'm with a film sessions in an offside of David Marqués with Fernando Tejero , Diego Peretti , Laura Pamplona and Chinese Darin, among others. And stop with the testing of a function called Stupid of Antonio Stride , which premiered in the Triangle room diecisite November and I share the bill with Maribel Vitar and Natalia Hernandez.


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