Sunday, October 24, 2010

Velorex Oskar For Sale

Eliana Sanchez:" We must be aware that there are factors that do not depend on us "

Angel Caballero / Look at the camera
few months ago, I called a good friend. The conversation was not too long, but never forget his last words: "You have Eliana interview. Red Eagle is, playing the queen, and her work better on days. " Both of them had known a few years and when I hung up I remember thinking: " Finally, we time has come." We must not be very smart to know that Eliana Sanchez has a great talent and will not go unnoticed by professionals of this office. You were right, my friend, Eliana has a big heart and lots of interesting things to say. Look

How was your life before starting at Red Eagle?
Eliana Sanchez: I'm from Asturias and had a few years disconnected from the cinema in Madrid, because my life had focused on other things. When the fact was back here, I tried to resume the contacts he had. I made a new videobook and went to see all the people I knew. One of the people I interviewed was Luis San Narciso. We knew, because I had done some episodic Globomedia. I received and spent some time talking, a few days, called to offer me a small role in a film, which finally cuts were made because of characters in the script. After a month and a half, they called me to offer me a job as coach in the second season Red Eagle, as entering two new actors who had little experience and looking for someone to help them develop the characters. I spent two weeks on a trial, I renewed and, eventually, I was offered the role of the queen. It is one of the main characters, but I'm really enjoying this opportunity.
Mac: Was it hard having to ask the coach other actors were doing what you would like?
ES: consider myself a very generous person, in that sense. I do not like to waste time being angry, or sad putting, if anything it was not for me. The kids were very young and some lovely people, and I tried to make them see the fate that had the great opportunity that was presenting them. He spoke from personal experience, and the other fellow I know who have spent years trying to find a place and not so lucky. Valued and wanted him to work hard.
Mac: How have you lived you this opportunity?
ES: I am a person who is very down-to-earth, and still do not know the continuity that is going to have this character in the long term. I went in to do a chapter and the plot has been gaining momentum, but there may come a day when the queen no longer interest the public.
Mac: Have you ever thought that this moment has arrived a little late?
ES: No, because if this had happened to me ten years ago, perhaps, would be giving an importance, but that is relative. I've changed a lot over the years and I like to think that I am placing it on the site that it should be. It is the center of my life. I try to live this experience in the beauty and not from anxiety. Is well set a goal, but we must not forget that what matters is the path you walk to get there.
Mac: Have you documented to play Mariana of Austria?
ES: Yes, but it has been more of a personal interest because I took to write the character. My frames have had more to do with the conflict with another woman, the Marquise, with anything related to the position I occupy. In the final analysis, this character is a woman who feels and suffers as any other, either queen or not.
Mac: How do you usually prepare your characters?
ES: depends on the character that I present, but in general, the first thing I usually do is find the common ground I have with it. I think if is very close, game by far, and if more distant, work from empathy. I know I am a very empathetic and try to translate interpretation, because it helps me understand the characters, and no judge ever. I've known some methods and, ultimately, I am left with small portions of each of them.
Mac: What happens when you get no empathy?
ES: is that I have not yet occurred. (Laughter) I think it is difficult to happen, because although interpreters at a very undesirable, that character is not without human traits with which to find a common point. There are things I never defend, but exercise that actors have to do is try to understand that person to interpret it and make it believable.
Mac: What Eliana is the one I knew two years ago?
ES: think I've changed a lot and I feel I have evolved as a person and as an actress, because in my case, two things go together. The work that you are part of the life of a person, and any evolution favors to your growth as an actress. But this is something that happens in all professions, only that ours is more evident, because we are more exposed to and work with our feelings.
Mac: Have you felt the anguish of thinking that there was a place for you in this profession?
ES: Yes, I have lived, but I realized that the most important is to be happy. Long I proposed this, let overwhelmed, I began to feel at peace and finally I succeeded. There was a moment that overwhelmed me so much about my professional frustration, he did not see all the beautiful things around me. We must be aware that there are factors that do not depend on us and relax, because we can not control certain things. It is also important to prioritize. I never ventured before leaving home if the phone rang, now I do not think twice before I travel.
Mac: Could you be doing a scene and be thinking about the shopping list?
ES: That do not know. If I am, I am. And when I do so, is when I work out.
Mac: What is the secret to being a good actor?
ES: That's the million dollar question. (Laughter) Is that what being a good actor is so subjective ... I'm sure if you ask several people for each actor will tell a completely different opinion. When you are exposed, playing with the emotions, intelligence and feelings, you can go right or wrong, like everything in life. What I always try is to be honest and give me one hundred percent.


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