Monday, December 13, 2010

New Remote For Elantra

Dafne Fernández:" I know that if I fight for what I want, no one will do for my "

Angel Caballero / Look at the camera
Gerardo Herrero opened the doors of the movie when it was just a child. His perseverance, effort, dedication, talent and beauty were not lost in the eyes of industry professionals and film audiences as "Box 507", and series like "Step Up" or "Los Serrano". Dafne Fernandez surprised us again last summer with her comedic in "Sex in Chueca, and has demonstrated great versatility as an actress in the hit" Land of Wolves. "

Look at the camera: You started very young in the world of dance and film. They say you are very disciplined dancers, have you applied that discipline to your work as an actress, along these years? Dafne Fernandez
: Discipline is the ability to focus their own efforts to an end. That's how I was taught to work, and that's how you get positive results. If not I fight for what I want, no one will do for me.
Mac: Your first feature film, as a child, were the work of great directors like Gerardo Herrero , Juan Antonio Bardem or Carlos Saura . What do you teach?
DF: Everything. I had the good fortune to get started in this profession with the best. Never forget my naps with Paco Rabal, or when we drew together and I Saura.
Mac: With Saura will meet again in "Goya in Bordeaux", two years after working in "bird." Do they influence a lot those two years in your growth as an actress and as a person? DF: As a person surely be an actress meant an extra effort to my studies and dance school. I never wanted to be left behind. And the reunion was something almost logical Saura. I was totally captivated of his work in "Bird" and he did the same with mine ... That was my luck.
Mac: Television provides a wide popularity. There are actors who can bring in a more quiet and others to which the above. How did you live that "boom" that was "Step Up"?
DF: The success of "One Step Ahead", not only in Spain but in much of the world, was unexpected. Arrived. And as he arrived, he was assuming. The truth is that it was wonderful to know that a lot of people follow your work and is thrilled with the plot of the characters is wonderful. I received much love from the people and enjoyed that time. I always have good memories of that series.
Mac: Marta Ramos has been the character that you've lived longer. Was it hard to get rid of it?
DF: Marta was not very different from me. She was a girl studying to be the best dancer in the world and in the same condition I was in those moments. A seventeen year old girl fighting for a place in this world. When he was not doing as Marta Ramos on the set of filming, he did as Daphne in the classrooms of the Real Conservatorio Profesional de Danza de Madrid.
Mac: What was it that made you abandon the dance and decantarte for acting? Was it a deliberate and conscious decision or did it?
DF: I had to make that decision when I finished my degree in classical dance. I had to choose between dancing in a company or do the third season of A Step Ahead. I made the decision immediately, because that was what made me happier. I chose acting.
Mac: Was it hard?
DF: admit I felt a vast emptiness and deep sadness for leaving the dance. It was something that filled me with wonderful feelings, combined, among many, the pain and pleasure. Dance gave me everything. My values in life, my level of demand in the work, the sensitivity with which it is to look at things, teamwork and individual ...
Mac: Been a long time playing a character that you felt you could not give more?
DF: "No power" is something that speaks not think at any time. You can always do more, always. What has not been able to get more out of character? Many times, but that more work for me to spend less.
Mac: Many of us have discovered in "Sex and the Chueca" a Dafne completely different from what we've seen before. Did you ever scared you take on a character so silly and funny?
DF: Just before "Sex and the Chueca" I was doing a course with Inés París on comedy. We work several sequences of Woody Allen movies . And I had a pipe. Rarely felt such freedom playing. And that's when I realized I could play Vero. I myself would have bet on me. I never thought I could have so little shame.
Mac: A Vero, the character he played in this series, often confused with the actress Dafne. Do I have to learn to laugh at yourself?
DF: It is essential, laugh at yourself is something enjoyable, liberating.
Mac: Some of us would have them do a spin off with the adventures of this character. Would you be willing to do?
DF: without thinking. I'd love to reconnect with Vero, I miss it.
Mac: How do you usually prepare your characters?
DF: first need to know where the character is and how to handle disputes. Infer their personality and seek references. Then I sequence by sequence, conflict by conflict and find out more traits of his personality. Shortly by little I begin to know the person that I will be able defenderla.Ese life and so is the process that I like. It's like going decrypting the key will get you to feel free to interpret.
Mac: Do you often seek the help of a coach ?
DF: Occasionally. But to see a loose string.
Mac: 've gone through the musical theater with "Fame." Did you have to get back into shape, as a dancer, for this project or you've never left at all?
DF: I had to get back in shape, and it was not easy. I laced up the tabs. But deserved well worth it. I was able to enjoy the dance.
Mac: Do you think the players need to do a good physical workout?
DF: No more so than a person who is not an actor. You have to watch. Our front is our showcase, we can not forget. Our physical often determine the character that we offer. Although I would love to give me a totally opposite to what is physical me.
Mac: Of all the jobs you have done, by what has you most excited to congratulate you?
DF: usually value more criticism than compliments. Saco more benefits from the criticism, because I can learn from mistakes. But I must admit that congratulations for Vero ("Sex and the Chueca") gave me great confidence.
Mac: "Tierra de lobos" has brought you back to Prime Time TV. "When you tend to accept a new project to assess the time slot in which to be issued or the potential audience you can have?
DF: for nothing. "Tierra de Lobos" I would have caught even be put on Sunday at two o'clock. It is a very ambitious project, with a fantastic team and a chocolate as a character. I could not resist never.
Mac: Just premiered "The Wolves", where you make a small contribution. What attracted you to this story, to the point of wanting to participate by doing something so discreet?
DF: I met Gerardo the Mannheim Film Festival (Germany), and I was talking about "The Wolves" as his next project. I fell in love with the story. But there was never a character I could play. Two months later called me and said he had written a cameo for me, and if I wanted to. He was one of the most wonderful gifts I have.
Mac: seems that we are living a great moment for the actors to try English adventure American. Did you have raised?
DF: There an American project, but for now is just that, a project. It is a remake of a Korean film, written by David Franzoni (winner of an Oscar for "Gladiator"). The script and my character is incredibly challenging. I'll tell you more detail when it comes into operation ...
Mac: Where do you see next?
DF: Every Tuesday at 22:30 pm on Telecinco, with "Land of Wolves." And on the big screen in "The Wolves", with the year of wolves ... (Laughter)

Photo: Beatriz Olivares


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