Sunday, October 31, 2010

South Park Online With Subtitles

COSMOGONY and psychology, evolution of the soul - Pythagoras

material evolution and spiritual evolution of the world are two reverse movements, but parallel and consistent throughout the scale of being.
The other one just described, and, viewed together, explain the world. Material evolution represents the manifestation of God in this matter by the soul of the world that works. Spiritual evolution is the development of consciousness in the individual monads and their attempts to unite, through the cycle of life, with the divine spirit that they emanate.
See the universe from the physical point of view, or from the spiritual standpoint, is not considered an object different, see the world from two opposite ends. From the standpoint of land, the rational explanation of the world must begin with the material evolution, as we see it on this side, but making us see the universal Spirit's work in this area and continue the development of individual monads, it insensibly leads the spiritual perspective and makes us go outside to the inside of things, the world upside down by his side deep. At least this came
Pythagoras, who regarded the universe as a living, animated by a great soul and penetrated by a great intelligence. The second part of his teaching began, then, by the cosmogony.

sublunary region designates the area where the earth's attraction is exercised, and is called the cycle of generations. The initiated understand why the earth is for us the living area of \u200b\u200bthe body. There are all operations that accompany the embodiment and disembodiment of souls. The area of \u200b\u200bthe six planets and the sun meets ascending categories of spirits. The Olympus
designed as a rotating sphere is called the heaven of the fixed, because it is assimilated into the realm of the perfect souls. This covers child astronomy, as a conception of the spiritual universe. To his disciples

Pythagoras taught third grade double movement of the earth. Without accurate measurements of modern science, he knew, as the priests of Memphis, who hatched the planets revolve around sun, the stars are all solar systems governed by the same laws of our country and that everyone has rank in the immense universe. He also knew that each solar world is a small universe, which has its counterpart in the spiritual world and heaven itself. The planets were used to mark the scale.

The visible universe, said Pythagoras, the sky with all its stars is only a transitory form the soul of the world, the great Maia, which concentrates material scattered in infinite space, then dissolves and spreads into the cosmic fluid imponderable. Of these powers invisible ones, absolutely immortal, direct the formation of this world, one hope to flourish in the cosmic dream or divine dream to re-enter the visible generations, according to rank and as the eternal law. The soul site and its central fire, which moves directly to the great Monad produces the molten material. The planets are children of the Sun
Each of them produced by the forces of attraction and rotation inherent in the matter, is endowed with a soul soul semi solar output, and has its distinct character, its role in particular evolution.

The four elements, which are formed the stars and people, graduates of four states designated area. The first, as the densest and most rude, is the most refractory to the spirit, the latter as the most refined, has a great affinity for him. The earth represents the solid, water, liquid, air, gaseous state, the fire, the state imponderable. The fifth element, or ether, is a subtle state of matter and so lively, that it is not atomic and is equipped with universal penetration. Is the original cosmic fluid, the astral light or soul of the world.

Pythagoras, taught by the temples of Egypt, had precise notions about the major trends of the globe. The doctrine India and Egypt knew of the existence of the ancient southern continent which has produced the red race, and a powerful civilization called Atlantis by the Greeks. She attributed the emergence and immersion continents alternative to the oscillation of the poles and admitted that mankind had so for six floods. Each cycle brings interdiluviano the predominance of a great human race. Amid the partial eclipse of civilization and of human faculties, there is a general upward movement.
What is the big, sharp, the eternal mystery?. is the internal problem, that of each and all, is the problem of the soul which finds itself an abyss of darkness and light, which is viewed with a mixture of charm and fear, and says: "I am not of this world, because it is not enough to explain. I do not come from the earth and going to another party. But where? ". It is the mystery of Psyche, which contains all others.

The cosmogony of the visible world, said Pythagoras, has led us to the history of this land and the mystery of the human soul. Touch with him to the shrine of shrines, the secret of the mysteries. Once awakened his conscience, the soul returns to itself the most Amazing shows.
in its unknown depth, the divine Psyche gazes fascinated gaze
all lives and all worlds: past, present and future that binds to Eternity. "Know thyself and know the universe of the gods", here's the secret of the wise initiates. But to penetrate the narrow door of the vastness of the invisible universe, awaken in us a direct view of the soul purified and let us arm ourselves with the torch of intelligence, science and principles of the sacred numbers.

What is the human soul?. A lot of the great soul of the world, an ember of the divine spirit, a monad immortal. To become what it is, it has been necessary to traverse all the kingdoms of nature, the whole scale of beings, gradually unfolding a series of many stocks.
blind and indiscriminate force in the mineral, plant individualized, polarized in the sensitivity and instinct of animals, she tends toward the conscious monad that slow development, and the elemental Monad is visible in the lower animal.
Be that as it wants, which is the essence of any man has had to evolve over millions of years through a string of planets and the lower realms, retaining all such stocks through individual first follows her everywhere. That individuality obscure but indestructible, is the divine seal of the Monad that God wants to manifest consciousness.

The more we ascend in the series of bodies, plus the Monad develops the principles are latent in it. Polarized force becomes sensitive, sensitivity, instinct, instinct intelligence. And as the torch lights flickering of consciousness, the soul of the body becomes more independent, more able to lead a freer. Travel
do, so many incarnations, what planetary cycles to cross it, that the human soul so formed becomes the man we know!. According to the esoteric traditions of India and Egypt, the individuals that compose today's humanity has begun human existence on other planets, where the matter is much less dense than ours. The man's body was then almost airy, light and easy incarnations. His powers of direct spiritual perception had been very powerful and very subtle in this first human phase: the reason and intelligence in contrast, were in their infancy. In this state semicorporal, semispirit, the man saw the spirits, it was all glory and charm to your vision, and hearing music. He listened to the harmony of the spheres. Or thought, or reflected, he wanted only. It was left to live, drinking
sounds, shapes and light, floating like a dream, life, death and from death to life. Here's what's called Orphic Saturno.Encarnándose sky on planets and more dense, according to the doctrine of Hermes, is how man has materialized. Incarnated in a thicker material, humanity has lost its spiritual meaning, but by his struggle harder and harder with the outside world, has developed powerful his reason, his intelligence, his will. The land is the last step of this descent into matter that Moses called out of paradise, and Orpheus in the fall sublunary circle. From him can man painfully circles traced a series of new stock and recover their spiritual senses by the free exercise of his intellect and his will.

What is the status of divine Psyche in terrestrial life? Since the painfully awakened in the thick air of the earth, the soul is bound to the folds of the body. She does not live, not breathing, but does not think through it, and yet he's not her. As the soul develops, feels growing within a flickering light, invisible and intangible something she calls her spirit, her consciousness. Yes, the man has the feeling the triple's innate nature, as distinguished in their language, even instinctive, the body of his soul and his soul from his spirit. More captive and tormented soul stirring between his two companions times this body absorbs so much, that Psyche lives only by their feelings and passions.

What is soul? Here's what the initiated, guided by tradition and by the many experiences of psychic life, have said the man, what stirs in you, what you call your soul, is a double etheric body contains in itself himself an immortal spirit. The spirit is constructed and woven for their own activities, his spiritual body. Pythagoras truck called the subtle soul because it is intended to take it away from the earth after death. This spiritual body is the organ of spirit, sensitive envelope, its instrument of volition, and serves to animate the body, which without it would be inert. In the apparitions of the dying or the dead, twice that becomes visible. But that is always a nervous especially in the seer. The subtlety, power, perfection of the spiritual body, vary the quality of the mind that contains that astral body, though much more subtle and more perfect than the earth, it is not deadly as the Monad that it contains. Change
, cleaned, according to media it crosses. The spirit molded him, makes him perpetually in his image, but not abandoned. Here's what Pythagoras taught, that did not conceive the abstract spiritual entity, the Monad formless. The spirit, acting at the bottom of the heavens and on earth, you must have a body, this body is the living soul, bestial or sublime, dark or bright, but having the human form, this image of God.

What happens at death?. In the vicinity of the agony, the soul senses usually the next from the body. She returns to see his whole earthly existence in short tables, a rapid succession of startling clarity. But when life stops dead in the brain, she is troubled and completely lost consciousness. If it is a holy and pure soul, his spiritual senses are awakened and its gradual disintegration of the material. She has had before his death, in a way anyone introinspección if only for their own state, the feeling of the presence of another world. In the silent instances, the distant calls, the lazy rays of the Unseen, the land has lost its consistency, and when the soul escapes the body so cold, happy for her release, she feels a great heap in light into the spiritual family to which it belongs. But it goes well with the ordinary man whose life has been divided between the material instincts and higher aspirations. He wakes up with a semi-consciousness, as in the awkward feeling of a nightmare. No longer has to pick up arms, no voice to cry, but remember, suffering exists in a limbo of tineblas and horror. The only thing I see is his body, which is off, but to which experiences an attraction even invincible.
through him because he lived and what is he now?. It looks with horror on the fibers of your brain freezes, blood curdled in his veins, and is not now. Is he dead?. Is he alive?. I would like to see, hold on to something, but not seen, can not take anything. Darkness enclosing him, to around in it all is chaos. There is one thing, and this appeals to you, and cause horror ... phosphorescence of his remains grim, and the nightmare begins again.
This state can last for months or years. Its duration depends on the strength of the material instincts of the soul. But, good or bad, hell or heaven, the soul gradually becomes aware of itself and its new state. Once free of his body, will escape into the depths of the earth's atmosphere, whose electrical rivers carry it from one side to another, and where he begins to see the multifaceted wandering more or less similar to itself, as fleeting flashes thick haze. So begins a dizzying struggle, bitter, soul, even numb, to climb to the upper layers of air, freed from the earth's attraction and win in the sky of our planetary system in the region of its own and friends can only show guides. But before you hear them and see them, you often need a long time. This phase of the life of the soul has different names in religions and mythologies. Moses called Horeb, Orpheus Erebus, Christianity Purgatory or the valley of the shadow of death
, the soul must pass through an intermediate state of purification and
rid of impurities in the ground before continuing his journey.

How paint the arrival of a pure soul to her own world?. The land has vanished like a nightmare. A new dream, a fading envelops delicious as a caricature. She sees more than his winged guide, which leads to the speed of lightning through the depths of space. What about his awakening in the valleys of a star ethereal elemental airless, where everything, mountains, flowers, vegetation, nature is formed in a fine, sensitive and speaker?. What, above all of these forms bright men and women around him in sacred group started with the holy mystery of his new life?. Are they gods or goddesses? No, they are souls like her, and wonder is that your inner thought
flowers on his face, the tenderness, love, desire or fear radiating through those diaphanous bodies in a range of bright colors.
Here, bodies and faces are no longer masks the soul, but the transparent soul appears in its true form and shines in the full light of pure truth. Psyche again has found his divine homeland. Because the secret light, which bathes, which emanates from herself and she returns the smile of loved ones, the light of happiness ... is the soul of the world ... and she feels the presence of God. Now there are no more obstacles, she will love, you know, live with no other limit to their capacity, their own flight. She feels connected to all its partners for
deep affinities. For in the afterlife that is not love
repel, and only understood qiuenes meet, and together celebrate the divine mysteries in the most beautiful temples.

This is the heavenly life of the soul, which sees only our spirit tainted by the impurities of the earth, but guess the initiated seers living and demonstrating the law of analogy and universal commonalities. Our images that are obscene, our language imperfectly, trying in vain to translate this life, but every living soul feels its germ in their hidden depths. If the present state is us impossible to prove, occult philosophy makes its psychic conditions.
The idea of \u200b\u200bthe stars ethereal, invisible to us, but part of our solar system and serving to stay happy souls, is frequently found in the mysteries of the esoteric tradition. Pythagoras called it the etheric double of the earth. It says it is as light as air and surrounded by an ethereal atmosphere. In the afterlife, the soul retains, therefore, all its individuality. Of earthly existence only keeps the memories nobles, and drop the others in the forgotten poets have called waves of Lethe. Freed from its spots, the human soul feels his conscience as inverted. Part outside of the universe has entered its inside; Cibeles-Maia, the soul of the world, has collected in her womb with a deep breath. There Psyche finish his dream, the dream broken all the time and constantly restarted on earth. She will finish the extent of their effort and light land acquired, but widen it a hundredfold. Yes, the man, but did not live more than an hour of enthusiasm or devotion, that single pure note dissonant plucked the range of his earthly life, will be repeated in its beyond wonderful progressions in wind harmonies. The fleeting happiness that we seek the charms of music, the ecstasy of love or transport charity, nothing more than the notes of a symphony shelled hear then.

Initiates, which are consistent and transcendental idealists have always thought that the only real and lasting things on earth are the manifestations of beauty, love and spiritual truth.

The heavenly life of the soul can last for hundreds or thousands of years, according to his rank and drive force. But they can only prolong indefinitely the most perfect, most sublime, those who have crossed the circle of generations. These souls have not only achieved temporary rest, but the action immortal truth, they have created their wings. Convictions, because they are light, rule the worlds, because they see through.

law reveals embodiment and disembodiment, then, the true meaning of life and death. She is the capital hub in the evolution of the soul, and allows us to follow, backward and forward, to the depths of nature and divinity. Because this law reveals the rate and extent reason and the object of his immortality. In abstract or fantastic, becomes alive and logic, the correlation of life and death. Earth Birth is a death, from the spiritual standpoint, and death a heavenly resurrection.

The alternative of the two lives is necessary for the development of the soul, and each of the two is both the result and explanation of the other. Who has been penetrated by these truths, lies in the heart of the mystery at the heart of initiation.

extracts from the book "The Great Initiates III, ORPHEUS - Pythagoras - Plato" by Edouard Schure

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Difference Between Jacquard And Damask

!!!..... [

Well, as you can find, this post is about Halloween , since we are in the expected date jijiji.

Halloween or Halloween is a holiday celebrated mainly in the U.S. on the night of October 31. It originated in the Celtic festival of Samhain and the Christian holiday Day of All Saints.

Typical activities include the famous Halloween trick or treat " Trick-or-treat " and costume parties, in addition to the bonfires, visiting haunted houses, jokes, reading scary stories and movies of terror.

is said that Halloween night, the door separating the living world of Beyond opened and the spirits of the dead were a procession in the villages where they lived.

On that night the spirits visited the houses of their relatives, and that spirits do not disturb the villagers had put a candle in the window from home for every deceased person who had in the family. If there was a candle in memory of each deceased spirits do not bother your family, if it was not like the spirits are disturbed at night and caused them to fall into terrible nightmares.

I personally think a little home decorating style Halloween, you know, a few pumpkins, bats hanging on the wall and things as well =).

(this is already decorated my wall ^ ^ ..... umm .. there is an intruder in the picture, but is otherwise decorating the side lol)

I hope you come over as well as I do in this Halloween, you jijiji desire many terrifying dreams.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Which Part(s) Of The Body Are Affected By Malaria

María León: "For me, the interpretation has to be play and enjoy, otherwise I serves "

Angel Caballero / Look at the camera
life some years ago put us in the same wagon. I still remember the first time I saw her sitting in that seat put a train bound for Madrid. We were not the protagonists of Before dawn, it was not Vienna and ours did not end in romance, but it served to forge a beautiful friendship. At this time I have seen Mary Leon outdo itself with each new challenge has been facing as an actress. Still has the look of that girl who was beginning, but with something new to the even more beautiful. In a few months start shooting Voice asleep, the latest project by Benito Zambrano, which will surely bring great rewards. Look

Remember the first conversation we had in that train?
María León: If I understand correctly, you came to do a casting in Barcelona and I had been visiting my brother, Paco, was shooting a movie there. You were out discontent in your test and I told you that my experience in a casting that was done recently to love in troubled times. I like to tell the stories of my casting for the series, because they told me they liked my job, but never have hired me laugh a lot ... for me and I seem too comical. Note the twist of life, now I'm preparing to sleep 's voice, which is a very dramatic story.
Mac: What has been your best casting?
ML: The first thing I did because it was so unconscious that I got perfect. Globomedia and was asked, which I thought was an employee who was there, if I could pass the text, because I was so nervous. The man was Luis San Narciso, had heard of him, but I had no idea what he looked like. We turn text twice and I remember saying to him: "What nerve am, I hope not I notice before the casting director." When you do not know who you are ahead, do not try to give something that does not really know if what you want, you get rid of pressure and fear. Now, whenever I go to a test, try to remember that time, knowing who I am, what I can and being very receptive to playing with what I give.
Mac: Do you betrayed the nerves when you had before to Benito Zambrano, to test the voice asleep?
ML: Well, that too has its history. (Laughter) I was in Ibiza, called me and said, "We'll send the text to do a test last week, with Zambrano ." There were three pages, in which he spoke of things very hard, barely had time to prepare. Yes, I got the text very well learned and offering everything you can give me. No one left happy casting, because I would have liked to work harder. Fortunately, neither I had time to build pressure and was very free. Who knows ... maybe that's why I call back.
Mac: of it that is a very demanding director ...
ML: Benedict is an actor's director who gives one hundred percent, because he enjoys his work. There are directors who are just looking for a product they can use to sell your project, and Zambrano takes the project of your product. I remember I raised those castings as they will receive a course. I think it will be very easy to work with because you never criticize you or judge you, as an actor. She loves to improvise to get everything you can in a scene. I get there, I put on my robe and I keep on playing, as children when they go to daycare. He is a man with very clear ideas, who knows what he wants, what you can get and how.
Mac: How did you feel the first time you read Voice asleep?
ML: That wanted. I understood perfectly the story ... Dulce Chacón wrote a jewel, not just talk about what it was that time, also tells the story of those people who do not quite know what was happening, and who were involved in that situation because they had touched. Many did not understand the policy and only saw them being killed your family and friends. I was very impressed when I read the novel, because as he went along, I could feel the character of Josie grew inside me.
Mac: Do you blocked at some point, how old was your character in the novel, I imagine, have been adapted to film?
ML: No, because I already had my Pepita in the head, and knew he was. I knew other actresses vying for the same character, because between us we had to improvise for hours, and they did wonderfully well. I've always been very clear that each actor, for his physique and his way of being, has something different to offer, which has to fit with the idea that the director is looking for. One of the things that gave me security was a message I sent my brother, Paco, before the last test, which read: " Sister, do not worry, because to play this type of character you just have to be a person and that, to you, you plenty. "
Mac: talk a lot of play and enjoyment ...
ML: is that, for me, the interpretation is that, and otherwise does not help. I need to play there, because if I crash. I think in this job you watch the person in front of you, to know what to say, and forget about wanting to teach all what you know. Paco Tous once told me: "Do easy, because if not impossible ."
Mac: Is better prepared to face this profession coming from an artistic family?
ML: do not know, but it is something that has always been in my house. Much of my family has been in the circus, but also I have been fortunate to have writers, journalists, musicians, singers, actors ...
Mac: "With the talent born or made?
ML: could be born with it, but if there is no work behind, is useless. I think this is a mixture of three things: talent, hard work and luck.
Mac: You have talent and I know you are very hardworking, but what would you say has been your fate?
ML: My mother, who taught me to be brave and not afraid of who I am. My agent, Paloma Juanes has also been very supportive. She is not only my agent, it's like part of my family. Paloma looks much for my career, but I know I am not a product it is more like a mother you along by the hand, like when you're a child. My brother, Paco, has been for me a great reference, and his friends, that I've finished inheriting. And Luis San Narciso, a great person who I trust very much.
Mac: How do you remember your first set character?
ML: It was in the series SMS after the test cogieran me that I mentioned at the beginning. I got to record without being able to sleep all night how nervous I was. I made my first sequence with Raúl Peña that I cared very much, and I remember I did not know what I speak when I say "please brand." The fatal passed when I saw on TV, because he was learning and doing it very badly. Sequences was seventeen day, which helped me grow as an actress.
Mac: What has been the hardest of these years?
ML: Coconut stay healthy. (Laughter) We, the players, is something that costs us a lot, because we are constantly working with our feelings. In Spain we should start to self-manage our own work, if not call us. It is something that is more in other countries, because it's hard to spend the day waiting for the phone to ring. You have to stay active physically and mentally.
Mac: Returning to our first meeting. Remember when we talked about what would become of us in the future? What When dreams come true?
ML: is complicated. Lucky I have to say that things have gone well, but do not forget that this is a constant struggle. It is now that I know I can not relax and I have to work twice as hard, because I have more responsibility. My dream will be fulfilled when you reach sixty years and is working on a stage, then you will be able to answer this question.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Velorex Oskar For Sale

Eliana Sanchez:" We must be aware that there are factors that do not depend on us "

Angel Caballero / Look at the camera
few months ago, I called a good friend. The conversation was not too long, but never forget his last words: "You have Eliana interview. Red Eagle is, playing the queen, and her work better on days. " Both of them had known a few years and when I hung up I remember thinking: " Finally, we time has come." We must not be very smart to know that Eliana Sanchez has a great talent and will not go unnoticed by professionals of this office. You were right, my friend, Eliana has a big heart and lots of interesting things to say. Look

How was your life before starting at Red Eagle?
Eliana Sanchez: I'm from Asturias and had a few years disconnected from the cinema in Madrid, because my life had focused on other things. When the fact was back here, I tried to resume the contacts he had. I made a new videobook and went to see all the people I knew. One of the people I interviewed was Luis San Narciso. We knew, because I had done some episodic Globomedia. I received and spent some time talking, a few days, called to offer me a small role in a film, which finally cuts were made because of characters in the script. After a month and a half, they called me to offer me a job as coach in the second season Red Eagle, as entering two new actors who had little experience and looking for someone to help them develop the characters. I spent two weeks on a trial, I renewed and, eventually, I was offered the role of the queen. It is one of the main characters, but I'm really enjoying this opportunity.
Mac: Was it hard having to ask the coach other actors were doing what you would like?
ES: consider myself a very generous person, in that sense. I do not like to waste time being angry, or sad putting, if anything it was not for me. The kids were very young and some lovely people, and I tried to make them see the fate that had the great opportunity that was presenting them. He spoke from personal experience, and the other fellow I know who have spent years trying to find a place and not so lucky. Valued and wanted him to work hard.
Mac: How have you lived you this opportunity?
ES: I am a person who is very down-to-earth, and still do not know the continuity that is going to have this character in the long term. I went in to do a chapter and the plot has been gaining momentum, but there may come a day when the queen no longer interest the public.
Mac: Have you ever thought that this moment has arrived a little late?
ES: No, because if this had happened to me ten years ago, perhaps, would be giving an importance, but that is relative. I've changed a lot over the years and I like to think that I am placing it on the site that it should be. It is the center of my life. I try to live this experience in the beauty and not from anxiety. Is well set a goal, but we must not forget that what matters is the path you walk to get there.
Mac: Have you documented to play Mariana of Austria?
ES: Yes, but it has been more of a personal interest because I took to write the character. My frames have had more to do with the conflict with another woman, the Marquise, with anything related to the position I occupy. In the final analysis, this character is a woman who feels and suffers as any other, either queen or not.
Mac: How do you usually prepare your characters?
ES: depends on the character that I present, but in general, the first thing I usually do is find the common ground I have with it. I think if is very close, game by far, and if more distant, work from empathy. I know I am a very empathetic and try to translate interpretation, because it helps me understand the characters, and no judge ever. I've known some methods and, ultimately, I am left with small portions of each of them.
Mac: What happens when you get no empathy?
ES: is that I have not yet occurred. (Laughter) I think it is difficult to happen, because although interpreters at a very undesirable, that character is not without human traits with which to find a common point. There are things I never defend, but exercise that actors have to do is try to understand that person to interpret it and make it believable.
Mac: What Eliana is the one I knew two years ago?
ES: think I've changed a lot and I feel I have evolved as a person and as an actress, because in my case, two things go together. The work that you are part of the life of a person, and any evolution favors to your growth as an actress. But this is something that happens in all professions, only that ours is more evident, because we are more exposed to and work with our feelings.
Mac: Have you felt the anguish of thinking that there was a place for you in this profession?
ES: Yes, I have lived, but I realized that the most important is to be happy. Long I proposed this, let overwhelmed, I began to feel at peace and finally I succeeded. There was a moment that overwhelmed me so much about my professional frustration, he did not see all the beautiful things around me. We must be aware that there are factors that do not depend on us and relax, because we can not control certain things. It is also important to prioritize. I never ventured before leaving home if the phone rang, now I do not think twice before I travel.
Mac: Could you be doing a scene and be thinking about the shopping list?
ES: That do not know. If I am, I am. And when I do so, is when I work out.
Mac: What is the secret to being a good actor?
ES: That's the million dollar question. (Laughter) Is that what being a good actor is so subjective ... I'm sure if you ask several people for each actor will tell a completely different opinion. When you are exposed, playing with the emotions, intelligence and feelings, you can go right or wrong, like everything in life. What I always try is to be honest and give me one hundred percent.

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And nothing, to see that the diet has taken effect, a pic of the week:)
Here we have dropped from 81.8 to 69.6 without regard for September 2009 that weighed almost 90 kilos ... the horror!
Now my body has trouble breaking the 60s, we are working to alter the diet my metabolism, because we broke the 70s, but 60s will be maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas gate.
And that my nutritionist told me insane I must go down to 50, and well, at least 55, I'm happy with 65, well, maybe 60 with a lot of effort, of course, after I got down what yes you can, only this time it will be more difficult.
We'll see.
Meanwhile, my knee still hurts. I was thrilled with the loss of 12 kilos and I started running and jogging again, but sends knee and right there, just follow the elliptical and working with arms and my inevitable dance class on Sundays, so there I I just Sunday. Download
can, what bar is maintained. Tips?

Oparzenie Co Sie Czuje

VII Salón del Manga de Moguer!


As I told you about the room in the previous post, this is to put how I enjoyed and what I bought lol.

Well, the show, needless to say, GREAT! xD.

participated in the drawing competition but because of a ciscunstancia, I could not stay until the time named the winner ¬¬.... but hey, then I saw several contestants who drew great, I too eh? (Modesty aside) ^ ^

Then, on stage huvo several karaoke contestants, some two and three down her microphone cable and ran to the other microphone (poor) =).

then and as the belly was ringing (my ^-^), my friends and I went to the restaurant, but we were only two, Andy (the blog Feel My Reality) and I, we ate Japanese food Yakisoba! and was buenísimooo: D just tell you that we end up with leftover food by mouth lol (I have more but hey ..: P)

And finally it was time shopping! jajaja
Because a friend gave him to see the posters, I found a poster of CITY HUNTER! ains .... my Saeba Ryo!
Then I bought the Nendoroid petit Meiko! Mona *-*

But I went with the Guide Sakura card game, for a measly euro that I found at the bottom of the bag ¬¬... good, so I have something for so go to the next room lol.

funny thing was that in the Hall I met a friend that takes the same bus to school every morning haha.

the end we were and I can only wait for the next fair!! jajaja

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Can Spondylosis Play Golf

I'm here. The Kimonos

Hi all. Peridos
I would apologize for not writing anything, but the institute to become this year as I prepare for the selectivity, because I have less time to write posts.

I inform you that I will continue writing but less frequently ^ - ^.

Well .... as I have said what he had to say, what do you think if we talk about anything related to manga and anime? :)

As you can see, this weekend will take place on VII Salón del Manga in Moguer, Huelva.
When you plan to attend, of course, hehe.

Here, in this link you come across the information on this show.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Modern Cutting Of The Cake Songs

Ana de Armas:" Working with great actors makes me demand more of myself "

Angel Caballero / Look at the camera
grew up in Cuba, a place where actors perform to get rich, famous or just a whim, make it a vocation. Since a child I dreamed of becoming an actress and her first job, A Rose from France , dazzled Luis San Narciso, who became one of the stars of El Internado . Some years have passed since this, in which Ana de Armas is discovered as an actress more mature, self assured and ready to face a new challenge, Hispania.

camera Look: When was the first time you heard talk about Hispania?
Ana de Armas: had just returned from New York, I had been there a few months to learn English and not sure the projects were being prepared here. I talked to a number for which many actors were doing auditions because, apparently, was very good looking, and that was about the struggle between the Romans and Hispanics. I proposed to the character of a slave, Neil, and I went to an audition with director.
Mac: How did you prepare to take on this character?
AA: I'm still building yet, because the character is evolving. Neil is a Hispanic girl who is getting married, but her wedding day come the Romans, killing her and her family make prisoner. The only escape is to get Paul, the boy she is love, and waiting to be rescued. Neil will have to try to survive in the Roman camp, where he is abused and tortured. So I said to continue to prepare, because their strategies to sustain life are changing.
Mac: Is very hard to be a shooting?
AA: If, especially in recent months we have spent the summer in which it was extremely hot. There were days when we were recording and fifty degrees. It was horrible.
Mac: How through those times?
AA: Trying to incorporate the character everything going on around me. When you record in Outside you never know what conditions you'll encounter, so you have to adapt, because however much you complain about these things can not be changed.
Mac: Do you remember at what point you thought of becoming an actress?
AA: not remember the specific moment. I think it was eleven years old when I became interested in the acting world. He lived in Cuba, and there was a room where children began to have contact with the theater. I was going a while, but I had to leave because he could not align it with the school. Some time later, when I was in high school, I learned that there was an art school, where he studied theater, but did not know how it went. They told me I had to submit to a test, I did and caught me.
Mac: How long it takes your first professional job A Rose from France?
AA: Two years or less.
Mac: What are your memories of that first experience?
AA: was very nervous. The first day I arrived, after passing through makeup, hair and clothing, I went alone to sit in a corner rather than go talk to the manager and get in front of the camera. Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón , which I have great affection, he said, "What are you doing there? Come here, we have to get to work. " He was the first director I worked with. He treated me very well and I always will be someone very special.
Mac: Is that when you come to Spain?
Ada: came the following year for the premiere of the film. Then I returned to Cuba, because they still had not finished drama school, and that same year rolled of Madrigal Fernando Perez and The lost paradise of Manuel Estudillo where I first worked with Roberto Enriquez. Thanks to Luis San Narciso saw A Rose of France, they called me to do the internship, so I came back here.
Mac: Do you miss working in Cuba?
AA: Yes, because it works fine. Do not tell her not to go wrong, but as there is money, not the best conditions, we see that everything they do (at least in film) is because they like. They work with great joy and love for his craft, and I find very nice.
Mac: often do not appreciate what we have until we lose it, or perhaps because we've always had.
AA: That is something that always happens. When I arrived in Madrid, for example, I remember that caught my attention when I heard people saying that they wanted an apartment with terrace, with views or in an area that was near a park. I did not understand anything. Now is when I realize, I appreciate and am used to it.
Mac: Your output El Internado was planned by a script or you're the one who decided to leave the series?
AA: was my decision. When the season came to an end, which is where they usually ask if you want to follow in the series, I already had in mind to leave. Warned in advance so they could resolve the plot, because it was assumed that my character was. Three years were wonderful, with fantastic colleagues, but was a bit tired. Do not leave on any issue, nor by work, I did it for me. I needed a change and went half a year abroad.
Mac: I read somewhere that you would like an American career.
AA: This is what you go first when you say that you walk out to study English. I went to learn a language, as if tomorrow I get to know French. Obviously, if one day the opportunity arose to work in the U.S. or elsewhere, would be delighted. In fact, now I'm working on a country that is not mine, because I am Cuban.
Mac: Are you tempted theater?
AA: lot. Studied theater for five years and would love to offer me something.
Mac: Have you thought about running your own theater group?
AA: much as make a band, no, but not so bad that we join together a few friends, choose a play and take it to someone wanting to move. We must also think that theater is time consuming and if you're on another project, it may be difficult to reconcile the two.
Mac: Do you think the public occasionally has been more aware of your physical your work as an actress?
AA: You're just saying by Mentiras y Gordas , right? (Laughter) It was something I said in an interview while promoting the movie and not know how you got that far. That was because I thought at that time, was being used too the image of all the actors to sell more than the movie, obviously. Although I am very shy, never had any problem with naked or doing a sex scene, if the character requires. I felt I was being given too much importance to this issue, because in every interview that I did, just wanted to talk about the sex scenes and no asked me for my work as an actress.
Mac: Can be embarrassing in this profession?
AA: happens to me. It is still a little awkward kiss with a partner, you may not know much, or having to undress in front of film crew.
Mac: What you have to thank this work?
AA: The possibility that power has given me the life I lead, to see the world, playing at being someone else, to bring your dreams to reality and that the public is reflected, and excited, with your work.
Mac: When you think of people who know you when you go down the street, do you come before the cordial greetings head or the moments of hysteria?
AA: The moments of hysteria. (Laughs) At first they enjoyed everything, but then you realize that there are things that do not lead anywhere. Now I walk quietly down the street and nothing happens if someone comes up to me to ask me for an autograph or a picture, but quietly, because we all have good days and worse days.
Mac: not want to end this interview without asking you before, how you prepare your characters?
AA: do not know. When I'm reading the script I start thinking about how the character feels at all times. I imagine their state of mind and I begin to wonder, for example, "Why am I sad? And from there begin to deepen, it is not the same sadness we have when a family member has died, that you may have to lose a plane. I see the feelings that are coming to me to read and think about the relationship with other characters. Let me also take much for my intuition.
Mac: And finally, Are we going to find a new Hispania Ana ?
AA: I think so. I hope audiences can see an adult woman. It is a big step for me as an actress, especially by working alongside these great actors that make me liable for much more of myself.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Controladores Frevents

José Lamuño:" Nothing guarantees success but you have to go all "

Angel Caballero / Look at the camera
In these times when there are still people who think that anyone applies to be an actor, we came across Joseph Lamuño. Despite his youth, has some requirements that, over the years, could be placed between the major: acting training, intelligence, beauty, desire to work and, of course, talent. He has participated in shows like The looming or The Big , and in the coming months we will see in Storm, the new TV movie of Daniel Calparsoro.

camera: When did you decide you wanted to be an actor? José
Lamuño: is something I've been very clear all along. I knew it was a very tough profession and difficult, but it was what I wanted to spend. I signed up for an acting school in Asturias, and life circumstances, the world of college sports and crossed my path. I finally had to put my priorities in a shot and I came to Madrid.
Mac: I have understood you were playing volleyball. Does it help to know some sports for the work of an actor?
JL: I think all the experiences you can have help in this profession. For example, I know how to play volleyball was a plus for me in casting cogieran A fluke, because the character was a champion of this game. There are activities such as fencing and horse riding, which can lead to befriend as an actor in a given time. I played volleyball championships in Europe, and it taught me to know what things cost, you have to train hard and that nothing guarantees success, but you have to go for it.
Mac: Would you know define you as an actor?
JL: I look like someone very fighter, with great enthusiasm and very faithful to the work you are doing.
Mac: Do you have a reference?
JL: Yes, I have in mind the career of English and foreign big players. I like to see good work in movies, but I think even the most novice player can learn. When I get to shoot I like to be aware of everything around me, because there is always someone who can teach you something.
Mac: What did it cost more to learn?
JL: Nobody will come for you to give you anything. It is very hard to live with the fear of finishing a job and not knowing if they'll call back. It took me quite a lot to learn to control my anxiety after casting. Overwhelmed me wondering if I had done well or would have liked my work. We know that these are things that do not depend on you. Have to work hard, do the best you know and when you walk out the door, forget it.
Mac: Do you affects the perception others have of you?
JL: Yes We are continually exposed and is something that can really add up. What I try is only affecting the criticism coming from the people I care about, and that helps me do my job better.
Mac: Where would you like to arrive?
JL: I approach it, because I like to think of the future. I think each person puts life where deserve. All I have clear is that I wish I could live a lifetime in this profession and be happy with my work as an actor.
Mac: Are you aware that you belong to a new generation of actors?
JL: Yes I think this generation is full of great opportunities and has good things, but can also be very cruel, because we are many. Unfortunately we are experiencing a moment in which anything goes and some people think that anyone can be an actor. That should not be. I do not think I'm the best player in the world and my work will like it more or less, but they can never say that I fought, I have formed and that every day I wake up trying to be better. Although there are other actors who have never gone through a school, but have an innate talent.
Mac: past generations said that the real work of an actor is above the tables. Do you think this idea has become a bit dated?
JL: Each medium has its complexity, but in theater you have to give everything. In movies or television can hide some weaknesses you have as an actor, but in theater you can not hide.
Mac: abandoned The looming to enter Big White . Does the risk factor is important in this profession?
JL: Well, that's not exactly true. I had a contract with the looming for an entire season. When I was recording the call for a casting for a new series in which the dates were not going to agree with The looming. In the end, the dates overlapped and was Telecinco who decided to get me out of there to get into The Big . Even today I think if it was worth the change and believe so. The looming was a wonderful series in which I made great friends and I recorded four chapters, but The Big gave me many things, which by then was not, as one of the characters work involved in a daily series.
Mac: Having a good physique may help to have a good career as an actor?
JL: I think so. I remember when I was in Big White read some reviews that said that only we were caught by our physical. They may be right, but having a specific physical is just another instrument. If so I can open my door, I will not deny it. Then I'll have time to try to prove that there is more.
Mac: You just get to Calparsoro orders.
JL: Yes, and I can say it was one of the best experiences I've never lived. He had a thorn stuck since I did the casting of punishment and not caught me. That movie and its director, I was enthralled. Over time I finished working with Joel Bosqued , whom he admired very much for that job, and when my agent called me to do the casting of Storm , I felt a huge responsibility. I went to those four tests putting all eggs in one basket to show Daniel that I could do that character, and wanted to be in your movie. The morning he called to say he was playing the boyfriend of the protagonist, I almost died. Calparsoro is the best director I have understood me very hard, but he knew the best out of me.
Mac: Was it difficult working with a deal where you were so many young actors?
JL: In all shootings are people that connect more than others, but Daniel was able to instill their motto: generosity and unity. I think that the eight players get to take that slice table. Then you can have more or less related, but we were one set all.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Blueprints To A Balsa Wood Bridge







falling out of love ALL BE WORTH NOTHING