Friday, March 11, 2011

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Félix Gómez: "In this business you can not afford to depend on the inspiration"

Angel Caballero / Look at the camera
strolled through the streets of America looking for a place for lunch. We went into a tavern he knew and between rods and caps began to speak, with closeness and humility, his work on "The day that Isaac was born, which represents theater Fernando Fernan Gomez. Years ago, when I had just arrived in Madrid, my father told me: "I interviewed Felix Gomez and reminded me of the things you own." As good son I am, trying to discredit my father whenever I can, but this time, listening to Felix, I admit it was inevitable feel certain parallels with the way you see the profession, and to feel actor. Look

seeing you the other night at the theater, with Diana Palazón , remembered the role of "Krámpack" you did together. On one occasion, which coincided I went to see you, you you stopped the performance, because they kept on taking photos. This I have already spoken with Diana and Nacho López . I never seen you so angry.
Félix Gómez: Well, what I did is something that should not be done, but you were there, and, like us, you could you tell that this was not normal. I've never seen a pit as flash ... That was more like a Madonna concert than a theater. I did not for me as an actor, but clearly bothered me, but for the rest of people who had paid to see that role and did not have to endure that. When the situation no longer be controlled, stopped, I threw the anger, I took off my clothes, I was in shorts and said something like, "You can now do all the photos you like, because that's all I'm going to strip . " The applause of the day is one of the most memory. There are nice moments and stuff do you keep doing the role of bad feeling.
Mac: Did you plan to continue with the representation?
FG: From the first time. I talked to the alderman and told him that we followed in two minutes. That is one of the highlights of the famous " The show must go on ." Whatever happens, we must continue. I never go back to something as crazy and disappointing. That was the other side of fame.
Mac: But you ride this role knowing that you were a claim for a very specific audience ...
FG: We knew the theater would be a large number of teenagers, especially girls. I am delighted to bring to the theater to a younger audience, thanks to my fame. But at that time were not prepared for that, because it is not normal behavior within a theater. I understand that people wait outside the theater to take pictures or stop you on the street, but not in the middle of a function. They had to understand that they could not behave like this site because the theater also requires a certain respect for the viewer.
Mac: That was the first production you carried out your own production.
FG: The first crazy ...
Mac: What was it that led you to mount your troupe?
FG: An innate need. It's something that if you think about it, and appreciate it in the end you do not. It is a great waste of energy, you suffer a lot ... not something you do because you need the job. Fortunately, I have other projects. It's something that comes from the heart and I could not tell you why. I suppose it may be because in the theater I am happy. I've always said that the theater is like my second womb that gave me the opportunity to be reborn and return to life. This does not mean you are not happy doing film and television, but the theater gives me a vital energy that just feel when I'm on stage.
Mac: The other night, after watching "The day that Isaac was born," said some colleagues how much you enjoy it shows when you're on stage.
FG: From the first time. When Antonio Hernandez handed me the text and read it, I knew I wanted to do that work.
Mac: There is a part of the function that you have a monologue rather complicated. How do you do to defend it, night after night, and sounds like the first time?
FG: Is that every day is a new feature. It's the magic of theater ... It is always the same character, but you have before your partner every day will give you something new and with that we have half of your character. Each role is different, every audience is different and the energy that you transmit, from the stalls is never the same. These things just modificándote slightly. This is like when we were kids and we played cowboys and Indians. I picked up a gun or you wore a feather in the head and nobody could doubt that you were Sitting Bull. As this is the same. As much as I've played the same game, I always enjoy like the first time, just believe.
Mac: In the days when the concentration plays a trick on you or that we are less receptive to what we get from fellow ... Do you think that the public notice these things?
FG: I hope not, but always have a responsibility as an actor. In this business you can not afford to depend on the inspiration. A dancer can be more or less concentrated in the scenario, but when it comes time to do a pirouette, you have to do it and have to go right. We have to be equal. There is a minimum in our work we always have to give.
Mac: How applause from the audience can tell if they liked what they saw?
FG: Yes, it shows. There are many types of audiences. For example, in the south are very effusive and in the north are truant for applause, but always notes to those who liked it, but give two claps, clapping or because they are accustomed to applaud. You may also notice during the show if they are liking or not.
Mac: 've worked on some projects, such as "Father Courage," "The crimes of the Marquis de Urquijo" or "Raphael", where real people were playing. Does the process of creating these characters is always the same?
FG: No, depends on many factors. Sometimes you just read and the first to know where you want to go, and there are others who never seem to end up in matching the key. This came with Raphael . Was dissatisfied with each day's shooting because he thought the height was not reached or not. People of the team was as thrilled with my work and I thought I had done something mediocre and I pounded a lot. Then, when you see the results and talk with people you trust, you think "it might not be so bad." To me, I think Raphael is someone who is touched by magic, when he gets on stage, and I felt that my work reflects that.
Mac: These characters there is also a risk of imitation ...
FG: That was exactly what I wanted. Had to find my own Raphael. It's something that was very clear ... There was to follow. She needed to see, or imagine, what happened to him to do what he did.
Mac: Did you talk to him?
FG: He went to shoot, because it is a wonderful human being and was very supportive of the film. He loved the project and it saved us a lot, but never sat down with him to discuss the character.
Mac: Have you seen some of your early work and you wanted to repeat?
FG: continuously. The first, and then those of the past. I seeing fatal step. Not stand it. For that, I'm my worst enemy. Beginning to think I have made the right decision, I should have taken the character on the other site ...
Mac: "In the theater is the respect of your colleagues?
FG: The theater is a sanctuary, but it is the litmus test to prove you're a good actor. You can be a great actor and have not set foot in a theater in your life. I do not know if Audrey Hepburn did theater or not, but it has a wonderful film that I must see her on stage to show me it was a good actress. Since I was not going to like less Julia Roberts, because once did theater and did not have the best reviews. I just go to see a movie. Not all actors have to do everything. Some work in the three media (film, theater and television) and others not. There are also changing chameleonic actors completely with each character and others that we have our range of characters, we are expanding slowly. But why some actors are better than others.
Mac: Did you think you would go to make a living from this profession and have your own company?
FG: This is going to be very arrogant, but yeah. I mean, I do not know if you only dreamed of it, but as I believe that dreams can be fulfilled ... And I have brought to this tavern, where the sign reads: " If you want something with great force, the universe conspires your favor. " I believe that. I put every point of my energy into this, because I love this profession as I do not love almost anyone. For me, this job is my life. I hope to live a lifetime in this profession, but if ever anything happens to me and I have to do anything else, will remain an actor. Find my hole, albeit in a small company in a room with limited seating or in a distant village. When you're an actor ... it can not be otherwise.
(There is a silence in which the protagonist of this interview looks at me with a half smile. It is as if he saw something disturbing on my face. I as if nothing had happened and seconds later, Felix returns to the dialogue) I've
left locked. (Laughter)
Mac: (Inevitably, at this moment, my head again the words of my father) is that it is very exciting to hear someone speaking so fondly of his profession. Incidentally, I have told you prepare a new theater project with your brother.
FG: My brother is also dedicated to this and I have really wanted to work with him because I think it's very good actor. A few years ago, talking to Antonio Hernandez on fatherhood, was born the work we are representing in Fernando Fernan Gomez. Now I'm at a stage in my life very familiar. When we grow older brothers, we have next to someone we love, without really knowing why. In my house we are four brothers and we are very close, despite our differences. I've been wanting to talk about these relationships, I told Antonio and he said he would like to write something. So it is very possible that the next function is about brothers.
Mac: "The Republic" seems more like a meeting between old friends a series ...
FG: is true (laughs). I swear that when I spoke of the cast I thought they were joking. It's like a surprise party with friends like Veronica Sanchez , Alejo Sauras , Vicente Romero, Fernando Cayo ... is a total and on. I was very happy, because it was one of the first times I felt that I am part of this.
Mac: you ever felt that emptiness that you have when you finish a job and do not know if they'll call again?
FG: In this regard I have good luck, because I have almost always had a new job when he had not yet finished the last. What if true, is that I do every job as if it were your last. And live life the same way, because I am passionate. Like everyone, I've had my phases of break, but I used to ride my projects. Last year I finished filming "Agnosia" in December and started "Raphael" in April. And during those months I was preparing the production of "The day that Isaac was born."
Mac: Finally, how does it feel when working with large stage, as Concha Velasco, Juan Diego or Fernando Cayo?
FG: is a dream come true. I, at first I did not believe ... Like when I called Antonio Banderas for "The Way of the English. Had made the castings and was awaiting their response. I remember being in Andalusia, celebrating the birthday of my mother and my phone rang with a number that did not know. I answered and heard "Hello , Felix, I'm Antonio Banderas and you want to invite you to make me way." I never thought he was going to call it and thought it was a joke. It was the call for the one you're preparing you a lifetime and I was speechless. I did not know what to say, but there you realize that people that get excited, and you admire so much, are the most normal world. The most humble, the more workers ... are an example to follow.


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