material evolution and spiritual evolution of the world are two reverse movements, but parallel and consistent throughout the scale of being.
The other one just described, and, viewed together, explain the world. Material evolution represents the manifestation of God in this matter by the soul of the world that works. Spiritual evolution is the development of consciousness in the individual monads and their attempts to unite, through the cycle of life, with the divine spirit that they emanate.
See the universe from the physical point of view, or from the spiritual standpoint, is not considered an object different, see the world from two opposite ends. From the standpoint of land, the rational explanation of the world must begin with the material evolution, as we see it on this side, but making us see the universal Spirit's work in this area and continue the development of individual monads, it insensibly leads the spiritual perspective and makes us go outside to the inside of things, the world upside down by his side deep. At least this came
Pythagoras, who regarded the universe as a living, animated by a great soul and penetrated by a great intelligence. The second part of his teaching began, then, by the cosmogony.
sublunary region designates the area where the earth's attraction is exercised, and is called the cycle of generations. The initiated understand why the earth is for us the living area of \u200b\u200bthe body. There are all operations that accompany the embodiment and disembodiment of souls. The area of \u200b\u200bthe six planets and the sun meets ascending categories of spirits. The Olympus
designed as a rotating sphere is called the heaven of the fixed, because it is assimilated into the realm of the perfect souls. This covers child astronomy, as a conception of the spiritual universe. To his disciples
Pythagoras taught third grade double movement of the earth. Without accurate measurements of modern science, he knew, as the priests of Memphis, who hatched the planets revolve around sun, the stars are all solar systems governed by the same laws of our country and that everyone has rank in the immense universe. He also knew that each solar world is a small universe, which has its counterpart in the spiritual world and heaven itself. The planets were used to mark the scale.
The visible universe, said Pythagoras, the sky with all its stars is only a transitory form the soul of the world, the great Maia, which concentrates material scattered in infinite space, then dissolves and spreads into the cosmic fluid imponderable. Of these powers invisible ones, absolutely immortal, direct the formation of this world, one hope to flourish in the cosmic dream or divine dream to re-enter the visible generations, according to rank and as the eternal law. The soul site and its central fire, which moves directly to the great Monad produces the molten material. The planets are children of the Sun
Each of them produced by the forces of attraction and rotation inherent in the matter, is endowed with a soul soul semi solar output, and has its distinct character, its role in particular evolution.
The four elements, which are formed the stars and people, graduates of four states designated area. The first, as the densest and most rude, is the most refractory to the spirit, the latter as the most refined, has a great affinity for him. The earth represents the solid, water, liquid, air, gaseous state, the fire, the state imponderable. The fifth element, or ether, is a subtle state of matter and so lively, that it is not atomic and is equipped with universal penetration. Is the original cosmic fluid, the astral light or soul of the world.
Pythagoras, taught by the temples of Egypt, had precise notions about the major trends of the globe. The doctrine India and Egypt knew of the existence of the ancient southern continent which has produced the red race, and a powerful civilization called Atlantis by the Greeks. She attributed the emergence and immersion continents alternative to the oscillation of the poles and admitted that mankind had so for six floods. Each cycle brings interdiluviano the predominance of a great human race. Amid the partial eclipse of civilization and of human faculties, there is a general upward movement.
What is the big, sharp, the eternal mystery?. is the internal problem, that of each and all, is the problem of the soul which finds itself an abyss of darkness and light, which is viewed with a mixture of charm and fear, and says: "I am not of this world, because it is not enough to explain. I do not come from the earth and going to another party. But where? ". It is the mystery of Psyche, which contains all others.
The cosmogony of the visible world, said Pythagoras, has led us to the history of this land and the mystery of the human soul. Touch with him to the shrine of shrines, the secret of the mysteries. Once awakened his conscience, the soul returns to itself the most Amazing shows.
in its unknown depth, the divine Psyche gazes fascinated gaze
all lives and all worlds: past, present and future that binds to Eternity. "Know thyself and know the universe of the gods", here's the secret of the wise initiates. But to penetrate the narrow door of the vastness of the invisible universe, awaken in us a direct view of the soul purified and let us arm ourselves with the torch of intelligence, science and principles of the sacred numbers.
What is the human soul?. A lot of the great soul of the world, an ember of the divine spirit, a monad immortal. To become what it is, it has been necessary to traverse all the kingdoms of nature, the whole scale of beings, gradually unfolding a series of many stocks.
blind and indiscriminate force in the mineral, plant individualized, polarized in the sensitivity and instinct of animals, she tends toward the conscious monad that slow development, and the elemental Monad is visible in the lower animal.
Be that as it wants, which is the essence of any man has had to evolve over millions of years through a string of planets and the lower realms, retaining all such stocks through individual first follows her everywhere. That individuality obscure but indestructible, is the divine seal of the Monad that God wants to manifest consciousness.
The more we ascend in the series of bodies, plus the Monad develops the principles are latent in it. Polarized force becomes sensitive, sensitivity, instinct, instinct intelligence. And as the torch lights flickering of consciousness, the soul of the body becomes more independent, more able to lead a freer. Travel
do, so many incarnations, what planetary cycles to cross it, that the human soul so formed becomes the man we know!. According to the esoteric traditions of India and Egypt, the individuals that compose today's humanity has begun human existence on other planets, where the matter is much less dense than ours. The man's body was then almost airy, light and easy incarnations. His powers of direct spiritual perception had been very powerful and very subtle in this first human phase: the reason and intelligence in contrast, were in their infancy. In this state semicorporal, semispirit, the man saw the spirits, it was all glory and charm to your vision, and hearing music. He listened to the harmony of the spheres. Or thought, or reflected, he wanted only. It was left to live, drinking
sounds, shapes and light, floating like a dream, life, death and from death to life. Here's what's called Orphic Saturno.Encarnándose sky on planets and more dense, according to the doctrine of Hermes, is how man has materialized. Incarnated in a thicker material, humanity has lost its spiritual meaning, but by his struggle harder and harder with the outside world, has developed powerful his reason, his intelligence, his will. The land is the last step of this descent into matter that Moses called out of paradise, and Orpheus in the fall sublunary circle. From him can man painfully circles traced a series of new stock and recover their spiritual senses by the free exercise of his intellect and his will.
What is the status of divine Psyche in terrestrial life? Since the painfully awakened in the thick air of the earth, the soul is bound to the folds of the body. She does not live, not breathing, but does not think through it, and yet he's not her. As the soul develops, feels growing within a flickering light, invisible and intangible something she calls her spirit, her consciousness. Yes, the man has the feeling the triple's innate nature, as distinguished in their language, even instinctive, the body of his soul and his soul from his spirit. More captive and tormented soul stirring between his two companions times this body absorbs so much, that Psyche lives only by their feelings and passions.
What is soul? Here's what the initiated, guided by tradition and by the many experiences of psychic life, have said the man, what stirs in you, what you call your soul, is a double etheric body contains in itself himself an immortal spirit. The spirit is constructed and woven for their own activities, his spiritual body. Pythagoras truck called the subtle soul because it is intended to take it away from the earth after death. This spiritual body is the organ of spirit, sensitive envelope, its instrument of volition, and serves to animate the body, which without it would be inert. In the apparitions of the dying or the dead, twice that becomes visible. But that is always a nervous especially in the seer. The subtlety, power, perfection of the spiritual body, vary the quality of the mind that contains that astral body, though much more subtle and more perfect than the earth, it is not deadly as the Monad that it contains. Change
, cleaned, according to media it crosses. The spirit molded him, makes him perpetually in his image, but not abandoned. Here's what Pythagoras taught, that did not conceive the abstract spiritual entity, the Monad formless. The spirit, acting at the bottom of the heavens and on earth, you must have a body, this body is the living soul, bestial or sublime, dark or bright, but having the human form, this image of God.
What happens at death?. In the vicinity of the agony, the soul senses usually the next from the body. She returns to see his whole earthly existence in short tables, a rapid succession of startling clarity. But when life stops dead in the brain, she is troubled and completely lost consciousness. If it is a holy and pure soul, his spiritual senses are awakened and its gradual disintegration of the material. She has had before his death, in a way anyone introinspección if only for their own state, the feeling of the presence of another world. In the silent instances, the distant calls, the lazy rays of the Unseen, the land has lost its consistency, and when the soul escapes the body so cold, happy for her release, she feels a great heap in light into the spiritual family to which it belongs. But it goes well with the ordinary man whose life has been divided between the material instincts and higher aspirations. He wakes up with a semi-consciousness, as in the awkward feeling of a nightmare. No longer has to pick up arms, no voice to cry, but remember, suffering exists in a limbo of tineblas and horror. The only thing I see is his body, which is off, but to which experiences an attraction even invincible.
through him because he lived and what is he now?. It looks with horror on the fibers of your brain freezes, blood curdled in his veins, and is not now. Is he dead?. Is he alive?. I would like to see, hold on to something, but not seen, can not take anything. Darkness enclosing him, to around in it all is chaos. There is one thing, and this appeals to you, and cause horror ... phosphorescence of his remains grim, and the nightmare begins again.
This state can last for months or years. Its duration depends on the strength of the material instincts of the soul. But, good or bad, hell or heaven, the soul gradually becomes aware of itself and its new state. Once free of his body, will escape into the depths of the earth's atmosphere, whose electrical rivers carry it from one side to another, and where he begins to see the multifaceted wandering more or less similar to itself, as fleeting flashes thick haze. So begins a dizzying struggle, bitter, soul, even numb, to climb to the upper layers of air, freed from the earth's attraction and win in the sky of our planetary system in the region of its own and friends can only show guides. But before you hear them and see them, you often need a long time. This phase of the life of the soul has different names in religions and mythologies. Moses called Horeb, Orpheus Erebus, Christianity Purgatory or the valley of the shadow of death
, the soul must pass through an intermediate state of purification and
rid of impurities in the ground before continuing his journey.
How paint the arrival of a pure soul to her own world?. The land has vanished like a nightmare. A new dream, a fading envelops delicious as a caricature. She sees more than his winged guide, which leads to the speed of lightning through the depths of space. What about his awakening in the valleys of a star ethereal elemental airless, where everything, mountains, flowers, vegetation, nature is formed in a fine, sensitive and speaker?. What, above all of these forms bright men and women around him in sacred group started with the holy mystery of his new life?. Are they gods or goddesses? No, they are souls like her, and wonder is that your inner thought
flowers on his face, the tenderness, love, desire or fear radiating through those diaphanous bodies in a range of bright colors.
Here, bodies and faces are no longer masks the soul, but the transparent soul appears in its true form and shines in the full light of pure truth. Psyche again has found his divine homeland. Because the secret light, which bathes, which emanates from herself and she returns the smile of loved ones, the light of happiness ... is the soul of the world ... and she feels the presence of God. Now there are no more obstacles, she will love, you know, live with no other limit to their capacity, their own flight. She feels connected to all its partners for
deep affinities. For in the afterlife that is not love
repel, and only understood qiuenes meet, and together celebrate the divine mysteries in the most beautiful temples.
This is the heavenly life of the soul, which sees only our spirit tainted by the impurities of the earth, but guess the initiated seers living and demonstrating the law of analogy and universal commonalities. Our images that are obscene, our language imperfectly, trying in vain to translate this life, but every living soul feels its germ in their hidden depths. If the present state is us impossible to prove, occult philosophy makes its psychic conditions.
The idea of \u200b\u200bthe stars ethereal, invisible to us, but part of our solar system and serving to stay happy souls, is frequently found in the mysteries of the esoteric tradition. Pythagoras called it the etheric double of the earth. It says it is as light as air and surrounded by an ethereal atmosphere. In the afterlife, the soul retains, therefore, all its individuality. Of earthly existence only keeps the memories nobles, and drop the others in the forgotten poets have called waves of Lethe. Freed from its spots, the human soul feels his conscience as inverted. Part outside of the universe has entered its inside; Cibeles-Maia, the soul of the world, has collected in her womb with a deep breath. There Psyche finish his dream, the dream broken all the time and constantly restarted on earth. She will finish the extent of their effort and light land acquired, but widen it a hundredfold. Yes, the man, but did not live more than an hour of enthusiasm or devotion, that single pure note dissonant plucked the range of his earthly life, will be repeated in its beyond wonderful progressions in wind harmonies. The fleeting happiness that we seek the charms of music, the ecstasy of love or transport charity, nothing more than the notes of a symphony shelled hear then.
Initiates, which are consistent and transcendental idealists have always thought that the only real and lasting things on earth are the manifestations of beauty, love and spiritual truth.
The heavenly life of the soul can last for hundreds or thousands of years, according to his rank and drive force. But they can only prolong indefinitely the most perfect, most sublime, those who have crossed the circle of generations. These souls have not only achieved temporary rest, but the action immortal truth, they have created their wings. Convictions, because they are light, rule the worlds, because they see through.
law reveals embodiment and disembodiment, then, the true meaning of life and death. She is the capital hub in the evolution of the soul, and allows us to follow, backward and forward, to the depths of nature and divinity. Because this law reveals the rate and extent reason and the object of his immortality. In abstract or fantastic, becomes alive and logic, the correlation of life and death. Earth Birth is a death, from the spiritual standpoint, and death a heavenly resurrection.
The alternative of the two lives is necessary for the development of the soul, and each of the two is both the result and explanation of the other. Who has been penetrated by these truths, lies in the heart of the mystery at the heart of initiation.
extracts from the book "The Great Initiates III, ORPHEUS - Pythagoras - Plato" by Edouard Schure