Sunday, October 24, 2010

Oparzenie Co Sie Czuje

VII Salón del Manga de Moguer!


As I told you about the room in the previous post, this is to put how I enjoyed and what I bought lol.

Well, the show, needless to say, GREAT! xD.

participated in the drawing competition but because of a ciscunstancia, I could not stay until the time named the winner ¬¬.... but hey, then I saw several contestants who drew great, I too eh? (Modesty aside) ^ ^

Then, on stage huvo several karaoke contestants, some two and three down her microphone cable and ran to the other microphone (poor) =).

then and as the belly was ringing (my ^-^), my friends and I went to the restaurant, but we were only two, Andy (the blog Feel My Reality) and I, we ate Japanese food Yakisoba! and was buenísimooo: D just tell you that we end up with leftover food by mouth lol (I have more but hey ..: P)

And finally it was time shopping! jajaja
Because a friend gave him to see the posters, I found a poster of CITY HUNTER! ains .... my Saeba Ryo!
Then I bought the Nendoroid petit Meiko! Mona *-*

But I went with the Guide Sakura card game, for a measly euro that I found at the bottom of the bag ¬¬... good, so I have something for so go to the next room lol.

funny thing was that in the Hall I met a friend that takes the same bus to school every morning haha.

the end we were and I can only wait for the next fair!! jajaja


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