Monday, November 1, 2010

Mermaid Dolls From The 80's

Javier Calvo:" I try to offer something different as an actor

Angel Caballero / Watch
camera belongs to one of the latest generations of young actors who has given this country. Started work at fifteen, was released by Physics and Chemistry, has very clear ideas and is not willing to wait sitting on the phone to ring, because as he says, "must move ." Now this is a more adult Javier Calvo preparing to return to the medium in which it began, the theater, with the work Aurora.

camera Look: I read that you started doing theater, nothing more and nothing less than eleven.
Javier Calvo: Yes, but it was a very amateur theater. It was the first contact I had with the acting world. Live in Las Rozas and joined a theater company there, where all were adults and I the only child, so I always did all the child characters. My father signed authorization to go from town to town, making the representations.
Mac: So it seems that it is true that the actor is done in tables ...
JC: I think every actor is different, and each does so differently. There is no pattern to follow to become a good actor, because there are great professionals who have not done much theater. What is certain is that it is a good start and may be a good school.
Mac: Now go back to theater after a few years. What has been the rediscovery of the medium?
JC: We are still testing and preparing the characters. I confess that I have fear of being back on stage, with the public before and to reconnect with all these feelings. I am also very excited to make a text as well, accompanied by great companions.
Mac: What can we advance this project?
JC: is a work that is called Aurora, and is set in Spain in the thirties. It is a drama that touches on sensitive topics and strong enough, but I think you will like very much.
Mac: When did you start taking a more professional contact with industry?
JC: was in my acting class in Las Rozas, and came a girl from Kuranda to inform us that they would make a casting of "new faces" and that anyone who wanted could occur. Without knowing exactly where he was going, I did the tests and caught me. I was about fourteen, fifteen entered physics or chemistry.
Mac: What is the best thing that happened with this series?
JC: A Physics ... I owe a lot. Was very young when I went in and I grew up with the series. I matured matured while my character, and I learned a lot, not only as an actor, as a person. I was also lucky to live experiences that do not usually have a child of that age, and that has helped me to define myself a better person.
Mac: guess you've also had to sacrifice other things. What were the consequences?
JC: all know what they are. It is very hard, sometimes you can not walk down the street and stuff, but I'd rather stay with the good stuff. This work has been a turning point in my life and my career, which has given me a lot, and I have to be grateful.
Mac: 're one of the few actors who has not yet abandoned physics or chemistry. Are not you worried typecast?
JC: I think about it long and I know that is something that is there, but I think that the "box" has already spent some fashion. Before things were raised differently, and TV and film were not so out of hand as now. The real problem is not that people pigeonhole you, is that you pigeonhole you as an actor. When you take a long time in one place, you feel comfortable, and you forget that you can do other things.
Mac: plays a young homosexual in high school. Have you noticed the work other partners, such as Alejo Sauras in After school, to prepare your character?
JC: not that have looked at the character of Alexis to create my paper, I grew up with that series. I've never watched other characters because they were gay. In my case, when I prepared my paper, I analyzed all the features that had the character and one of them was that he was gay. I have never pretended that its central axis was his sexual orientation. I think if you put in front who is gay, before a person is, do you fall into a stereotype.
Mac: Does it bother you that the public confusing the actor with the character?
JC: No, because it is something I understand perfectly. What I would like to achieve is that, over the years, I know for my career and not a job he has done.
Mac: I express and respond very well to questions. Some series make you a consultant that teaches you how to handle these situations, and dealing with the press. Has your case?
JC: Not at all. What if I got was a coach , when we started, to help develop the character. We also gathered all a month before starting to record for us to leave knowing and doing group dynamics. To answer the questions I have learned to base going to grant interviews I've been doing over the years.
Mac: Do you think being seen in some events is a good way to promote your acting career?
JC: do not know. I'm going to premieres and others because I feel like and not for publication. I try to select the sites to go, either to meet some friends for a movie that interests me, or just to have fun. I remember that, at first, as was the novelty, went to the showrooms to dress for these events, but now I tend to go always with my clothes and do not dwell on what I'm going to get.
Mac: You recognition public, but you'd get the criticism?
JC: When you make a number of teenagers is very easy for many people not take you seriously as an actor, regardless of the quality you have your work, or the product you are. I believe we do a great job, but I understand that if you want to rate it had to combine with other projects. I do seek that recognition and I am so excited to play in preparation, because it's very different from what I've been doing all these years.
Mac: 've made some shorts. Do you think that is a good way to experiment?
JC: Not only that, but You can learn a lot. I've worked with directors who have a tremendous talent and I know they will do great things. Another advantage of the short is that you can work with less pressure when you do movies or television. The atmosphere is more relaxed and do not have much responsibility. We must encourage the public to see shorter, because there are many small, but great stories that are worth seeing.
Mac: What criteria do you follow when choosing a short project?
JC: I love movies, I'm a big fan and I recognize when a story I like. I think I have pretty good sense for that.
Mac: How do you prepare your characters?
JC: Especially for my intuition guide me. I read the script and try to understand the character and know why he does what he does and thinks and thinks. I usually carried away by what I felt when I read the script. Then when I read it a few times and I have the essence of the character, try to speak with the director to create your life and the past he has had. Once I have all these experiences, I begin to live the present.
Mac: Are you scared to think that your career could end up here?
JC: is something that, like everyone, I have gone through the head. The only thing I can do about it it does not happen is to try bringing something different to the actor. I think that if you give something else you do not have to stay on the road, because you are not one more. I'm not one of those people who may be sitting waiting for the phone to ring. Must move, and if my career ends here, I'll go to England or France and try to continue there.


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