Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Applying Bio Oil To Dissolvable Stitches

Symptoms and Signs of Ascension

Many will have noticed that are happening inside a series of changes without having a very clear reason why it happens.

The arrival of the Age of Aquarius on the planet Earth is causing internal changes both at the same planet and every one of the beings who live with the sole mission of "coupled" and "adapt" to the new vibration causes the Age of Aquarius ...

are explained below certain "symptoms" indicating without doubt a change in the energy and spiritual man who does that is gradually adapting to a change deeper into his awakening, ascension vibrational and spirituality.

is important to be aware that although our evolutionary process is rapidly accelerating, along with new high energies, we are all experiencing these changes in our own way and in our own time, according to who we are and consistent with our code and the divine covenant that each and every one of us did at the time of birth and has a goal and not transferable to get evolve. Also, generally speaking, our ascension process relates to how we flow our life and energy to every barrier, every block and every taboo can be transmuted automatically purify, incorporating more light within ourselves.

Some of these symptoms may be noted the change in its interior are

Feel like you're in a pressure cooker or in intense energy: Remember you're adjusting your material and all your fields energy to a higher vibration.

A feeling of disorientation, not knowing where you are, feeling of being out of place. You are gradually abandoning the Third Dimension live in physical and earth to delve into the Fourth Dimension, a dimension of love, perception and Intuition.

unusual aches and pains throughout different parts of your body: You purificándote and releasing blocked energy from the 3rd dimension, as you head to a higher dimension of existence.

Waking at night between 2:00 and 4:00 a. m: During this short period of the night, the Cosmos is opened and many are awake so they can pray, ask and even connect with the Divine energies and even with Light Guide.

Memory Loss: A profusion of loss of short-term memory. You are more than one dimension at a time, and back and forward is part of the transition (you experiencing a "disconnect"). Also, your past is part of the Old, and the Old is forever gone and that the past does not exist. Being in the Now is the system of the New World and the only place real time!

"View" and "hear" things change in the process of vibrational spiritual channels are aligned and even open and depending on each gift that you can be much more sensitive and receptive to other realities. (It is important first rule out any mental illness that is).

Loss of identity: You try to access your true essence and that makes you feel inside you different because you have access to the memory of Divine tending your identity so much more open consciousness and rejecting the "role" in this play called Life.

periods of deep sleep: You are lying around, acclimating and integrándote and is very normal that your etheric body needs to "visit" far more often the higher spiritual plane to acclimate to the change.

Increased sensitivity to your environment: Crowds, noise, food, TV, other human voices and various stimuli are barely tolerable. You also can easily overwhelm you and you feel easily overstimulated. You're tuning into and any excess energy and mass are naturally avoided. This is temporary.

feel as if you were not doing anything: You're in a period of rest, "reconectándote" and making a break at the interior and you can go a stage without wanting to do courses, reading, going out, etc as your real need is inside . While this happens you enjoy yourself, the little things in life and not get bogged down.

An intolerance for things low vibration (of the 3 rd dimension) reflected in conversations, attitudes, social structures, modes healers, etc: They make you feel "sick" inside as the gossip, reviews aberrant or criticism and are part of a vibration that you will not. You are at a higher vibration and your energies do not accept these environments.

A sudden disappearance of friends, activities, habits, jobs and residences: You are evolving beyond what you used to be and because the Law of Affinity, that it appeared that was consistent before you now cease to be as the Soul need other energy and environment to continue its expansion and the change will be better and more positive
extreme fatigue
Days: Your body is losing density and going through intense restructuring and therefore sometimes sleeping and eating become tasks important to raise vibration.

A need to eat more often because they feel sugar-lowering attacks: You are requiring an enormous amount of fuel in the process of ascension. Weight gain, with the inability to lose, no matter what you do, is one of the typical experiences. Trust that your body knows what you are doing as though we forget too often, nature is wise. Experience

emotional ups and downs, laugh, mourn. Our emotions are to be our outlet for release, and we are releasing a lot.

want to go home as if it was all over and you no longer belong to this place: We are returning to Source. It's finished. (But many of us are staying to help and to establish the Age of Aquarius in humanity.

feel that you're going crazy, or should be developing a mental illness or something: You are experiencing several dimensions and a grand opening soon. Much is now available for you. Only you have not used. Your perception has been increased and your barriers are gone. This will pass and eventually you will feel at home and feel like never before, the home is here now.

Anxiety and panic: Your ego is losing much of himself and afraid. Also, your system is overloaded. We are going things you can not understand. Patterns of behavior are releasing a low vibration, developed to survive in the 3rd dimension. This can make you feel vulnerable and powerless. These patterns and behaviors that are losing are not needed in the higher realms. After this transition, and everything will feel much love, security and unity. Just wait!

Depression: The outside world may not be in alignment with the new vibration that has experienced and can get to feeling "that are not part of this world." You're also releasing negative energy and you're old "Seeing" through them. Hold on!

Vivid dreams, wild and sometimes violent: You are releasing many, many lifetimes of lower vibrational energy and dreams that can manifest in negative and even beautiful and real.

Night sweats and hot flashes: Your body is "heating up" while burning waste.

You created this situation that looks like your worst nightmare, with the "worst" aspects of yourself: Your soul is leading to a spurt in aspects of yourself that you had gaps, or "smooth" things where you had an overabundance. Your energy is balancing itself. This is YOUR journey, and your soul would not have to rise if you were not ready. You're the one who finds the way out and you will.

After so many changes and many doubts have been clarified, you'll realize you should not fear anything and that any change creates anxiety about leaving old habits and "believe" valid even when they vibrate with energy New Age, you will feel grateful for the experience of being a different person.

Always use your discernment,
Listen to your heart by reading a message.
Just read the messages that make you vibrate. If a message
bother you just throw it away. Follow
your inner truth.


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