Monday, January 24, 2011

Birthday Cakes With Dirt Bi

" I like seeing my teammates work, meet and learn from them "

Angel Caballero / Look at the camera
Its passage by the "Cell 2011" made him the revelation of last year. The work he did in front of cameras dazzled audiences and industry, and thanks to "Lope" we saw that theirs was not a fluke. The effort, perseverance and study time to Juan Carlos Corazza bore fruit. Alberto Ammann is one of the most promising players of time. In a few months back to the big screen with "Eva", a film by Kike Maillo which shares the bill with Marta Etura and Daniel Brühl.

Look at the camera: The 2010 was a year full of releases, projects and awards for you. Think this was the result of perseverance, work or luck?
Alberto Ammann: A mixture of the three, I guess. It was essential for consistency, the confidence that you could give, think about work and find out at the same time. And somehow, the stars were aligned.
Mac: Have you ever felt that your chance would never come?
AA: if I ever ask. And I replied that, while not giving me the opportunity to work professionally, was what I enjoyed doing and would have to create conditions in some way to continue doing so.
Mac: will star in "American Plan," a series that was canceled after issuing the first episode. What happens when you put your hopes on a project that just canceling?
AA: A wrong move in my opinion. And a disappointment, of course, to all who did. It was an interesting story with a very well crafted and with characters of different nationalities. But the measurements were not as good as expected and, especially, as we say in the neighborhood, she did not have the stamina. And when you propose a project you have to take it then if that does not serve all the effort? If only to raise money is the wrong direction.
Mac: What did you do this year hiatus between "American Plan" and "Cell 2011"?
AA: "Cell" came about four months after "American Plan." It was good that the two projects were on holiday because it allowed me back into the studio with Juan Carlos Corazza and teaching staff. It was a very good year. It was my first contact with cameras and television and colleagues already working in the middle. And the studio was a haven for the creative exercise again without the pressure of having to give a result. The combination was very enriching.
Mac: actor If you were not what you would like to dedicate?
AA: actor would anyway, and probably would be closer to the music.
Mac: been to the Sahara Film Festival. What did you learn of the Saharawi people during those days you spent there?
AA: Being with them, I concluded that somehow humans are one. There is a connection so deep and that little we stop to look, perhaps for fear that we really need is the same and therefore each other, we do just the opposite.
The Saharawi people were robbed of the country, were left stranded in the middle of one of the worst desert and left them there. For the sake of business and money. Money which a lot of wine to give Spain. It is not fair, and not just dumb, nothing happens here.
Mac: Do you think the players have to support causes such leveraging our public image to raise awareness to other people?
AA: I think that is good and adds. I also think that is an option and not an obligation.
Mac: Does ideology or political affiliation of an actor in some way affect your career?
AA: Yes, I know that in certain cases this happens, and is another unfair situation. It's the way the system is maintained based on the exploitation of others, and to exploit needs to have, and have led to master. There can be no freedom. And to make it otherwise has to be another system.
Mac: do you like it to be a public figure and people get to know the street?
AA: Easy. At first it was an impact, something very strange. But people who have good vibes about, does so with affection and thanks.
Mac: On the other hand, is not there a risk that the public is aware of both the actor that prevents you from seeing the character you're playing?
AA: Well do not know. Maybe for some people begin to be a problem.
Mac: I've seen in movies and on television. Any theater project in sight?
AA: No, for now. And that's fine, I'd like to return to exploration in the theater, before thinking about getting on a stage.
Mac: Did you imagine that you would take the Goya?
AA: course I imagine, sometimes. Of course you can imagine as would have nominated you enjoy is a good time. And as one's own ego. Vanity emerges as the impatience of the child to say you are going to give a gift, but he knows that then give it to another. Can be so cruel if you do not take it without giving much importance, which is not devalue. Although economists probably to maybe if it devalued. That sold out fast, luckily, and more fully enjoy the present moment. Without so many claims and energies put in fantasizing. And then the surprise of the award was more quiet, but appreciative.
Mac: say that there is a curse with Goya. Apparently, when you win a few years you are condemned to unemployment. What about all these legends?
AA: I do not believe them.
Mac: How do you usually prepare your characters?
AA: try to approach them through research, art, music, painting ... I see it ending, I see the characters so immense that I can only expect to find something, however small, to make me understand and learn about them. And keep trying to find out until the shooting ends. It is a wonderful journey, sometimes painful too.
Mac: Do you have some kind of ritual before shooting a scene?
AA: not as fixed to make always in the same way. I'm usually heated or stretched, from the text. But always with the need to be available.
Mac: What would you say is the best praise for an actor?
AA: Perhaps the most profound silence, almost deaf, the suspension full of energy that arises in the theater when the audience and the story goes on to some truth. This is the biggest appreciation I have for an actor.
Mac: many criticisms have been written for and against "Lope." Which do you prefer?
AA: With all. Although I have not been reading much less criticism, in fact. For good mood, most reviews I read were good. It is most important for me to balance my own sincere and well grow some more.
Mac: Would you like to watch movies with friends and colleagues in the profession?
AA: Somehow it's like I feel in a large study of interpretation, with colleagues with whom you will work at some point. Of course I want to see them work, meet and learn from them. This feeling encouraged me to keep trying to improve and offer more time to work with them.
Mac: When then ask you your opinion about what you saw, are you sincere or really prefer not to decorate the harm?
AA: I am honest, but that does not mean when something I do not like to destroy it or try to impose. Sorry an error I try not to repeat. And sometimes I've felt to be too critical, I wondered where I stand with respect to the other, and with what right, as if to say, what else?. I think today, the word sincerity deserves individual and internal review.
Mac: What would you say to the players that start?
AA: I dare not say much else, or rather do not know how. I can only speak of that I think it's possible to have a opportunity. And, in my case, had much to see the effort for the sake of what he was doing, and discover what it was that love, to heal and clean it up later, and during the trip.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tally Rewriting Memory Access Violation

-.- 'I'm still alive


I'm sorry I have not written anything for a while, but do not worry, the blog will return to normal just as the tests are completed.

And frankly, I think it will be for a period of time larguillo.

So, see you soon. But .... be back. ^ - ^

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Rival Meat Slicer Parts 1101e


And yes, once again, returning after time.
A number of things happened to me since October to date, including decisions, people, kilos, sweat and even more surprising, ZERO tears.
For those who may remember me from my posts dramatic, I must say that yes, my self esteem has improved somewhat, there are still fears, there is still avocados, there are still things that hurt and people who remain in my heart but there are things that do not hurt and people were not exactly know where.
2010 was the year of my physical change and I hope 2011 is the year of my change on an emotional level. I intend my sanity and that can only be achieved gradually, I think even more difficult to lose all those kilos I lost.
I have some tasks that I have commanded you and others have given me. Before it was easy to say things in my blog, easier, but then I won many things, perhaps it is true and I counted more than I should, but why not?
culture ride the light and follow a routine procedure and helped me a lot, to prove that he could achieve many things, but what I realized, was that in one year could control other things, like my desire to seek and keep telling him I loved him, which looking back may be even humiliating, but I always say "we must do what the heart says, and above all, do not lie to himself. "
But seeing that my feelings, and with them my little shame and pride are going to hell, I decided that no more than pulled or anything. However, and this I should have done before, need to hear from his mouth only a few words and with that, I will end the "let's be honest-hope that one day will return, someday you will realize that I was the woman for him that I loved him, but just as always, whenever something interests me, the shit.
But we, more than a year and I gave no sign of life, just greeted him for his birthday ... and safety pin have believed that he died and I welcomed him to me. It was a good man, but I screwed up yes, I agree, but he did his part too.
So, now that I know and do not die by it, but if you want, after all it was my friend, confidant, and others, I feel I must speak with him. Want to talk with me? Will think I'm going to beg for crumbs again, but I just want to close my circle.

Circles in time, I remember walking around, I can not leave here I'm immersed in yesterday or what might be, it will wait is not to fall after "Mother Matilda

What Is The Falling Action Alas Babylon

Macarena Gomez:" I will always be next to my friends to work together "

Angel Caballero / Look at the camera
This is one of the few occasions when I come back with a partner to interview him. And I will sound funny, but ... I've been lucky enough to interview two different Macarena. At first, I met her years ago. A first contact with an actress he had seen in films and with whom I shared a coffee. The second is my best friend. One of the first people who trusted I, the actress who has given me the best advice and has been generous enough to sit with me to make this second installment. This week's release: on Tuesday presented "Elephant Graveyard" in the Festival "Shorts with Ñ ." And the hits theaters Friday "Neon Meat," the latest film by Paco Cabezas. I can only say: "Thanks ."

camera Look: The 2011 promises to be a reunion year for you. On the one hand the film premieres Paco Cabezas, "Neon Meat" and in a few months will see "Word", by Eduardo Chapero-Jackson . How was the experience?
Macarena Gomez: I Paco I have much affection. Is a friend who is already part of my professional family. I'm grateful, because for me there is nothing more satisfying than leaving a director happy with my work and I call again. It is true that this is a reunion year, because I made the first short Paco and Eduardo and now premiered her long. What I like about all this is to release two films, is to be in two projects of two directors who have come to trust me.
Mac: Well, in a way you also trust them when you participated in his first short already known to be an actress.
MG: Yes, you may be right, but I've never seen from that perspective. We must also say that the projects they presented to me at the time were very good, it would have been difficult to say no. The two I won, each in its own way, they wanted to tell stories.
Mac: "We must trust the new generation of directors?
MC: course. They come well prepared and well aware of new technologies. Most have been fed a lot of films and that's something you can see when you read any of his scripts.
Mac: What elements must have a script for you please participate in a project?
MC: What attracts me is to find a character that has ever made. I often provide a kind of characters I have done since before ... That does not add anything, it enriches me and I do not poses a challenge as an actress.
Mac: But now, "Neon Meat", you're back to get into the skin of a character who had already played in the film.
MG: That is, it has nothing to do with this character with the other. I think it's the one who has changed from "Meat ..". In the short was an undercover cop who became a junkie to discover case. The Canija of the film is a very soft and dependent. It may be one of the roles further away from me I've played. I am a very safe, with very clear ideas ... the only point that we have in common is our vulnerability.
Mac: How did you prepare this character?
MG: To compose the way he moves, I went with a friend, I can say it was you?
Mac: You
MG: Then we went to the Calle Montera to watch for hours, the behavior of prostitutes. How to approach men, how to negotiate, how to play for the look ... That was a good exercise in observation in the film could not apply too much, because I can not see working in the street. Most of the prostitutes had a gait that we saw very sexy, so to make this character was a little different, I decided to make it very awkward. And emotionally ... can not tell you how I did it. Do you remember? (Laughter)
Mac: I think it was your intuition.
MG: Yes, I am very intuitive and always try to get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the character. I also like working on the basis of what gives me the actor I have before. For example, I have very good relationship with Vicente Romero and felt it was my protector in the film. The relationship with him was created which later joined the character. When we were filming in Argentina, I remember that I lived on the second floor and attic Vicente. He cooks very well and many nights we were invited to dinner to me and Damaso Conde , with something similar happened. We were acquaintances, but in Argentina created a friendship so strong that it is reflected in the film.
Mac: When Damasus and I talked to you in your interview, the two agreed on what amazed us your ability to concentrate on shooting. Is it something innate or you've developed over the years?
MG: I've been learning over time. I remember when I started much clueless with everything going on around me. These are technical things that are learned over the years. Now I can be rolling, and I find out what is happening outside my scene. Classes with Fernando Legs also helped me to learn to concentrate. Mac
: You are from the text is learned with semicolons. Would not you like to improvise?
MG: I love, but you can not always do so. It's something to agree in advance with the director and the partner you have, not to make a chore. On the other hand, I think it takes some respect by the writers, because if you have a point is about something. Unless they or the director let you change it. After four years in "looming" where you can not change anything, just taking a lot easier to memorize.
Mac: Your years as a dancer helped you in your acting career?
MG: Yes, because the two instruments he works with an actor is the voice and body. Some people have more developed one than another. In my case, is the body. To have done ballet has helped me a lot because I am more aware of the possibilities of my physique. Died a few days ago one of the people from whom I learned more, my dance teacher of life. In part, I'm an actress thanks to her, because she taught me to play through the dance. The other day a friend reminded me of something she used to tell me when he got a saying: "Come , Macarena, this is your time to make yourself shine and can mourn."
Mac: You are a very active person. Do you have more difficulties with the characters extremely quiet?
MG: are the ones I cost. The characters with very little energy is a challenge for me. Indeed, these are the ones who offered me Chapero-Jackson and has cost me more to do. Eduardo director is a very quiet and during filming I watched him and tried to catch it of its energy.
Mac: How did you been maturing as a director since his first short to long?
MG: I think it's growth we have seen all through their work. If a director or an actor, not mature and evolve over the years, is not going well on your way. In the case of Eduardo is a constant improvement. In my opinion, "The End" was already a movie in its purest form. I always say: "To extend" The End "a little more, would have a great western."
Mac: Slowly you turning into the queen of the film.
MG: I love to say that. (Laughs) I enjoy making short films. Yes, I am now more selective when it started, because I give so many that I have no time to do them. But where we'll always next to my friends to work together, as in the case of "Elephant Graveyard."
Mac: "You did it for me or because you liked the project?
MG: I was doing two short at a time, recording "The looming" and with my university exams. Could not help but what was going to say no to a short with my best friend and they had written for me. If someone had offered me at another time would have done so because I liked the character of Margaret.
Mac: Is it easier to make a character that you have written as one that will not look anything like you?
MG: Do not believe, because as you know I have written for you think you have to keep up and you judge more. This has been talked about ever since we both felt the same. You can not afford to fail and have to push yourself more.
Photo: Erika Gasparini (Photo for the short "Elephant Cemetery")

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Gay Cruising Areas In Bx

recommend: ELEPHANT CEMETERY Ñ \u200b\u200b

- "Elephant Cemetery" of Darío Paso-Jardiel . ( Scripted by Jaime Palacios ).
With Angel Caballero, Marta Hazas, Macarena Gómez César Sánchez and .

Fear, loneliness and selfishness are the main focus on the circulating life of the protagonists of this short film directed by Dario Paso-Jardiel (responsible for short as desirable as " 55") and written by Jaime Palacios , which will be released in Shorts with Ñ. Premiered

Ñ Shorts with this film which tells in a very intimate and very dark tone on many problems that affect many people and so far we can go to when loneliness and fears take over our lives. The technical implementation is very cinematic and the eye of Dario Paso really helps to enhance whatever he wanted to show Parker on the screenplay, with regard to the feelings that have each of the characters that populate this short.

The triangle formed by the characters played by Angel Caballero , Hazas Marta and Macarena Gómez is strong and each of them has anything to anybody-unfortunately-we might be identified. All three actors give great strength to his performances and his works go beyond the realism and emotional intensity that we bring to the audience, making the screen pass that makes us believe everything they do or say. In this regard, include the impressive work of Angel Knight, an actor who knows how to reflect the downward spiral her character who lives along the length of the film.

Without doubt, " Elephant Graveyard" is a stunning short film, will not leave anyone indifferent to Ñ Short and very proud because their leaders have chosen us to premiere his short film.

Price login: € 3.50 at the box office, 3 € in Catch. One drink included with each entry.

Book entries Catch:

Short with
http://cortosconn.blogspot. com /

Jacob's Ladder
C / Footbath, 11 28005 Madrid

Sunday, January 9, 2011

How Much Does Tech Decks Cost At Family Dollar

short with Albert Carbo: "I always had the need to tell stories," Ursula Corberó

Angel Caballero / Look at the camera
say "Albert Carbo "is like saying" talent. " I know because I saw and flooded the theater with a masterful performance, a great vocal projection and stage presence that it would like to have many players of his age. We have seen in "The fishbowl of Eve", "bullying" or "Didi Hollywood." In brief debut "Storm", a new challenge for Daniel Calparsoro television. This guy promises, so do not lose sight. Look

How did you feel when a director as well known as Jose Maria Pou offered you a character in "The History Boys?
Albert Carbo: The truth is that it was all a bit by chance. A friend of the Theatre Institute I said they were looking for someone of my age and my features because the guy who made my character was leaving Barcelona. I sent my resume and the same day I replied saying that José María Pou had seen me and wanted to talk to me. That afternoon I was with him, we were talking about the work and character and we were to test the next morning. In just two days I was told that I had caught and really felt very happy because I had the opportunity to work with a master of theater as it is Pou, traveling throughout Spain doing what I like and have in hand a such an interesting character as was that of Posner.
Mac: How do you remember that test?
AC: When I was with José María told me he wanted me directly to the producer to get tested, but did not take me as such. I spent a couple of scenes and a song and he said he did not need to learn to me. Still, that night I was looking at the scenes for a long time and listening to different versions of the song until I knew it perfectly. I did not have too many nerves because it gave me great confidence and security ...
Mac: Pou What did you learn?
AC: Rigor, in the sense of the word. Knowing what is really love the theater with each of the letters and the profession. The importance of fighting, pulling forward and always be safe on stage. Everything can always be better and you have to be very critical. A great base that took me forever.
Mac: Do you prepare a test theater just as the other for film or television?
AC: As the text does not change. What changes is the way we approach the evidence by the people who make them. On stage are much more selective and are not open to so many people try, they are more personalized. At the end of the day what changes is the convention and technical but not how the character.
Mac: Are you a perfectionist with your work?
AC: Yes, everything can always be better. Over time, see previous projects and you hate yourself for having done what you did at the time, but then you realize that means that time and experience make you evolve. If you are not critical move more slowly, you quarters. Every work of art can always have a lighter shade, but you have to say enough is enough and to finish something but is not so ever ... I hope the result of "enough" of tomorrow better than yesterday ...
Mac: When you finish a job do you feel a void or relax and enjoy?
AC: feel nostalgic, because it is inevitable. Behind every project, for better or worse, always put all eggs in one basket. It is inevitable to feel nostalgia for something that has been part of you for a while. But best of all is knowing that you always carry with you and over time realize that each of the times and the work you have done every day.
Mac: Is it difficult to disengage from a character?
AC: A character does not stop being yourself with the different circumstances of your life. If we remove ourselves the character ends up being something formless. If, however, find similarities, but are few, you from the truth. By this I mean the characters do change because you unintentionally do you know parts of yourself you never knew you had no feelings and attitudes. It all adds up, always, and if we understand a character's forgetting disengage forever as if it had ever happened to your life, yes, it is very difficult. But I enjoy knowing that I can have a thousand faces, play many characters because they always find something, however tiny it is, I share with what is happening.
Mac: How do you prepare your characters?
AC: There are so many characters and methods, I guess. Like I do not prepare one another, everyone is different. When read a script or a play for the first time, you is a picture of that character. That's when you explore, and when I go down the street I turn on a light that captures every movement of that person that I think resembles the character and watch. I think the reason for their attitudes and their responses, what is in the depths of each one of them. It is also very important to the chemistry you have with your fellow actors and what is created between you. So no day is like another, in theater for example. And the rest I leave, without thinking, he plays his cards intuition.
Mac: Did you learn most of the acting school or your step-by-series as "the fishbowl of Eve"?
AC: of everything you learn. At the Institut del Teatre learned much technique: vocal, interpretive, diction ... But knowledge is very important after implementation. And it costs a lot and for many years. I have never believed that there would be the best player in the world, but I have tried to apply everything I learned in school in my work. You end up actually applying what serves you and works for you and no doubt the experience gives you lots of tables. Not only did the work, everything you do in front of an audience and a camera, but everything you teach your peers, contingencies, and what can not be seen or scene or when you turn on the TV or the movies.
Mac: you say you were born to dedicate to this profession?
AC: I always had the need to tell stories. When I was little I dressed up and rode makeshift theater in the garage of my house and made all the neighbors came to see me (works suitable only for parents). And now I still have this need, there is nothing to fill me as much as this ... I guess so, because if I could stop working to eat, would certainly continue working ...
Mac: Do you think that actors are actors twenty-four hours a day or only when we do our work?
AC: I do not think acting in my day to day. Albert Carbo I am with my friends, my family, with people who know me and when I go down the street. When I play I'm a different person, I like to think that I play and I hope I never ever be well.
Mac: What is more devoted to this profession?
AC: Consistency and never pull the towel. If you believe in yourself everything will be fine forever. Always quote a phrase that said Bigas Luna and since that day I will always remember is "watch what you want because you're gonna get." But a lot of sacrifice, then the reward is so great that it is worth ...
Mac: Where do you see the talent of an actor?
AC: not say if it is in theater, film or TV. Depends on many factors that are often not in your hands. I think talent is a sacrifice, perseverance and rigor in what you do, because if you end up out major projects.
Mac: Are you more viewer cinema or theater?
AC: I love going to movies and theater, but I'm more a spectator of the theater. In the theater creates a special magic, spend all that hard a work aware of what goes on stage and is very intense. In Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhich is where I spend almost all the time, there is a tradition of theater that helps make good plays. Often times I will see friends, others to see that I love authors like Tennessee Williams ... Much depends on the moment, but let's say with the film I am much more selective.
Mac: Do you want to go back to the table?
AC: very much! And after having spent a year and a half without stopping on them. In fact I'm still touring with "Reaction", a work I did last season at the Sala Beckett de Barcelona. But surely I have great desire. I get all the energy and gas I need to spend times little work and persistence.
Mac: soon be released "Storm", the latest work Calparsoro where you have participated. What do you expect from this project?
AC: For the first time he worked in Madrid for a long time in a film and has given me only positive things, and if there have been some negatives are so small that not even worth mentioning. I hope it's a project you like, that engages the viewer and to create within each person the anguish and suffering to be transmitted. I hope to have in a few months the DVD on the shelf at home and to always remember everything that has brought me this tv movie without has been much doubt.
Mac: How is your character?
AC: guy with strong character, fearless, maybe not the one who is stronger, but whose security does have many goals and that the meeting marked, no matter what.
Mac: What projects are you around?
AC: now I'm doing tests. I hope soon to have many projects. I believe in me, and when you clear one thing you have to go for it, regardless. If not, what else is there?