Friday, December 3, 2010

What Are The Chances Of A World War 3

Carlos Montero:" There are true alchemists of the actors, who turn coal into gold "

Angel Caballero / Look at the camera
been a few years since Carlos Montero was behind the camera to direct his first short film. His talent, risk and skill as a writer have been reflected in shows like "The Wright Stuff," "commissioner" or "Genesis", besides being the creator of the successful "Physics and Chemistry." He recently released "Easy Money", his latest short as a director, starring Mario Casas, who is garnering applause wherever he goes.

camera Look: I have understood you started directing a short film, starring Victor Clavijo and Eduardo Noriega . Why have you stopped spending so much time to face your second job as a director?
Carlos Montero: Well ... I can not tell the truth. I guess I chose the script because I felt more confident writing than directing. But I must say that this year when I was running "Easy Money" I realized what I had missed lead. I hope never again to spend fourteen years until the next short.
Mac: Your next step could be a long?
CM: Wait, that makes me laugh. I doubt this is my next step. In a few years as rare as those in which every day becomes less film, and it is so difficult to raise production, I do not think there is no producer mad he wanted to produce a movie. Nor do I have no written script. If you suddenly emerge organically and naturally as did the short ... well, maybe I could call some door, but I am convinced that I would give to her face.
Mac: Is it exciting to see how a series created by you as "Physics and Chemistry", is issued in other countries and has been dubbed into other languages?
CM: Sure. Has its charms. As Americans discover the fans suddenly make montages on YouTube in the history of Fer and David.
Mac: Working on "The Wright Stuff" and you are the creator of "Physics and Chemistry." Do you feel, somehow, the father of the last two generations of actors?
CM: Does the father? Not what you, uncle or distant relative as much. And even. I guess it may feel the directors of the chapters and casting directors. I do not.
Mac: Do you think this generation has undergone many changes from its predecessor?
CM: The truth is that I could not tell. I believe you share the enthusiasm and desire to work. I do not know if we could speak of a clear difference in the approach to work. And then there are actors in a timely manner that I like more than others
Mac: Since its inception, "Physics ...", has drawn much criticism saying the way they are portrayed to the world of drugs or sex on Adolescence was not real. What do you think about it?
CM: course it was not real. It is a fiction series.
Mac: How difficult is the gaps in a project that you created yourself?
CM: I do not particularly difficult. But I think it has to do with my character. I am in closed stage and I think that the most healthy is completely dissociated. Especially respect for the new team and mental health, what is the thinking, I would have done it differently, and this one ... And if you're still wanting to participate, you screw up, not having gone.
Mac: Once you have, do you still keep contact with the new team takes over the series?
CM: I keep in touch with them, but because they are friends. And sometimes I have problems or where they will take the series. But not because I are referring to but because it arises in conversation, and I try not to say much.
Mac: "Genesis" was also your creation. What do you attribute the failure of that series? Perhaps it was too modern or American for that time?
CM: "Genesis" was commissioned and the creation of several writers and producers. For the record I'm not throwing balls out, because I'm proud of it. I'm just saying the creative process was different from "physical ...." What failure? Well, sometimes things work sometimes not. And we were in a chain that has just been born, I guess that also influenced. And I guess we did not give the right tone either. Too cold or too dark. And not interested, go.
Mac: When a project like this does not work, can you take it personally?
CM: Yes, I always take things personally. And I would not. But I've learned to overcome growing very quickly and do not lick my wounds. It begins with another new and ready. And although it is obvious, you learn lot of failures. A lot.
Mac: Can we educate the taste of the audience or you have to give what he asks?
CM: I believe in balance. You can not forget the audience, you work for it. But I think the same audience that will demand a product of pure escape, you may also be demanding something more of substance. I can be a spectator of "Save Me" and "Six Feet Under, why not?
Mac: Have you seen a player break one of your scripts?
CM: And many save some dialogues that were not as good as they should. There are real alchemists actors, turning coal into gold.
Mac: Do you plan jump into other genres such as narrative, for example?
CM: There has been some attempt . I guess I'll try again sometime. But I think I just try to post when I feel minimally satisfied. And that moment has not arrived.
Mac: What future projects do you have on the table?
CM: We are adapting the novel "The time between stitching of Maria Duenas . We're becoming a series of eleven chapters. It's an exciting challenge. And we're very excited.


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