everyone! and fulfilling all your desires as well as my own.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Bulky Ovaries Without Cysts
everyone! and fulfilling all your desires as well as my own.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Giving Dogs Kolonopin
Angel Caballero / Look at the camera
camera Look: Do you think that being an actor requires more courage compared with other professions? Ursula
Corberó: I think that this profession is very vocational requires great commitment and discipline. This does not mean that others are not but you have to sacrifice things important how the availability of the clock.
UC: Of course, we all have insecurities, to ask yourself a new job is always present stage failure. You never know what can happen. "Physics and Chemistry" has been the most beautiful experience I've experienced so far but everything has an end and it's time to experience new things, I hope I have made a good decision.
Mac: In one of your recent episodes of "Physics ..." played a song with your mates. I have understood you have received singing lessons Is it important for an actor to have some knowledge of singing or dancing?
UC: To work as an actor you learn more things better, you never know the character you play will play. I've always liked the music world, from tiny studied singing and all kinds of dance, I love!
Mac: So ... Do you throw in a musical work?
UC: Of course! I would love, I do not know if I would sit as comfortable as in the interpretation ...
Mac: If you were offered a star What would you like?
UC: "Chicago" or "Moulin Rouge", I have very clear,
Mac: You have just entered "The Republic", the spin off of "The Lady". "You used to follow the plots of this series?
UC: Honestly, no. I have no time to watch TV but now I've started recording the Republic and have seen how people work there, no wonder I had so many followers.
Mac: Will we see a new Ursula in this job?
UC: Man, I'm still the same ... (laughs). My job is not showing me as a person but to try to externalize my various records, so if I can say is that the sophisticated and attractive Ruth has nothing to do with this sweet and amorous Beatriz
Mac: Are you afraid of idea to defraud the viewer with this new character?
UC: rather not think about it, I try to do my job to the best of me so I can never say that I have been a hundred percent, it is clear that you can not please everyone, different points of view must be respected.
Mac: How do you prepare your characters?
UC: I'm very observant. Sometimes I like to think about how my character would react to things that happen to me.
also document and work soil physicists to distinguish between them, whether gestures or gait.
Mac: Have you documented this historic moment in which your character's storyline in this new series?
UC: Yes, although I still have ... (laughs)
Mac: "Film and theater are pending in your career?
UC: The truth is I'm impatient. Little by little ....
Mac: 've worked with many colleagues, I imagine, you've seen on TV since you were a child. How does it feel when this happens?
UC: At first I imposed a lot, as I was working with them I learned so many things ...
Mac: Who did you learn more?
UC: always learning new things all the actors, however novel it may be, it is important to be objective about what you see ahead and try to filter the most interesting things about each.
Mac: you ever have asked for an autograph to another actor?
UC: Frankly no, but it could be the case.
Mac: What would you say to young people who want to devote to this profession because they have seen your work?
UC: That nothing is impossible if you put your mind, it is important to keep things clear, the sooner the better and fight for what you want and makes you happy.
Mac: Are you happiest when you're in front of the cameras (the press) or when you get to get away from them?
UC: I am very happy when I'm surrounded by cameras but that does not mean that it is enjoying my friends or my family in my personal life.
Mac: What richer that has brought you this job?
Monday, December 20, 2010
Is It Herpes Or Ingrown Hairs
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Dancing Bearrapidsahre
Angel Caballero / Look at the camera
Damaso Conde is one of the human actors I've met in this profession. I remember that we had in the central Plaza del Dos de May, just before going to Argentina to film "Neon Meat." I had never seen him work and a few months later I see this movie. You can not imagine the real luxury of being able to congratulate a colleague, from the maximum Indeed, he has done a great job. It seems I'm not the only one who thinks so, for those who have seen the film at Sitges and the Seville Film Festival, and speak of him as a rising star of English cinema.
camera Look: few months ago I asked you did this interview and you advised me that it was better to wait to be closer to the premiere of the film. An actor has to learn to wait? Damaso
Count: Yes, even when you're working you have to be aware that you are many hours of waiting in the clubhouse. Terele Pávez once told me: " This profession did not choose you, you you choose it. " This is implied in all the waiting and many other things in this job that can be a little harder to bear.
Mac: What would you say when you chose this profession?
DC: Well, I think we're about to get married. (Laughter)
Mac: What has it meant Paco Cabezas for you as an actor and as a person?
DC: It was very important. We met when we were studying in Seville. He was always very clear that it would come to Madrid and make their films. The truth is that it has committed much in me and has never stopped calling me. Even when "Neon Meat" was not short or film, he had to submit a dossier, with photos and some video for a contest and already at that time offered me the character of Ricky. That was seven years ago, when he was newly arrived in Madrid. For me, Paco means a lot. Is a director with whom I have great confidence when working and when you know that the director trusts you, you have the job half done.
Mac: appears that the reunion went quite well.
DC: Yes, but not only celebrated with Paco. I also liked back to work with some colleagues who were in short or Vicente Romero Macarena Gómez , whom I have known much better and has shown me the great person he is.
Mac: Was it very different The Infanta, your character, which we saw in the short, which now see the movie?
DC: Maybe the difference is that there is a kind of serenity that was not in the script of the film. It has been five years since this, in which we have all matured, and it shows in the film. On the other hand, of course, the plot is more along my character and think of other things like that becomes infatuated with a baby experienced a kind of call of motherhood, and all this in a comic.
Mac: In this movie there are many well known actors such as Jane Doe , Blanca Suárez, Antonio de la Torre or Macarena Gómez, but after his passing at festivals, many media have demonstrated a special interest in you as a future promise. How does it feel when this happens?
DC: The truth is that I'm not very conscious. I guess when the movie opens, and spend a little time, you will be able to answer this. What I can tell you is that makes me very happy.
Mac: Carne Neon "is your first film and which appear, in all your plans, characterized transvestite. Are not you worried that the public will not be able to see other records or do not recognize you when you appear in future projects?
DC: If that happens, it scares me because I happened to short. After "Neon Meat" I was offered a play in which my character was inspired by the Infanta, and then made a short film that was titled "Ladybug with dog." Fortunately, these characters were nothing flat, but their sex were the same. There is a fear of being pigeonholed, because they let you enjoy other stories that maybe I feel like telling you. What really strikes me as dangerous is that, being my first film, as people do not know me, you think I'm like the character and not offer me other jobs.
Mac: 've worked on some shorts. Have you been a good school?
DC: Yes, and long has been a super school (laughs). The good thing is short, as the team is small, you can work side by side with them and learn a lot. It also makes you realize how important it is the job of director of photography, sound ...
Mac: In some, such as "M," I'll never be anybody? "Have sex scenes somewhat compromised. Will not it be too risky for a short?
DC: is that things can not risk not interest me as an actor. I'm not attracted to characters levels to which nothing happens inside. I have great affection for Miguel Martí , but "Sexykiller" I made the character of a reporter, where the only thing I asked was that it was a crazy ladybug and nothing else. I'd rather take a high risk scenes, but where it has to be genuinely involved and do a cliché.
Mac: To Roll "Neon Meat" you went to Argentina. When the team moves to another place and its members have to live together usually create a kind of family. "I did this happen to you?
DC: Yes, for example, Macarena and I slept together a few nights, because I had trouble sleeping and she helped me relax. Vicente Romero was used to prepare dinner and then went out all together. It created a kind of bond that I think has really helped the film. To me it was my very important to see an authentic relationship with Mario Casas. I wanted people to go see the movie to understand what unites me with his character and why I have always been at his side.
Mac: Are reader of film magazines?
DC: When I was little it was more. Now do not usually buy. I hope this does not harm in the future and I never want to take any of these magazines (laughs) I see a lot of films, but I'm not very up to date with everything that is published.
Mac: What attracts you to the cinema as a spectator?
DC: powerful stories. More interested in what I have to tell a director, or a good script, the actors who appear in the film. I love the directors Haneke, Lars Von Trier , Fellini , Isabel Coixet, Fernando León or Icíar Bollaín .
Mac: All do you have appointed a very different kind of cinema to what, until now, have you done as an actor.
DC: may attract me so much. When I go to see some of his films, it's like something happened inside me that I touched and transformed me.
Mac: Do you usually set in the work of other actors when you have to prepare a character?
DC: No. Although "Neon Meat" Paco Cabezas asked me to fix on the character that made María Barranco in "Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown." I saw the movie several times until I got some things that were very helpful, as his speech. For me, it was very important to work with a woman as a reference and not with another transsexual. I wanted to get in touch with his feminine side and develop to the fullest, because this character he wants to be a woman. It also helped me a lot when I was characterized with makeup, costumes and wig. Before shooting began pasearme used as the character, between the computer and I noticed as I was growing inside me. My major premise to create a La Infanta was that they wanted, which is what we all want ...
Mac: "You prepare the same way all the characters?
DC: always begin doing a table and then try to go wide open the tests, to ride the situations that occur. I also trust my intuition a lot and I make little attention to the director.
Mac: What have you learned from your peers in this movie?
DC: De Macarena I love your professionalism. She always arrives on time, we know the text perfectly, has a great ability to concentrate and control brands to perfection ... In other colleagues, as Angela Molina, who have spent their entire life in this, as you imagine ... there were times I did not know if it was working or living in one of his films. The first time I had to side was fun. I was lying on a bed in the room off to the times when you're not rolling. I was half asleep before you put the wig, makeup, clothing ... and when I woke up I found her asleep at my side. I did not know anything and I felt sorry for getting out of bed and wake.
Mac: Where would you like to arrive?
DC: I am nothing ambitious. I think things come when you have to reach. Everything has its time.
Mac: Is there anything you would like to add?
DC: No. So we keep something for the next interview. (Laughter)
Monday, December 13, 2010
New Remote For Elantra
Angel Caballero / Look at the camera
Look at the camera: You started very young in the world of dance and film. They say you are very disciplined dancers, have you applied that discipline to your work as an actress, along these years? Dafne Fernandez
Mac: What was it that made you abandon the dance and decantarte for acting? Was it a deliberate and conscious decision or did it?
DF: I had to make that decision when I finished my degree in classical dance. I had to choose between dancing in a company or do the third season of A Step Ahead. I made the decision immediately, because that was what made me happier. I chose acting.
Mac: Was it hard?
DF: admit I felt a vast emptiness and deep sadness for leaving the dance. It was something that filled me with wonderful feelings, combined, among many, the pain and pleasure. Dance gave me everything. My values in life, my level of demand in the work, the sensitivity with which it is to look at things, teamwork and individual ...
Mac: Been a long time playing a character that you felt you could not give more?
Mac: Many of us have discovered in "Sex and the Chueca" a Dafne completely different from what we've seen before. Did you ever scared you take on a character so silly and funny?
Mac: "Tierra de lobos" has brought you back to Prime Time TV. "When you tend to accept a new project to assess the time slot in which to be issued or the potential audience you can have?
Mac: seems that we are living a great moment for the actors to try English adventure American. Did you have raised?
DF: There an American project, but for now is just that, a project. It is a remake of a Korean film, written by David Franzoni (winner of an Oscar for "Gladiator"). The script and my character is incredibly challenging. I'll tell you more detail when it comes into operation ...
Mac: Where do you see next?
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Denise Milani Nipples 2010
Angel Caballero / Look at the camera
never forget the night I met Felix Sabroso. It was at the premiere of the film was directed with Ayaso Dunia, "The island within." When I presented it and it was time to speak with him did not know what to say. That movie had touched me so much that he was unable to release two words together. I came home with the feeling of having been like a complete idiot. Now I can confess that when we were to do this interview I was terrified of returning to look like a jerk. Luckily I met a director of actors, ready to confide their stories, from the affection and generosity.
camera Look: While preparing this interview I have come to mind that song Francoise Hardy French , listening over and over Alberto San Juan in "inland island." I get the feeling that the music is always present in all your films.
Félix Sabroso, Dunia A and I both love music and have a very wide spectrum of musical tastes. English songs we hear from the most pop up Anthony and the Johnsons, through the songs of the sixties, the rate of Francoise Hardy or Juliette Greco. During the process of writing our scripts, there is usually a series of music you are listening, some by chance and others because they are great sources of inspiration for the story I want to tell. We tend to make us a CD that becomes a soundtrack that background we have at home. Of all the songs always end up selecting one for the film. Even when we send the script to the producers, in some cases, we have enclosed a CD with a note reading "music atmosphere for the reading of the script." The truth is that we should do a musical ...
Mac: Well, I did in theater.
FS: Yes, with the company Ques Quis Pas. We did two functions that brought us great satisfaction, because they were very good. Now let's return to acting.
Mac: Can you pass some of that project?
FS: We have written a function to Bibiana Fernández and Loles León. It is the story of two women, two friends and their friendship. They are two characters who are reunited after ten years and is written in the key of comedy. We have done some reading with them and in late January to begin the trials. It is entitled "The Great Depression" and it is likely that we release in April in Madrid.
Mac: say that comedy is one of the riskiest genres.
FS: is possible, because you have to find the right measure for the characters to be credible. I think it is more difficult to make a good comedy than a drama. It's a genre where you have to respect many guidelines for work and people can laugh and get excited. We have always faced it from a bitter point of view, and a personal touch. We also had the good fortune to have a very good comedy actors.
Mac: All your works are suffused with a large dose of humanity. Would you dare with a blockbuster science fiction?
FS: the end, put up a job always requires the same: knowing how to be a good runner and stay up as long as possible. The advantage of working on a blockbuster is to have a big budget, a larger team and longer. Particularly, I feel more comfortable with the stories we've had so far. The nature of our work has much to do with how we see the world around us. We like meeting new people, chat and experience through them. Dunia and I talked a lot about people, and that is our main source of inspiration. We had a hard time to devote to we like, because they come from a family that encouraged our creativity, our studies pay, or even support us morally. That always makes you a pulse by lying to yourself, to be able to get a way. In the end we realized that we feel safer talking about things we know.
Mac: What do you think before the premiere of a movie?
FS: I love brand. I look forward with great gusto, but also very nervous. I'm very fragile public reaction. We highly applauded few releases, but I always go with the responsibility of that showed a lot of work on behalf of people.
Mac: Do you trust the praise that makes you people about your movies?
FS: For that I'm pretty gullible. We have tasted success and failure. For example, "fuss" was a movie that appealed to a very specific audience, but there were many other people I did not like, and I did notice. Several producers, colleagues and critics crucify us for this work and then we took a lot to overcome.
Mac: Is it difficult to earn a second chance?
FS: The Americans always say " You are worth what it's worth your last film. " The figures weigh heavily in this industry. I've never put my energy into it. I have worked with total freedom without thinking about whether it will be a blockbuster.
Mac: Your latest film, "The inner island" was never intended for a very commercial, but has received very good reviews from media and peers.
FS: With "The island ..." I feel like a father who has had a premature child, sickly and, finally, get out ahead. Wrote the script in a very difficult time for me, it was the death of my father, and all the consequences that this family brought. It's a film that was born from a very close emotions, and it was important for me to do it. The script walked by all producers, but no one trusted the registry change that we proposed. It took six years lifting. Theirs had been putting it in a drawer and do not do it, but decided to go for it and begin to move by broadcasters and seek grants. We come to get enough funding and, finally, the production "Facility" decided to go for it. After this long process, are much more exciting that we are all reaping rewards.
Mac: however, was the most overlooked in the latest edition of Goya. Did it hurt not having the support of The Academy?
FS: We made the mistake of submitting the film to the shootings last year before being released. We did it with the enthusiasm shared by us, producers and distributors, thinking that as he had received very good reviews, and awards at the festival in Valladolid, was to have a good effect on the Academy. The film had seen only those who were at the festival and no one else, so it was impossible for the voting. Moreover, competition with other candidates also very powerful as "Cell 211" or "Agora." Perhaps if we had this year, would dawn.
Mac: Do not hit the release date of a film can affect the operation of this evil at the box office?
FS: course. Your luck in terms of distribution, festivals that present or release date, is a very important factor. To this we must add that the English films are a very delicate, because every day in theaters last less is not always supported by the public and are not shown in theaters too.
Mac: Can you make a movie as hard as "The Island ..." and be enjoying it at the same time?
FS: During filming there were times when we cry and suffer much, because this movie has some very close. In addition we were filming in locations that have to do with our personal pain with what has taken us this far. We shot at school where we studied Dounia and I, in the hospital where my father died, on the beach where we grew up ... suffer, enjoy, and it served to exorcise many ghosts of our past. It was also very exciting to be so close, seeing the great job they did such wonderful actors.
Mac: "The cinema can be good medicine?
FS: I think so, because it is a good mirror of life. Many times we need to put that mirror in front to make an introspection and realize who we are and where we are. It is a good medicine to acknowledge our history, our past, our fears and our limits, through other characters. There are aspects of my life that has been reconsidered after seeing a good movie. On the other hand, being evadiéndote hour and a half of your problems and enjoy the lives of others, can be as relaxing as giving a massage. I love film, because it represents something magical humans.
Mac: Have you ever finished writing a script and read it again you realize that it was not as good as you thought?
FS: Yes, I have thought. And send scripts to producers and no answers. I've seen it all. It is very frustrating when this happens, because writing a screenplay is a very long process.
Mac: How did you feel when you decided to broadcast the series "Women" and was a success after having spent a year in the drawer?
FS: is as if your efforts are valued. It was a project I thought, get involved and work hard. So it was very painful when Tve decided to keep it in a drawer. The die was when he saw what was the director of La 2 and decided to rescue her. I am humble and do not like reading the book who was my opponent at the time, because I assume that their reasons would be, but it was a great joy when we had public support. They were the reason we ended up giving.
Mac: you not given the opportunity to continue the series after this reception?
FS: is something that was raised, but it was very difficult. A year had passed since its recording, the sets were destroyed, had to re-build everything, and most players were already in other projects.
Mac: I had Inma Cuevas in his interview that on one occasion asked him to forget the text and improvising. Not usually the stuff of someone who has written the script ...
FS: Scripts are generally respected. What happened on this occasion, is that he left one of the characters had changed the lives of others. In turn, it was also the departure of actor who left the series. Inma and Oriol Vila had very good chemistry from the beginning, they were very dear, and that I knew. When she said what I was writing I realized I needed something more, because I knew so little. I knew that the actress was sad that day because his friend left the series, so I gave her free rein to express their emotions.
Mac: Does every actor needs to be addressed in a different way?
FS: Absolutely. There are so many different actors as human beings in the world. Dunia and I presume to try to meet the actors with whom we work to see what their strengths and work from there. Spoil much the actor to feel safe and can give us the best of himself. Some work from an emotional point from another site and other technical. It takes a little psychologist.
Mac: "When you see some of your work you know recognize what parts are which are Felix and Dunia?
FS: We are very mixed. When you see movies we do recognize some element of another. I worked more with the actors because the script is mine, and was responsible Dunia over planning, working with the cinematographer and the technical part of the film. Gradually we have been mixing and have been integrated in the process of the other.
Mac: What projects do you have to look at?
FS: A film to be titled "The front door, with Loles Leon Lolita . The story of two women living in a working class district of Madrid. We have also written a film that has many key thriller . The suspense is present throughout the script, but has a similar background to "The island within." Talk about how we grow with the family heirlooms. We have translated the script, because we would shoot it in English. The idea would be to shoot outside Spain, but for now is a dream, and that is not yet supported by any producer.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Bigger Boobs Milena Velba
Hello again!
Today I'll show you a new amigurumi they asked me (as is with its owner). Only took one day to do it, but it was because I was a little smaller compared to the other two that I taught.
Well, here it is:
is very cute, is not it? jejeje
Chelasea Charmes And Maxi Mound
Angel Caballero / Look at the camera
Just twenty years, but it works and is expressed with ease and professionalism of someone who was born to be in front of the cameras. He has done theater, has gone through series such as "Hospital Central" or "fishbowl Eva "and has stepped up to the directors as recognized as Oristrell or Colomo. just playing Mérimée's Carmen in a co-production, directed by Jacques Malaterre. Luengo Vicky is a young talent who has much to say and if no, read and judge for yourself.
camera: say that very young players are starting to sacrifice a lot. What have been for you?
Vicky Luengo: I've been lucky because I remember having to sacrifice much, if I could combine everything well. If I had to say something better choose the "sleep". The hours I spent doing work or studying at night because they can not go to class during the day ended up taking its toll.
Mac: Since you started working, have you noticed a major change in you or in the treatment of those around you?
VL: work and grow always makes you change. Every job brings you things that make you change personally and professionally. I'm proud of every change, I always try to enjoy it.
Mac: Have you had time to train you in school or have learned to work?
VL: A bit of both. I have been combining work with training, I think it is very important. I began my training in a musical drama school nine years and then kept in the College Barcelona Theatre in Central Film and Legs Fernando in Madrid. Soil using periods in which I have no job to form. Even so, for me to learn to work has been the best school. I learned a lot and I still have much to learn.
Mac: How do you remember the first time I took a test?
VL: as something magical. It was for a musical at the Theatre Regina de Barcelona. I remember I was home and called the landline. My mother answered, only to see his face I knew I was going to give me a good news. I remember I was jumping all afternoon. It was nice ...
Mac: What do you expect this profession?
VL: able to continue living with it for a long time, because that's what makes me happy.
Mac: You just play the Carmen de Mérimée. What's new in this version we could not see in the above?
VL: is a free version adapted by the director (Jacques Malaterre ). One of the things that struck me when I read the script was made to maintain the original old Carmen (eighteen years) Prosper Merimee proposed in his novel, as in many previous versions Carmen has always been older. I think an interesting point of history that is a Gypsy teenager to wake up this madness in men. The script
Jacques is also a new ingredient, revenge. Is something that unites the stories and presents you with a clear justification of how to act the character of Carmen. We filmed in the Camargue (southern France) and the music is by Gitano Family.
Mac: guess who had to be a challenge for you to be able to take on a character of this caliber.
VL: has been a gift. Carmen is not a simple character and have nothing had to know it well starting from the bottom. Giving many colors. I have been asked many times if I'm not impressed by having to play "a myth", but honestly I have not thought about it. I tried to give birth to Carmen in me from day one. Personally I have changed many things and I know from today is a character who will join me throughout my life, it is impossible to remove me, not want.
Mac: I went up to the tables at age fourteen. What is the magical world of theater that attracts so many people?
VL: Theatre is life, is now. It's the magic of feeling the breath of the viewer, knowing that never again text or you will say that this movement in the same way because every day is different but tell the same story.
To me the theater is like a shower, something that an actor must do often to return to his base and keep growing.
Mac: "The bowl of Eve" has been a starting platform for many young actors. What do you think was the secret to this series has so many followers?
VL: The freshness and proximity to the real problems that young people now live and how to treat them. I guess that is all improvised a touch of naturalness and spontaneity very good for the viewer. I also think that gap has become the standard in social networks and the Internet is a very strong foothold.
Mac: What did you learn working on "The tank ..."?
VL: Many things. I purchased a very large capacity for improvisation and learned to solve at the time and without notice, small contingency displayed while recording. When improvising, everybody gives you the most and is required to have 200% of listening to the partner, and that is appreciated.
Mac: You look happy after your visit to this series.
VL: The truth is that I had a great time in "The Fishbowl ..." all improvised scripts. I had the opportunity to create the character in my way and take a few nuances that sometimes when you have to stick to a text is not so easy to take. Working with managers and colleagues themselves was very rich, give us things we could not stop and wonder for every shot. Although like everything else, when you improvise, you miss having a text that restrict yourself and vice versa.
Mac: How do you prepare your characters?
VL: Much depends on the character. But whenever I start to prepare on the basis of documentation and preliminary observation. For the film "Carmen" It helped me book Jan Yoors (Gypsies), I saw many of the previous versions that have been made in the film Carmen and visited, to know them well, all flamenco clubs that exist in Barcelona. I was also lucky to be invited to a birthday party a real gypsy camp in Arles (France). See how they lived and share with them part of your world made me understand them and understand their way of life, their soul. That day was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life I'll never forget.
But of course what really helped me are the trials of Jacques and the other actors. Get into the head of the director to see what picture does he have the character and from there so that we can give color.
Mac: Finally, Where you can see them next?
VL: In the movie "La Trinca" directed by Joaquim Oristrell to be released next year and as we discussed before, in "Carmen."
Monday, December 6, 2010
Black Spots On Dogs Fur Causes Of
Well as you can see in the title, this entry is about the competition at the Library of the Morgue.
What is drawn is the 2 nd book in the Saga of the sixteen moons: Beautiful dark. Written by Kami
Garcia and Margaret Stohl. Synopsis
After Beautiful creatures, comes the second volume in the saga of the sixteen moons, Hermosa oscuridad.Tras Lena's birthday. she and Ethan are created with strength to face any situation, it is dark, but the loss of a loved one of the young makes it away from Ethan and save even more terrible secret ... However, the boy opened his eyes to the darker side and no turning ago.
It seems to me a great saga, according to people hooked on the cute.
Finally, the website lists all the requirements to participate in the contest.
A kiss and the best man win (I share LOL)
Friday, December 3, 2010
What Are The Chances Of A World War 3
Angel Caballero / Look at the camera
been a few years since Carlos Montero was behind the camera to direct his first short film. His talent, risk and skill as a writer have been reflected in shows like "The Wright Stuff," "commissioner" or "Genesis", besides being the creator of the successful "Physics and Chemistry." He recently released "Easy Money", his latest short as a director, starring Mario Casas, who is garnering applause wherever he goes.
camera Look: I have understood you started directing a short film, starring Victor Clavijo and Eduardo Noriega . Why have you stopped spending so much time to face your second job as a director?
Carlos Montero: Well ... I can not tell the truth. I guess I chose the script because I felt more confident writing than directing. But I must say that this year when I was running "Easy Money" I realized what I had missed lead. I hope never again to spend fourteen years until the next short.
Mac: Your next step could be a long?
CM: Wait, that makes me laugh. I doubt this is my next step. In a few years as rare as those in which every day becomes less film, and it is so difficult to raise production, I do not think there is no producer mad he wanted to produce a movie. Nor do I have no written script. If you suddenly emerge organically and naturally as did the short ... well, maybe I could call some door, but I am convinced that I would give to her face.
Mac: Is it exciting to see how a series created by you as "Physics and Chemistry", is issued in other countries and has been dubbed into other languages?
CM: Sure. Has its charms. As Americans discover the fans suddenly make montages on YouTube in the history of Fer and David.
Mac: Working on "The Wright Stuff" and you are the creator of "Physics and Chemistry." Do you feel, somehow, the father of the last two generations of actors?
CM: Does the father? Not what you, uncle or distant relative as much. And even. I guess it may feel the directors of the chapters and casting directors. I do not.
Mac: Do you think this generation has undergone many changes from its predecessor?
CM: The truth is that I could not tell. I believe you share the enthusiasm and desire to work. I do not know if we could speak of a clear difference in the approach to work. And then there are actors in a timely manner that I like more than others
Mac: Since its inception, "Physics ...", has drawn much criticism saying the way they are portrayed to the world of drugs or sex on Adolescence was not real. What do you think about it?
CM: course it was not real. It is a fiction series.
Mac: How difficult is the gaps in a project that you created yourself?
CM: I do not particularly difficult. But I think it has to do with my character. I am in closed stage and I think that the most healthy is completely dissociated. Especially respect for the new team and mental health, what is the thinking, I would have done it differently, and this one ... And if you're still wanting to participate, you screw up, not having gone.
Mac: Once you have, do you still keep contact with the new team takes over the series?
CM: I keep in touch with them, but because they are friends. And sometimes I have problems or where they will take the series. But not because I are referring to but because it arises in conversation, and I try not to say much.
Mac: "Genesis" was also your creation. What do you attribute the failure of that series? Perhaps it was too modern or American for that time?
CM: "Genesis" was commissioned and the creation of several writers and producers. For the record I'm not throwing balls out, because I'm proud of it. I'm just saying the creative process was different from "physical ...." What failure? Well, sometimes things work sometimes not. And we were in a chain that has just been born, I guess that also influenced. And I guess we did not give the right tone either. Too cold or too dark. And not interested, go.
Mac: When a project like this does not work, can you take it personally?
CM: Yes, I always take things personally. And I would not. But I've learned to overcome growing very quickly and do not lick my wounds. It begins with another new and ready. And although it is obvious, you learn lot of failures. A lot.
Mac: Can we educate the taste of the audience or you have to give what he asks?
CM: I believe in balance. You can not forget the audience, you work for it. But I think the same audience that will demand a product of pure escape, you may also be demanding something more of substance. I can be a spectator of "Save Me" and "Six Feet Under, why not?
Mac: Have you seen a player break one of your scripts?
CM: And many save some dialogues that were not as good as they should. There are real alchemists actors, turning coal into gold.
Mac: Do you plan jump into other genres such as narrative, for example?
CM: There has been some attempt . I guess I'll try again sometime. But I think I just try to post when I feel minimally satisfied. And that moment has not arrived.
Mac: What future projects do you have on the table?
CM: We are adapting the novel "The time between stitching of Maria Duenas . We're becoming a series of eleven chapters. It's an exciting challenge. And we're very excited.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Example Dental Hygiene Personal Statement
had long wanted to interview Inma Cuevas. I could see his work on "Women" and "The Lady" and I have to admit that I left fascinated. Nothing to do with the laughter that I stole from the theater with "My first time." To my surprise when, from croissants and coffee, I said it was reader looks at camera. This weekend ends, for now, with "The Last Days of Judas Iscariot" in the Study of Black Adam. Do not know about you, but I do not think me lost.
camera Look: Do you remember when was the first time I went up to the stage? Inma Cuevas
: a child in the representations we made at school. He was about eight when I made my first character in a play that was called "Bazaar of toys." It was the story of a girl who was lost in a bazaar where all the toys came to life. I was one of those clowns coming out of a box spring. We even did our own costumes out of cardboard and cartons.
Mac: "That you knew you wanted to be an actress?
CI I've always been quite clear. When I turned eighteen, my acting coach of the school was directed me to know which site should go if I wanted to be an actress. So did the tests for Resad, but I took ...
Mac: not believe you. How could they let you escape?
CI Well, you see ... (Laughter) I passed the theoretical, but practical, no. At first I felt like the world had not come there, but it was not. My parents told me I had to enroll in something and I got into tourism, but he combined working nights as a storyteller, my friends. I felt I had to keep preparing myself as an actress and went into Réplika with the intention to follow training to re-do the tests Resad. I felt so well during that first year, which ends up being there, and then started working at his theater company.
Mac: What time are you planning a career in film production?
CI Although Réplika was very comfortable, I felt I had to fly and learn new things. I was in other companies, I took pictures, went to the producers, but all I asked for a videobook did not have. So I did some courses in acting for the camera, a friend and I recorded a monologue make me a DVD, I opened this material many doors and I did a book to write down the names and addresses of the casting directors to I could get. Even got to write a script for when called to the sites asking if they could meet me, because I cut too much to say this "Hello, I'm an actress." It is difficult to print photos and curriculum, and spend money you do not have in videobooks and transport to go to sites, but in the end, has its rewards.
Mac: What would you say was your big break?
CI "Women." This series, I discovered a new world was a wonderful school and met people like Felix Sabroso, Dunia or Ayaso Carmen Ruiz, who taught me to work in teams and with the ultimate truth. That was very nice, because everything we did out of love and illusion. Over time, I learned that it is easy for some of these things are lost on the road, the speed with which the industry works or lack of time, but it is something that we are not affected.
Mac: Remember the last time you saw someone get excited about one of your jobs?
CI The other day he came to see me at the theater my friend Denis Gómez . It is very rewarding when you look at the audience and is excited because shows that what you wanted to transmit has arrived.
Mac: Is it easy to forget that our work is intended for an audience?
CI Unfortunately, yes. When you've been doing the same thing thirty functions can lose the motivation, but must be sought, whether colleagues, the director, the public or the text. It is true that not every day we are equal, and sometimes it's difficult to go on stage and communicate, but we must fight it and not lose the north.
Mac: Michael J. Fox said that when it became known, his teammates began to treat him differently. In the overnight all greeted him as if they knew of a lifetime when never before had crossed a word. Did you this happened?
CI From the moment you go on TV, it's like a step and come upstairs belong to another world. Although all greet you like they know you and, in part, is very nice, because you feel you belong to something, but we must keep our feet on the ground for that not to influence you and believe you can reach more than you are, a communicator.
Mac: Have there been times when you have confused the fellowship with friendship?
CI Often when you're on a project, you find very nice people, and you think you are going to be great friends for life, but it is not. We live in a "Big Brother" for the duration of the work you're doing, but when everything just go back to your day to day with your people forever. Of course you can also find great friends. I have finished projects and felt that without these people could not continue with my life, but then you realize that it is not. It should be clear who your family, your friends, the pillars of your life ... so that does not happen.
Mac: What is your opinion of the press and interviews?
CI Les I have enough respect. I confess that these things I'm still pretty clumsy. I relax when I talk and sometimes they do not know where the limit. Because of this, I had a very bad experience with an interview I gave to a girl who was Freelance . She told me it was for publication in "The Country". I relaxed, I told her personal things off the record , and eventually published in a gossip magazine. Since then, I try to be more cautious.
Mac: As we are not going to deviate from what has brought us here and is a good time to ask how you prepare it for your characters?
CI depends on each project. I have come to develop a character from a sound, its shape, color, text, or what my colleague has given me. For example, now with "The Last Days of Judas Iscariot" I tried working from the truth, saying the text and looking at the audience in the eye. It is still hard work, but very beautiful. I have shed all my layers and show me as the text suggests. What ever may be lacking is the love and enthusiasm for what you're doing.
Mac: How did you this project?
IC: Thanks to my friend Joaquín Abad. He was already inside the company and when two actresses could not continue, Joaquín proposed my name to make a replacement. Already knew some of the actors in the role and work of Adam Black , but to him personally, no. I am very happy because I work full of joy and trying many new things.
Mac: the last time I saw you on stage was replacing Look Ibarguren "My first time." Now go back to make another substitution in theater, do you not been afraid to live up to the actress did before you?
IC: Look When I saw "My first time" what I felt were really looking forward to getting on there and do what she did. It's a whirlwind of a woman, it is true that I Can you handle this? But start rehearsing and everything is so marked that it is easier than it looks. In comedy you have to respect good times, silence and guidelines to work. In the case of "The Last Days ..." the word "substitution" takes on another dimension, because in this book work from ourselves with words that makes us the text at all times. Even the costumes are the same, or the character's movement around the stage ... Every player is unique and brings something to his character is what makes it distinct from the work of others.
Mac: One of your most recent television work was "The ma'am. " Is it very different for you board a vintage character to a more current address?
CI Yes, because playing a character of these features means you can work some ways, a way of thinking, talking or doing research at the time, with a contemporary character that you have it, because you live in your day. It's completely different. Such characters are very gratifying, because suddenly, you're reacting to things a certain way that now would be impossible.
Mac: When was the first time I saw in a magazine?
CI In The Guide Leisure, "I saw my name when we did" The kitchen "in Réplika. Then, with "Women" I started doing more stories in other magazines. I remember one very nice that we did in "No2".
Mac: Do you keep any of them?
CI I have an album full of clippings from magazines and theater programs in each city you go. I like to remember the places I've been, theaters and the companions I had. And I have to do a little cleaning, because although I love doing these things, I'll have to finish my house saliéndome.
Mac: Are you faithful to the text or do you prefer improvisation?
CI I have a lot respect for the text and almost never dare to change anything. Although there are other times in trials, where new things are born and I like to incorporate. I think the text gives it everything and it's really hard to say it over and over again making it sound like the first. This also depends a lot of freedom you have in your work you're doing. On this subject I have an anecdote Félix Sabroso will never forget.
Mac: Let us know. It would be a good way to end this interview.
CI In "Women" I was very methodical and did not improvise ever. I remember a chapter in which he my last scene with Oriol Vila, Felix asked me: "Do not you tell the body calls for more this and that." I told him I wanted to say that and much more. Then he said: "What are you waiting for? Tell. "
Saturday, November 27, 2010
On A Horoscope What Does Compatability Mean
Every time I have less time for blogging, but since today is weekend ... hehehe ^ ^.
Well, a few days ago I gave a person an amigurumi I did and the truth, I think I'm getting better =).
Here it is ....
And here is lying ... I know it looks good but my camera flash does not pop when you need it ¬ ¬.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Get Well Soon Note For Cancer Patient
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Lamplitting Quotations
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Avery Print Table Tents
Angel Caballero / Look at the camera
If this were a cocktail factory and we had to prepare one to be a mix of talent, charm, charisma and risk, we could baptize with the name of Carmen Ruiz. He became known to Yo soy Bea and has gone through other series as interesting as Women or sex question . film is rolling out of play in and day November 17 Tis the room will work with Stupid.
camera Look: What do you think the first thing that would make someone who wants to be an actor or actress?
Carmen Ruiz: I think should be the training, because intuition and talent are not enough if you have no tools from which to shoot. Although there are great players that have been made in the tables and others that have begun to work without training and it has them or have sought after. But I am of the view that an actor has to be prepared at all levels whatever comes.
Mac: When you decide you wanted to be an actress?
CR: is something I've always known, but when I really lie the blanket to the head and left it all to finish my drama was while working at Telefonica, a company in which it took seven years. As I had to combine work and training was very difficult to incompatible schedules, so when I was in third grade I decided to quit and devote myself to finish school, and the rest would come later. It is one of the most important decisions I've made my living.
Mac: Did you go to any school of interpretation?
CR: Si. I studied four years at Cristina Rota's school and then I continued my training with other masters such as José Carlos Plaza , Fernando Legs and Roberto Cerda, among others.
Mac: Do you have a specific work method or renew with every project that comes to you?
CR: depends. Is not the same work process in trials of a play that the preparation of a character and a plot on television or film. Being different means, the method of work is too. Although it is true that for any of the jobs that I face I always carry my proposal because it gives me confidence, knowing that I would always be open to change it completely and be "malleable " to do what I ask from here.
Mac: Have you learned more of the partners or directors you've worked?
CR: I believe very strongly in teamwork and I will tell you that I always learn a lot colleagues because it is with them that the character I play is meaningful. On the other hand there are some directors who are able to get you the same things or thought you could do.
Mac: Your first character on television was in the series Women . Was it hard to see how all that work was left in a drawer for almost a year?
CR: At first it was very hard for everyone because we are never going to deliver, but he has been very rewarding, despite little publicity he had, as everyone saw, which have been few speak of Women as a cult series. For me it's an honor to have been part of this series.
Mac: popularity you came through Yo soy Bea. What were the benefits of that reputation got?
CR: Because I'm Bea Women and were issued at a time, the delay of the second as we spoke, there was a time when my two jobs were different and that was very positive because it gave me more to know not only the public but to the profession.
Mac: abandoned Yo soy Bea to enter question of sex. Are they like the risk?
CR: Absolutely . I'd rather regret what I have done, rather than what I have done. And I think that we should not be afraid to make mistakes, otherwise we would not do anything in life for fear of failure.
Mac: Ever you regret having made that decision?
CR: No. I learned a lot at all levels with the experience.
Mac: Have you ever thought you did a scene that you were giving it all as an actress and then seeing him on screen, you did not like the result?
Mac: Total. Sometimes players forget that you must feel and believe it is the viewer that feeling a lot more on stage is when we transmit. We are in favor of what we have and do it with the greater likelihood that the viewer can empathize.
Mac: The Pinos Puente blonde has brought you much joy. Did you ever imagine when you were filming, so this short would mean for your career?
CR: I had no idea. In fact we had no idea any of this would happen. A few days ago, the Festival of short Wolf's mouth, we talked about Vicente Villanueva, García Font and I in our interview where we asked this myself. We did it without any claim and we had so well that everything that is happening with the film is still amazing. I am very grateful to Vicente Villanueva for this wonderful character and his world.
Mac: What are your plans now on the table?
CR: Well, I'm with a film sessions in an offside of David Marqués with Fernando Tejero , Diego Peretti , Laura Pamplona and Chinese Darin, among others. And stop with the testing of a function called Stupid of Antonio Stride , which premiered in the Triangle room diecisite November and I share the bill with Maribel Vitar and Natalia Hernandez.
Why All Morrowinds Are Russian
Hi everyone!
Today I am very happy (and somewhat tired because of a nightmare ¬_¬... but not here to talk about it). I'm happy because I have a new hobby in association with Japan, anime, manga and sewing ^ - ^. Are
amigurumi, crochet dolls (crochet) with which you can make any animal, character, or ornament.
usually amigurumis are woven using wool or thread. Varying in thickness, color and texture.
I most use is the wool that is more comfortable when handling.
Well, I explain: I love to craft and in the field of fashion, what I love the crochet.
Then I saw online that there amigurumis (I loved it: D).
And since a few days I've been testing and practicing the patterns (that or you come in you come in English or Japanese).
Up Today!
Today at last I have finished my first Amigurumi ... A BUNNY! ^ ^
Monday, November 1, 2010
Mermaid Dolls From The 80's
Angel Caballero / Watch
camera belongs to one of the latest generations of young actors who has given this country. Started work at fifteen, was released by Physics and Chemistry, has very clear ideas and is not willing to wait sitting on the phone to ring, because as he says, "must move ." Now this is a more adult Javier Calvo preparing to return to the medium in which it began, the theater, with the work Aurora.
camera Look: I read that you started doing theater, nothing more and nothing less than eleven.
Javier Calvo: Yes, but it was a very amateur theater. It was the first contact I had with the acting world. Live in Las Rozas and joined a theater company there, where all were adults and I the only child, so I always did all the child characters. My father signed authorization to go from town to town, making the representations.
Mac: So it seems that it is true that the actor is done in tables ...
JC: I think every actor is different, and each does so differently. There is no pattern to follow to become a good actor, because there are great professionals who have not done much theater. What is certain is that it is a good start and may be a good school.
Mac: Now go back to theater after a few years. What has been the rediscovery of the medium?
JC: We are still testing and preparing the characters. I confess that I have fear of being back on stage, with the public before and to reconnect with all these feelings. I am also very excited to make a text as well, accompanied by great companions.
Mac: What can we advance this project?
JC: is a work that is called Aurora, and is set in Spain in the thirties. It is a drama that touches on sensitive topics and strong enough, but I think you will like very much.
Mac: When did you start taking a more professional contact with industry?
JC: was in my acting class in Las Rozas, and came a girl from Kuranda to inform us that they would make a casting of "new faces" and that anyone who wanted could occur. Without knowing exactly where he was going, I did the tests and caught me. I was about fourteen, fifteen entered physics or chemistry.
Mac: What is the best thing that happened with this series?
JC: A Physics ... I owe a lot. Was very young when I went in and I grew up with the series. I matured matured while my character, and I learned a lot, not only as an actor, as a person. I was also lucky to live experiences that do not usually have a child of that age, and that has helped me to define myself a better person.
Mac: guess you've also had to sacrifice other things. What were the consequences?
JC: all know what they are. It is very hard, sometimes you can not walk down the street and stuff, but I'd rather stay with the good stuff. This work has been a turning point in my life and my career, which has given me a lot, and I have to be grateful.
Mac: 're one of the few actors who has not yet abandoned physics or chemistry. Are not you worried typecast?
JC: I think about it long and I know that is something that is there, but I think that the "box" has already spent some fashion. Before things were raised differently, and TV and film were not so out of hand as now. The real problem is not that people pigeonhole you, is that you pigeonhole you as an actor. When you take a long time in one place, you feel comfortable, and you forget that you can do other things.
Mac: plays a young homosexual in high school. Have you noticed the work other partners, such as Alejo Sauras in After school, to prepare your character?
JC: not that have looked at the character of Alexis to create my paper, I grew up with that series. I've never watched other characters because they were gay. In my case, when I prepared my paper, I analyzed all the features that had the character and one of them was that he was gay. I have never pretended that its central axis was his sexual orientation. I think if you put in front who is gay, before a person is, do you fall into a stereotype.
Mac: Does it bother you that the public confusing the actor with the character?
JC: No, because it is something I understand perfectly. What I would like to achieve is that, over the years, I know for my career and not a job he has done.
Mac: I express and respond very well to questions. Some series make you a consultant that teaches you how to handle these situations, and dealing with the press. Has your case?
JC: Not at all. What if I got was a coach , when we started, to help develop the character. We also gathered all a month before starting to record for us to leave knowing and doing group dynamics. To answer the questions I have learned to base going to grant interviews I've been doing over the years.
Mac: Do you think being seen in some events is a good way to promote your acting career?
JC: do not know. I'm going to premieres and others because I feel like and not for publication. I try to select the sites to go, either to meet some friends for a movie that interests me, or just to have fun. I remember that, at first, as was the novelty, went to the showrooms to dress for these events, but now I tend to go always with my clothes and do not dwell on what I'm going to get.
Mac: You recognition public, but you'd get the criticism?
JC: When you make a number of teenagers is very easy for many people not take you seriously as an actor, regardless of the quality you have your work, or the product you are. I believe we do a great job, but I understand that if you want to rate it had to combine with other projects. I do seek that recognition and I am so excited to play in preparation, because it's very different from what I've been doing all these years.
Mac: 've made some shorts. Do you think that is a good way to experiment?
JC: Not only that, but You can learn a lot. I've worked with directors who have a tremendous talent and I know they will do great things. Another advantage of the short is that you can work with less pressure when you do movies or television. The atmosphere is more relaxed and do not have much responsibility. We must encourage the public to see shorter, because there are many small, but great stories that are worth seeing.
Mac: What criteria do you follow when choosing a short project?
JC: I love movies, I'm a big fan and I recognize when a story I like. I think I have pretty good sense for that.
Mac: How do you prepare your characters?
JC: Especially for my intuition guide me. I read the script and try to understand the character and know why he does what he does and thinks and thinks. I usually carried away by what I felt when I read the script. Then when I read it a few times and I have the essence of the character, try to speak with the director to create your life and the past he has had. Once I have all these experiences, I begin to live the present.
Mac: Are you scared to think that your career could end up here?
JC: is something that, like everyone, I have gone through the head. The only thing I can do about it it does not happen is to try bringing something different to the actor. I think that if you give something else you do not have to stay on the road, because you are not one more. I'm not one of those people who may be sitting waiting for the phone to ring. Must move, and if my career ends here, I'll go to England or France and try to continue there.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
South Park Online With Subtitles
material evolution and spiritual evolution of the world are two reverse movements, but parallel and consistent throughout the scale of being.
The other one just described, and, viewed together, explain the world. Material evolution represents the manifestation of God in this matter by the soul of the world that works. Spiritual evolution is the development of consciousness in the individual monads and their attempts to unite, through the cycle of life, with the divine spirit that they emanate.
See the universe from the physical point of view, or from the spiritual standpoint, is not considered an object different, see the world from two opposite ends. From the standpoint of land, the rational explanation of the world must begin with the material evolution, as we see it on this side, but making us see the universal Spirit's work in this area and continue the development of individual monads, it insensibly leads the spiritual perspective and makes us go outside to the inside of things, the world upside down by his side deep. At least this came
Pythagoras, who regarded the universe as a living, animated by a great soul and penetrated by a great intelligence. The second part of his teaching began, then, by the cosmogony.
sublunary region designates the area where the earth's attraction is exercised, and is called the cycle of generations. The initiated understand why the earth is for us the living area of \u200b\u200bthe body. There are all operations that accompany the embodiment and disembodiment of souls. The area of \u200b\u200bthe six planets and the sun meets ascending categories of spirits. The Olympus
designed as a rotating sphere is called the heaven of the fixed, because it is assimilated into the realm of the perfect souls. This covers child astronomy, as a conception of the spiritual universe. To his disciples
Pythagoras taught third grade double movement of the earth. Without accurate measurements of modern science, he knew, as the priests of Memphis, who hatched the planets revolve around sun, the stars are all solar systems governed by the same laws of our country and that everyone has rank in the immense universe. He also knew that each solar world is a small universe, which has its counterpart in the spiritual world and heaven itself. The planets were used to mark the scale.
The visible universe, said Pythagoras, the sky with all its stars is only a transitory form the soul of the world, the great Maia, which concentrates material scattered in infinite space, then dissolves and spreads into the cosmic fluid imponderable. Of these powers invisible ones, absolutely immortal, direct the formation of this world, one hope to flourish in the cosmic dream or divine dream to re-enter the visible generations, according to rank and as the eternal law. The soul site and its central fire, which moves directly to the great Monad produces the molten material. The planets are children of the Sun
Each of them produced by the forces of attraction and rotation inherent in the matter, is endowed with a soul soul semi solar output, and has its distinct character, its role in particular evolution.
The four elements, which are formed the stars and people, graduates of four states designated area. The first, as the densest and most rude, is the most refractory to the spirit, the latter as the most refined, has a great affinity for him. The earth represents the solid, water, liquid, air, gaseous state, the fire, the state imponderable. The fifth element, or ether, is a subtle state of matter and so lively, that it is not atomic and is equipped with universal penetration. Is the original cosmic fluid, the astral light or soul of the world.
Pythagoras, taught by the temples of Egypt, had precise notions about the major trends of the globe. The doctrine India and Egypt knew of the existence of the ancient southern continent which has produced the red race, and a powerful civilization called Atlantis by the Greeks. She attributed the emergence and immersion continents alternative to the oscillation of the poles and admitted that mankind had so for six floods. Each cycle brings interdiluviano the predominance of a great human race. Amid the partial eclipse of civilization and of human faculties, there is a general upward movement.
What is the big, sharp, the eternal mystery?. is the internal problem, that of each and all, is the problem of the soul which finds itself an abyss of darkness and light, which is viewed with a mixture of charm and fear, and says: "I am not of this world, because it is not enough to explain. I do not come from the earth and going to another party. But where? ". It is the mystery of Psyche, which contains all others.
The cosmogony of the visible world, said Pythagoras, has led us to the history of this land and the mystery of the human soul. Touch with him to the shrine of shrines, the secret of the mysteries. Once awakened his conscience, the soul returns to itself the most Amazing shows.
in its unknown depth, the divine Psyche gazes fascinated gaze
all lives and all worlds: past, present and future that binds to Eternity. "Know thyself and know the universe of the gods", here's the secret of the wise initiates. But to penetrate the narrow door of the vastness of the invisible universe, awaken in us a direct view of the soul purified and let us arm ourselves with the torch of intelligence, science and principles of the sacred numbers.
What is the human soul?. A lot of the great soul of the world, an ember of the divine spirit, a monad immortal. To become what it is, it has been necessary to traverse all the kingdoms of nature, the whole scale of beings, gradually unfolding a series of many stocks.
blind and indiscriminate force in the mineral, plant individualized, polarized in the sensitivity and instinct of animals, she tends toward the conscious monad that slow development, and the elemental Monad is visible in the lower animal.
Be that as it wants, which is the essence of any man has had to evolve over millions of years through a string of planets and the lower realms, retaining all such stocks through individual first follows her everywhere. That individuality obscure but indestructible, is the divine seal of the Monad that God wants to manifest consciousness.
The more we ascend in the series of bodies, plus the Monad develops the principles are latent in it. Polarized force becomes sensitive, sensitivity, instinct, instinct intelligence. And as the torch lights flickering of consciousness, the soul of the body becomes more independent, more able to lead a freer. Travel
do, so many incarnations, what planetary cycles to cross it, that the human soul so formed becomes the man we know!. According to the esoteric traditions of India and Egypt, the individuals that compose today's humanity has begun human existence on other planets, where the matter is much less dense than ours. The man's body was then almost airy, light and easy incarnations. His powers of direct spiritual perception had been very powerful and very subtle in this first human phase: the reason and intelligence in contrast, were in their infancy. In this state semicorporal, semispirit, the man saw the spirits, it was all glory and charm to your vision, and hearing music. He listened to the harmony of the spheres. Or thought, or reflected, he wanted only. It was left to live, drinking
sounds, shapes and light, floating like a dream, life, death and from death to life. Here's what's called Orphic Saturno.Encarnándose sky on planets and more dense, according to the doctrine of Hermes, is how man has materialized. Incarnated in a thicker material, humanity has lost its spiritual meaning, but by his struggle harder and harder with the outside world, has developed powerful his reason, his intelligence, his will. The land is the last step of this descent into matter that Moses called out of paradise, and Orpheus in the fall sublunary circle. From him can man painfully circles traced a series of new stock and recover their spiritual senses by the free exercise of his intellect and his will.
What is the status of divine Psyche in terrestrial life? Since the painfully awakened in the thick air of the earth, the soul is bound to the folds of the body. She does not live, not breathing, but does not think through it, and yet he's not her. As the soul develops, feels growing within a flickering light, invisible and intangible something she calls her spirit, her consciousness. Yes, the man has the feeling the triple's innate nature, as distinguished in their language, even instinctive, the body of his soul and his soul from his spirit. More captive and tormented soul stirring between his two companions times this body absorbs so much, that Psyche lives only by their feelings and passions.
What is soul? Here's what the initiated, guided by tradition and by the many experiences of psychic life, have said the man, what stirs in you, what you call your soul, is a double etheric body contains in itself himself an immortal spirit. The spirit is constructed and woven for their own activities, his spiritual body. Pythagoras truck called the subtle soul because it is intended to take it away from the earth after death. This spiritual body is the organ of spirit, sensitive envelope, its instrument of volition, and serves to animate the body, which without it would be inert. In the apparitions of the dying or the dead, twice that becomes visible. But that is always a nervous especially in the seer. The subtlety, power, perfection of the spiritual body, vary the quality of the mind that contains that astral body, though much more subtle and more perfect than the earth, it is not deadly as the Monad that it contains. Change
, cleaned, according to media it crosses. The spirit molded him, makes him perpetually in his image, but not abandoned. Here's what Pythagoras taught, that did not conceive the abstract spiritual entity, the Monad formless. The spirit, acting at the bottom of the heavens and on earth, you must have a body, this body is the living soul, bestial or sublime, dark or bright, but having the human form, this image of God.
What happens at death?. In the vicinity of the agony, the soul senses usually the next from the body. She returns to see his whole earthly existence in short tables, a rapid succession of startling clarity. But when life stops dead in the brain, she is troubled and completely lost consciousness. If it is a holy and pure soul, his spiritual senses are awakened and its gradual disintegration of the material. She has had before his death, in a way anyone introinspección if only for their own state, the feeling of the presence of another world. In the silent instances, the distant calls, the lazy rays of the Unseen, the land has lost its consistency, and when the soul escapes the body so cold, happy for her release, she feels a great heap in light into the spiritual family to which it belongs. But it goes well with the ordinary man whose life has been divided between the material instincts and higher aspirations. He wakes up with a semi-consciousness, as in the awkward feeling of a nightmare. No longer has to pick up arms, no voice to cry, but remember, suffering exists in a limbo of tineblas and horror. The only thing I see is his body, which is off, but to which experiences an attraction even invincible.
through him because he lived and what is he now?. It looks with horror on the fibers of your brain freezes, blood curdled in his veins, and is not now. Is he dead?. Is he alive?. I would like to see, hold on to something, but not seen, can not take anything. Darkness enclosing him, to around in it all is chaos. There is one thing, and this appeals to you, and cause horror ... phosphorescence of his remains grim, and the nightmare begins again.
This state can last for months or years. Its duration depends on the strength of the material instincts of the soul. But, good or bad, hell or heaven, the soul gradually becomes aware of itself and its new state. Once free of his body, will escape into the depths of the earth's atmosphere, whose electrical rivers carry it from one side to another, and where he begins to see the multifaceted wandering more or less similar to itself, as fleeting flashes thick haze. So begins a dizzying struggle, bitter, soul, even numb, to climb to the upper layers of air, freed from the earth's attraction and win in the sky of our planetary system in the region of its own and friends can only show guides. But before you hear them and see them, you often need a long time. This phase of the life of the soul has different names in religions and mythologies. Moses called Horeb, Orpheus Erebus, Christianity Purgatory or the valley of the shadow of death
, the soul must pass through an intermediate state of purification and
rid of impurities in the ground before continuing his journey.
How paint the arrival of a pure soul to her own world?. The land has vanished like a nightmare. A new dream, a fading envelops delicious as a caricature. She sees more than his winged guide, which leads to the speed of lightning through the depths of space. What about his awakening in the valleys of a star ethereal elemental airless, where everything, mountains, flowers, vegetation, nature is formed in a fine, sensitive and speaker?. What, above all of these forms bright men and women around him in sacred group started with the holy mystery of his new life?. Are they gods or goddesses? No, they are souls like her, and wonder is that your inner thought
flowers on his face, the tenderness, love, desire or fear radiating through those diaphanous bodies in a range of bright colors.
Here, bodies and faces are no longer masks the soul, but the transparent soul appears in its true form and shines in the full light of pure truth. Psyche again has found his divine homeland. Because the secret light, which bathes, which emanates from herself and she returns the smile of loved ones, the light of happiness ... is the soul of the world ... and she feels the presence of God. Now there are no more obstacles, she will love, you know, live with no other limit to their capacity, their own flight. She feels connected to all its partners for
deep affinities. For in the afterlife that is not love
repel, and only understood qiuenes meet, and together celebrate the divine mysteries in the most beautiful temples.
This is the heavenly life of the soul, which sees only our spirit tainted by the impurities of the earth, but guess the initiated seers living and demonstrating the law of analogy and universal commonalities. Our images that are obscene, our language imperfectly, trying in vain to translate this life, but every living soul feels its germ in their hidden depths. If the present state is us impossible to prove, occult philosophy makes its psychic conditions.
The idea of \u200b\u200bthe stars ethereal, invisible to us, but part of our solar system and serving to stay happy souls, is frequently found in the mysteries of the esoteric tradition. Pythagoras called it the etheric double of the earth. It says it is as light as air and surrounded by an ethereal atmosphere. In the afterlife, the soul retains, therefore, all its individuality. Of earthly existence only keeps the memories nobles, and drop the others in the forgotten poets have called waves of Lethe. Freed from its spots, the human soul feels his conscience as inverted. Part outside of the universe has entered its inside; Cibeles-Maia, the soul of the world, has collected in her womb with a deep breath. There Psyche finish his dream, the dream broken all the time and constantly restarted on earth. She will finish the extent of their effort and light land acquired, but widen it a hundredfold. Yes, the man, but did not live more than an hour of enthusiasm or devotion, that single pure note dissonant plucked the range of his earthly life, will be repeated in its beyond wonderful progressions in wind harmonies. The fleeting happiness that we seek the charms of music, the ecstasy of love or transport charity, nothing more than the notes of a symphony shelled hear then.
Initiates, which are consistent and transcendental idealists have always thought that the only real and lasting things on earth are the manifestations of beauty, love and spiritual truth.
The heavenly life of the soul can last for hundreds or thousands of years, according to his rank and drive force. But they can only prolong indefinitely the most perfect, most sublime, those who have crossed the circle of generations. These souls have not only achieved temporary rest, but the action immortal truth, they have created their wings. Convictions, because they are light, rule the worlds, because they see through.
law reveals embodiment and disembodiment, then, the true meaning of life and death. She is the capital hub in the evolution of the soul, and allows us to follow, backward and forward, to the depths of nature and divinity. Because this law reveals the rate and extent reason and the object of his immortality. In abstract or fantastic, becomes alive and logic, the correlation of life and death. Earth Birth is a death, from the spiritual standpoint, and death a heavenly resurrection.
The alternative of the two lives is necessary for the development of the soul, and each of the two is both the result and explanation of the other. Who has been penetrated by these truths, lies in the heart of the mystery at the heart of initiation.
extracts from the book "The Great Initiates III, ORPHEUS - Pythagoras - Plato" by Edouard Schure