Sunday, October 24, 2010

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And nothing, to see that the diet has taken effect, a pic of the week:)
Here we have dropped from 81.8 to 69.6 without regard for September 2009 that weighed almost 90 kilos ... the horror!
Now my body has trouble breaking the 60s, we are working to alter the diet my metabolism, because we broke the 70s, but 60s will be maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas gate.
And that my nutritionist told me insane I must go down to 50, and well, at least 55, I'm happy with 65, well, maybe 60 with a lot of effort, of course, after I got down what yes you can, only this time it will be more difficult.
We'll see.
Meanwhile, my knee still hurts. I was thrilled with the loss of 12 kilos and I started running and jogging again, but sends knee and right there, just follow the elliptical and working with arms and my inevitable dance class on Sundays, so there I I just Sunday. Download
can, what bar is maintained. Tips?


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