Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Confirmation Court Letter


I tried writing a few words to remind the person that was my first contact with the profession, who gave me wise counsel, who encouraged me for the first time, to get in front of a camera and, above all, my friend who accompanied , caught his arm, which would be her last red carpet. 'm Sorry, Amparo, but I will not do it. I prefer to keep me, selfishly, those memories for me. What if I'm going to do is steal some words of him who introduced us and that he had much affection.

From your friend always ...

Angel Caballero .

I came to the cafeteria without Blas de Lezo expectation. "Do not flatter yourself," he warned, "has fired a number of authors." I ordered a coffee and waited. A good while later, with a stiff gait, came a middle-aged woman leaning against a younger man. It must be her, I thought though, and I never told you this, in that first meeting did not recognize you. It was you: Amparo Muñoz, the most beautiful, pure legend now. Hit by the disease and avatars, do not recognize you, but after a while, you decided to trust me, late afternoon, your life, that had not been easy and that many wanted to run as scavengers. Never shirks an answer, never resort to evasive. To write your memories, had a single premise: do not hurt, do not fret, do no harm. Not a reproach for those who lie here, gossip there, I pulled out of deals, for the English Film Festival that year after year, spared recognition for the city that proudly believed that you do not owe anything. In the middle of the story, a sip of vodka and orange, close your eyes and with that majestic pose the greatest divas know just take, put the cigarette to your lips before letting out a halo of smoke. "I came to Manchester to die," told me the first evening. I thought that phrase was emphatic that the writers seek to start a story. Today is that even in that you were honest with me. We were last in Archidona. Surrender had just a tribute. You were radiant, yet you expect that role justice. I remember well, as you would like: full on stage, simple, happy ... and, of course, pretty, very pretty. The beauty, dear Amparo, make you immortal.

Miguel Fernandez.
Posted by Diario Sur.


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