Monday, October 18, 2010

Modern Cutting Of The Cake Songs

Ana de Armas:" Working with great actors makes me demand more of myself "

Angel Caballero / Look at the camera
grew up in Cuba, a place where actors perform to get rich, famous or just a whim, make it a vocation. Since a child I dreamed of becoming an actress and her first job, A Rose from France , dazzled Luis San Narciso, who became one of the stars of El Internado . Some years have passed since this, in which Ana de Armas is discovered as an actress more mature, self assured and ready to face a new challenge, Hispania.

camera Look: When was the first time you heard talk about Hispania?
Ana de Armas: had just returned from New York, I had been there a few months to learn English and not sure the projects were being prepared here. I talked to a number for which many actors were doing auditions because, apparently, was very good looking, and that was about the struggle between the Romans and Hispanics. I proposed to the character of a slave, Neil, and I went to an audition with director.
Mac: How did you prepare to take on this character?
AA: I'm still building yet, because the character is evolving. Neil is a Hispanic girl who is getting married, but her wedding day come the Romans, killing her and her family make prisoner. The only escape is to get Paul, the boy she is love, and waiting to be rescued. Neil will have to try to survive in the Roman camp, where he is abused and tortured. So I said to continue to prepare, because their strategies to sustain life are changing.
Mac: Is very hard to be a shooting?
AA: If, especially in recent months we have spent the summer in which it was extremely hot. There were days when we were recording and fifty degrees. It was horrible.
Mac: How through those times?
AA: Trying to incorporate the character everything going on around me. When you record in Outside you never know what conditions you'll encounter, so you have to adapt, because however much you complain about these things can not be changed.
Mac: Do you remember at what point you thought of becoming an actress?
AA: not remember the specific moment. I think it was eleven years old when I became interested in the acting world. He lived in Cuba, and there was a room where children began to have contact with the theater. I was going a while, but I had to leave because he could not align it with the school. Some time later, when I was in high school, I learned that there was an art school, where he studied theater, but did not know how it went. They told me I had to submit to a test, I did and caught me.
Mac: How long it takes your first professional job A Rose from France?
AA: Two years or less.
Mac: What are your memories of that first experience?
AA: was very nervous. The first day I arrived, after passing through makeup, hair and clothing, I went alone to sit in a corner rather than go talk to the manager and get in front of the camera. Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón , which I have great affection, he said, "What are you doing there? Come here, we have to get to work. " He was the first director I worked with. He treated me very well and I always will be someone very special.
Mac: Is that when you come to Spain?
Ada: came the following year for the premiere of the film. Then I returned to Cuba, because they still had not finished drama school, and that same year rolled of Madrigal Fernando Perez and The lost paradise of Manuel Estudillo where I first worked with Roberto Enriquez. Thanks to Luis San Narciso saw A Rose of France, they called me to do the internship, so I came back here.
Mac: Do you miss working in Cuba?
AA: Yes, because it works fine. Do not tell her not to go wrong, but as there is money, not the best conditions, we see that everything they do (at least in film) is because they like. They work with great joy and love for his craft, and I find very nice.
Mac: often do not appreciate what we have until we lose it, or perhaps because we've always had.
AA: That is something that always happens. When I arrived in Madrid, for example, I remember that caught my attention when I heard people saying that they wanted an apartment with terrace, with views or in an area that was near a park. I did not understand anything. Now is when I realize, I appreciate and am used to it.
Mac: Your output El Internado was planned by a script or you're the one who decided to leave the series?
AA: was my decision. When the season came to an end, which is where they usually ask if you want to follow in the series, I already had in mind to leave. Warned in advance so they could resolve the plot, because it was assumed that my character was. Three years were wonderful, with fantastic colleagues, but was a bit tired. Do not leave on any issue, nor by work, I did it for me. I needed a change and went half a year abroad.
Mac: I read somewhere that you would like an American career.
AA: This is what you go first when you say that you walk out to study English. I went to learn a language, as if tomorrow I get to know French. Obviously, if one day the opportunity arose to work in the U.S. or elsewhere, would be delighted. In fact, now I'm working on a country that is not mine, because I am Cuban.
Mac: Are you tempted theater?
AA: lot. Studied theater for five years and would love to offer me something.
Mac: Have you thought about running your own theater group?
AA: much as make a band, no, but not so bad that we join together a few friends, choose a play and take it to someone wanting to move. We must also think that theater is time consuming and if you're on another project, it may be difficult to reconcile the two.
Mac: Do you think the public occasionally has been more aware of your physical your work as an actress?
AA: You're just saying by Mentiras y Gordas , right? (Laughter) It was something I said in an interview while promoting the movie and not know how you got that far. That was because I thought at that time, was being used too the image of all the actors to sell more than the movie, obviously. Although I am very shy, never had any problem with naked or doing a sex scene, if the character requires. I felt I was being given too much importance to this issue, because in every interview that I did, just wanted to talk about the sex scenes and no asked me for my work as an actress.
Mac: Can be embarrassing in this profession?
AA: happens to me. It is still a little awkward kiss with a partner, you may not know much, or having to undress in front of film crew.
Mac: What you have to thank this work?
AA: The possibility that power has given me the life I lead, to see the world, playing at being someone else, to bring your dreams to reality and that the public is reflected, and excited, with your work.
Mac: When you think of people who know you when you go down the street, do you come before the cordial greetings head or the moments of hysteria?
AA: The moments of hysteria. (Laughs) At first they enjoyed everything, but then you realize that there are things that do not lead anywhere. Now I walk quietly down the street and nothing happens if someone comes up to me to ask me for an autograph or a picture, but quietly, because we all have good days and worse days.
Mac: not want to end this interview without asking you before, how you prepare your characters?
AA: do not know. When I'm reading the script I start thinking about how the character feels at all times. I imagine their state of mind and I begin to wonder, for example, "Why am I sad? And from there begin to deepen, it is not the same sadness we have when a family member has died, that you may have to lose a plane. I see the feelings that are coming to me to read and think about the relationship with other characters. Let me also take much for my intuition.
Mac: And finally, Are we going to find a new Hispania Ana ?
AA: I think so. I hope audiences can see an adult woman. It is a big step for me as an actress, especially by working alongside these great actors that make me liable for much more of myself.


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