Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Which Part(s) Of The Body Are Affected By Malaria

María León: "For me, the interpretation has to be play and enjoy, otherwise I serves "

Angel Caballero / Look at the camera
life some years ago put us in the same wagon. I still remember the first time I saw her sitting in that seat put a train bound for Madrid. We were not the protagonists of Before dawn, it was not Vienna and ours did not end in romance, but it served to forge a beautiful friendship. At this time I have seen Mary Leon outdo itself with each new challenge has been facing as an actress. Still has the look of that girl who was beginning, but with something new to the even more beautiful. In a few months start shooting Voice asleep, the latest project by Benito Zambrano, which will surely bring great rewards. Look

Remember the first conversation we had in that train?
María León: If I understand correctly, you came to do a casting in Barcelona and I had been visiting my brother, Paco, was shooting a movie there. You were out discontent in your test and I told you that my experience in a casting that was done recently to love in troubled times. I like to tell the stories of my casting for the series, because they told me they liked my job, but never have hired me laugh a lot ... for me and I seem too comical. Note the twist of life, now I'm preparing to sleep 's voice, which is a very dramatic story.
Mac: What has been your best casting?
ML: The first thing I did because it was so unconscious that I got perfect. Globomedia and was asked, which I thought was an employee who was there, if I could pass the text, because I was so nervous. The man was Luis San Narciso, had heard of him, but I had no idea what he looked like. We turn text twice and I remember saying to him: "What nerve am, I hope not I notice before the casting director." When you do not know who you are ahead, do not try to give something that does not really know if what you want, you get rid of pressure and fear. Now, whenever I go to a test, try to remember that time, knowing who I am, what I can and being very receptive to playing with what I give.
Mac: Do you betrayed the nerves when you had before to Benito Zambrano, to test the voice asleep?
ML: Well, that too has its history. (Laughter) I was in Ibiza, called me and said, "We'll send the text to do a test last week, with Zambrano ." There were three pages, in which he spoke of things very hard, barely had time to prepare. Yes, I got the text very well learned and offering everything you can give me. No one left happy casting, because I would have liked to work harder. Fortunately, neither I had time to build pressure and was very free. Who knows ... maybe that's why I call back.
Mac: of it that is a very demanding director ...
ML: Benedict is an actor's director who gives one hundred percent, because he enjoys his work. There are directors who are just looking for a product they can use to sell your project, and Zambrano takes the project of your product. I remember I raised those castings as they will receive a course. I think it will be very easy to work with because you never criticize you or judge you, as an actor. She loves to improvise to get everything you can in a scene. I get there, I put on my robe and I keep on playing, as children when they go to daycare. He is a man with very clear ideas, who knows what he wants, what you can get and how.
Mac: How did you feel the first time you read Voice asleep?
ML: That wanted. I understood perfectly the story ... Dulce Chacón wrote a jewel, not just talk about what it was that time, also tells the story of those people who do not quite know what was happening, and who were involved in that situation because they had touched. Many did not understand the policy and only saw them being killed your family and friends. I was very impressed when I read the novel, because as he went along, I could feel the character of Josie grew inside me.
Mac: Do you blocked at some point, how old was your character in the novel, I imagine, have been adapted to film?
ML: No, because I already had my Pepita in the head, and knew he was. I knew other actresses vying for the same character, because between us we had to improvise for hours, and they did wonderfully well. I've always been very clear that each actor, for his physique and his way of being, has something different to offer, which has to fit with the idea that the director is looking for. One of the things that gave me security was a message I sent my brother, Paco, before the last test, which read: " Sister, do not worry, because to play this type of character you just have to be a person and that, to you, you plenty. "
Mac: talk a lot of play and enjoyment ...
ML: is that, for me, the interpretation is that, and otherwise does not help. I need to play there, because if I crash. I think in this job you watch the person in front of you, to know what to say, and forget about wanting to teach all what you know. Paco Tous once told me: "Do easy, because if not impossible ."
Mac: Is better prepared to face this profession coming from an artistic family?
ML: do not know, but it is something that has always been in my house. Much of my family has been in the circus, but also I have been fortunate to have writers, journalists, musicians, singers, actors ...
Mac: "With the talent born or made?
ML: could be born with it, but if there is no work behind, is useless. I think this is a mixture of three things: talent, hard work and luck.
Mac: You have talent and I know you are very hardworking, but what would you say has been your fate?
ML: My mother, who taught me to be brave and not afraid of who I am. My agent, Paloma Juanes has also been very supportive. She is not only my agent, it's like part of my family. Paloma looks much for my career, but I know I am not a product it is more like a mother you along by the hand, like when you're a child. My brother, Paco, has been for me a great reference, and his friends, that I've finished inheriting. And Luis San Narciso, a great person who I trust very much.
Mac: How do you remember your first set character?
ML: It was in the series SMS after the test cogieran me that I mentioned at the beginning. I got to record without being able to sleep all night how nervous I was. I made my first sequence with Raúl Peña that I cared very much, and I remember I did not know what I speak when I say "please brand." The fatal passed when I saw on TV, because he was learning and doing it very badly. Sequences was seventeen day, which helped me grow as an actress.
Mac: What has been the hardest of these years?
ML: Coconut stay healthy. (Laughter) We, the players, is something that costs us a lot, because we are constantly working with our feelings. In Spain we should start to self-manage our own work, if not call us. It is something that is more in other countries, because it's hard to spend the day waiting for the phone to ring. You have to stay active physically and mentally.
Mac: Returning to our first meeting. Remember when we talked about what would become of us in the future? What When dreams come true?
ML: is complicated. Lucky I have to say that things have gone well, but do not forget that this is a constant struggle. It is now that I know I can not relax and I have to work twice as hard, because I have more responsibility. My dream will be fulfilled when you reach sixty years and is working on a stage, then you will be able to answer this question.


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