Thursday, December 23, 2010

Giving Dogs Kolonopin

: "Nothing is impossible if you put your mind"

Angel Caballero / Look at the camera
It's one of those actresses that when you look you know they have something. Maybe it's talent, charisma, beauty, youth ... or a perfect combination of all of them. Ursula Corberó has gone through series such as "Vendelpla", "The Internship" or "Countdown, but was" Physics and chemistry "which launched her into television stardom. Now it gets into the skin of Beatrice, a new character that we see in The Republic. "

camera Look: Do you think that being an actor requires more courage compared with other professions? Ursula
Corberó: I think that this profession is very vocational requires great commitment and discipline. This does not mean that others are not but you have to sacrifice things important how the availability of the clock.
Mac: Did you need courage to leave a series as successful as "Physics and Chemistry?
UC: Of course, we all have insecurities, to ask yourself a new job is always present stage failure. You never know what can happen. "Physics and Chemistry" has been the most beautiful experience I've experienced so far but everything has an end and it's time to experience new things, I hope I have made a good decision.
Mac: In one of your recent episodes of "Physics ..." played a song with your mates. I have understood you have received singing lessons Is it important for an actor to have some knowledge of singing or dancing?
UC: To work as an actor you learn more things better, you never know the character you play will play. I've always liked the music world, from tiny studied singing and all kinds of dance, I love!
Mac: So ... Do you throw in a musical work?
UC: Of course! I would love, I do not know if I would sit as comfortable as in the interpretation ...
Mac: If you were offered a star What would you like?
UC: "Chicago" or "Moulin Rouge", I have very clear,
Mac: You have just entered "The Republic", the spin off of "The Lady". "You used to follow the plots of this series?
UC: Honestly, no. I have no time to watch TV but now I've started recording the Republic and have seen how people work there, no wonder I had so many followers.
Mac: Will we see a new Ursula in this job?
UC: Man, I'm still the same ... (laughs). My job is not showing me as a person but to try to externalize my various records, so if I can say is that the sophisticated and attractive Ruth has nothing to do with this sweet and amorous Beatriz
Mac: Are you afraid of idea to defraud the viewer with this new character?
UC: rather not think about it, I try to do my job to the best of me so I can never say that I have been a hundred percent, it is clear that you can not please everyone, different points of view must be respected.
Mac: How do you prepare your characters?
UC: I'm very observant. Sometimes I like to think about how my character would react to things that happen to me.
also document and work soil physicists to distinguish between them, whether gestures or gait.
Mac: Have you documented this historic moment in which your character's storyline in this new series?
UC: Yes, although I still have ... (laughs)
Mac: "Film and theater are pending in your career?
UC: The truth is I'm impatient. Little by little ....
Mac: 've worked with many colleagues, I imagine, you've seen on TV since you were a child. How does it feel when this happens?
UC: At first I imposed a lot, as I was working with them I learned so many things ...
Mac: Who did you learn more?
UC: always learning new things all the actors, however novel it may be, it is important to be objective about what you see ahead and try to filter the most interesting things about each.
Mac: you ever have asked for an autograph to another actor?
UC: Frankly no, but it could be the case.
Mac: What would you say to young people who want to devote to this profession because they have seen your work?
UC: That nothing is impossible if you put your mind, it is important to keep things clear, the sooner the better and fight for what you want and makes you happy.
Mac: Are you happiest when you're in front of the cameras (the press) or when you get to get away from them?
UC: I am very happy when I'm surrounded by cameras but that does not mean that it is enjoying my friends or my family in my personal life.
Mac: What richer that has brought you this job?
UC: The power to know so many people and share with them the love we feel for our profession.


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