Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cubefield Greem Level

Nadia Casado: "When an actor you see him stop nuts interested "

Angel Caballero / Look at the camera
Beauty, a strong personality and passionate about her work, are some of the Traits that define Nadia Casado. He has participated in projects like "SuperCharly", "The murderer in the circle" or "Sexykiller." Just roll with José Coronado, "No peace for the wicked", the much anticipated return to the direction of Enrique Urbizu. Married reveals the secrets of this shoot and their views and experiences on the world of acting.
camera: Can we say you were born to be an actress?
Nadia Casado: Yes, from a very young art had gotten into the blood, and that nobody in my family is dedicated to this profession. When I was five, I remember going to my grandmother and I wore heels, furs, I painted and I rode my own home theater. With ten or twelve years and started doing TV commercials, so I've always been very clear he wanted to be an actress.
Mac: Were your parents who, as a child, I took castings of advertising?
NC: No. One day out of college, I noticed the director of an advertising agency. He spoke with my sister and told me they would like some pictures. My parents refused because they thought I was too small, and it was my sister who sent some pictures of me, hiding from them. A few weeks later they called me and offered to do a campaign of "back to school." At first my father objected, but I convinced him by saying she would only be an advertisement for testing. A job led to another and I ended up doing some more. When I finished school I decided I wanted to study drama, but my parents put a condition that had to study a career, so I Business. I spent six months in the school cafeteria, and the seventh went to the United States to take a course in interpretation, and when I returned I enrolled in the study of Juan Carlos Corazza.
Mac: How do you remember your first acting class?
NC: I felt like Bambi in a cage of lions. I started the course two months late, because I came from the United States, was the youngest in my class and the last to arrive. On the other hand, it helped me get my act together and arm myself with courage. I was a very shy person. I was ashamed, even when I had to order a coffee. Classes interpretation helped me find tools on me that I had never imagined. Later, I went prepared with the best teacher I've ever met, Paco Pino.
Mac: Is it important to change teachers and learn other methods?
NC: Completely . I am a person who can not be more than one time in the same place and with the same classmates, because I overwhelmed. When I finish a job, always use to do a course to reinvent myself and start from scratch. If you spend much time in school, in a film or doing the same theater performance, you run the risk of acquiring services and to accommodate you on what you know works for you as an actor. So I like to leave the mind blank, do me a course and learn how it was the first time I stood in front of a camera.
Mac: all have our little tricks to which we cling in a particular time, but be careful that the public will not notice. What are yours?
NC: I try to be always looking for new things to settle down no. It's complicated, because when an actor you see the nuts longer interested.
Mac: In some schools of interpretation seems to be taken less seriously actresses for the simple fact of being beautiful. You are a very attractive woman. Did you this happened?
NC: Yes I consider particularly pretty, but it is true that I smashed a lot. I even got to say: " in English cinema is no room for a face like yours ." That kind of stuff I created uncertainty and caused many would hide or fight my physique, but that's impossible. I am and I'm not going to change. We must accept and promote our strengths.
Mac: The first character you could develop continuity was in "Tell Me" ...
NC: Yes and I remember as a wonderful experience. I joined Paul Rivero, whom he knew from school. It was weird to see us in a series dating, after so many years. (Laughs) In that work I was an actress for the first time.
Mac: Have you returned to find that happiness in other characters?
NC: course. Shortly after "Tell Me" did a short film, "Deja vu", it was like a little dream come true, because it was time and I always wanted to do something. I worked with Ruth Lucía Núñez García and for twenty days, because it was too complex to shoot and was a great experience. We got many awards ... In "SexyKiller" I also really enjoyed because We had fights, persecution ...
Mac: What has it meant Enrique Urbizu for your career?
NC: do not know yet, because the film is about to debut. But for me, as an actress and as a person, it has meant everything. Before making "No peace for the wicked", I already knew, because he had two years of acting with him. This has been the greatest experience I had in my life and I doubt feel something again. Is a director who is so aware of the actors, every detail ... Working with him is like getting paid to attend a master class performance.
Mac: Are you nervous about the premiere?
NC: at all, because I know that Henry will not leave a single plane in which all is not perfect. I was so wrapped up during the shooting for him and my partner, Jose Coronado , which I trust completely.
Mac: What can you advance of "No peace for the wicked?
NC: is a thriller that is very noticeable Enrique's hand. It is a very hard film in which I think the audience will be on the wrong side.
Mac: But is not very difficult to get that?
NC: is that in this case, the bad can be a little too good, but I can say nothing more.
Mac: What have you learned from your colleagues on the set?
NC: Joseph The Coronado is a totally consuming. I was hallucinating when I saw the front and work. It is amazing the control you have over the whole situation ... I remember thinking: How can I now I will open my mouth to say a word? I did not test, but the first day I arrived on set and got to work, fit perfectly. It is a pleasure to work with a partner so generous.
Mac: When you watch a movie a friend who is an actor, are you able to forget the person and focus on the character?
NC: depends. There are colleagues who are very good players and although I believe what I do, it is true that it always costs a little. For example, Joseph (Coronado) is a gentleman from head to toe, but in this movie treats me like a rag and there were times that I came to believe so I felt real terror. At that time I could not see the actor. Santos saw Trinidad, the protagonist of the film, which is a being that is scary.
Mac: What is the best thing an actor can offer your audience?
NC: Truth. Have things from absolute sincerity. I see many movies in which actors know that these things are telling me and I am really disappointed as a spectator. You can tell they have done such work for more money, because they want a bigger house or because it is the only thing they have offered this year. I want to see actors who really deliver. And if you see that you will not be able to give everything in a job, it is best not to. I really have offered bills that I did not want to do or where you do not believe, and I preferred not to make, and borrow money to pay the rent. To make things out of obligation, necessity and not wanting to better get to fold clothes in a store, for sure there are many other actors who are dying to play that role. This is a profession so hard, where you get so few opportunities, that when it comes to be seized by a hundred percent and give the best of oneself.
Mac: Dreaming of the day you get a main character?
NC: But I prefer to do side projects in which I trust, to have a protagonist in a film that does not create and I'm not going to contribute anything. I always thought it is better to take small steps, but with confidence. This is a very beautiful profession in which to do things from the love and passion for the job.


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