Sunday, November 7, 2010

Why All Morrowinds Are Russian

Another Amigurumi Amigurumi ..... My new hobby! Halloween

Hi everyone!

Today I am very happy (and somewhat tired because of a nightmare ¬_¬... but not here to talk about it). I'm happy because I have a new hobby in association with Japan, anime, manga and sewing ^ - ^. Are

amigurumi, crochet dolls (crochet) with which you can make any animal, character, or ornament.
usually amigurumis are woven using wool or thread. Varying in thickness, color and texture.

I most use is the wool that is more comfortable when handling.

Well, I explain: I love to craft and in the field of fashion, what I love the crochet.
Then I saw online that there amigurumis (I loved it: D).
And since a few days I've been testing and practicing the patterns (that or you come in you come in English or Japanese).

Up Today!

Today at last I have finished my first Amigurumi ... A BUNNY! ^ ^

(This is when I had made all parties had not yet sewn)

(And here, now fully terminadoooo ainssss .... that monoooo ^ - ^)


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